
Black Friday has arrived, why are my Amazon store sales not improving?
Black Friday has arrived, why are my Amazon store sales not improving?

Image source: Figureworm Creative

Many Amazon sellers will face a downturn in sales, do not panic, figure out the logic behind it to learn from each other.

This article will introduce five potential causes to help domestic sellers calmly cope with the "robbery war"!

1. Keywords are not strongly related to the product

The keyword entered by the consumer may be a single character such as "knife" or a field such as "steel kitchen knife". The purpose of the merchant is nothing more than to make the product listing occupy the top of the search results. Keywords that remain highly relevant to the product, and their search volume and search ranking are very effective.

But there are exceptions, such as a keyword that accurately describes a product enough, but almost no one has used the keyword in a platform search — no one searches or buys — and the keyword is invalid. In addition, even if a large number of consumers use a keyword to search, if the keyword has little relevance to the searched product, then there will be no subsequent purchase behavior.

So, how do you determine if the keywords you choose are highly relevant to your product? Just search. If more than half of the search results are similar to your product, this field is valid and guarantees basic platform exposure.

If the product is brand new to Amazon's platform, search and see the performance on other sites that sell the product.

If the keywords don't match the search results, then the problem is exposed!

Solution: Re-edit lisitng to ensure that keywords are highly relevant to the product.

Use different tools to collect keywords and summarize them into a data table.

The following analytics tools are available for sellers to use: Niche Hunter, Merchant Words, Amaze Owl, Keyword Inspector, Keyword Tool Dominator, and Virtual Launch.

2, consumers can not find listing

First, Amazon searches for a keyword set by the merchant through an anonymous browser, and uses many elements to determine the corresponding entry of a certain type of product index, and the keyword is reflected in the listing and otherwise it is very important.

Second, merchants should pay attention to the order in which their listing appears in previous searches. Amazon uses many dimensions to determine keyword rankings for individual products, the most important of which is the number of times consumers search for and buy a product. The more sales a keyword brings in, the higher the ranking of that keyword.

After setting up the keywords, if the product does not appear on the first page of the search ranking by the first keyword, then the problem is obvious.

• Solution: Improve your ranking with Amazon PPC ads.

When running PPC, merchants pay the platform each time a customer clicks on an ad. In addition to being identified by the "Sponsored" logo in the search results, these sponsored ads are also commonly referred to by foreign sellers as "Sponsored Listing".

Regular listings without similar logo opportunities do not require payment to the platform for this.

PPC ads are similar to the bidding system, where each keyword is bid individually. The seller who bids the most on a keyword will be ranked first at the top of the first page of search results. And so on.

When a merchant creates a sponsored ad, the same keywords will appear as regular listings. Merchants can only place one PPC ad on this keyword.

Black Friday has arrived, why are my Amazon store sales not improving?

When regular listing appears before the first page of search results, you need to pay for a click to make the product appear in front of more Amazon users. Once you get sales through pay-per-click, the regular listing ranking goes up.

If it's already determined that consumers can find a product through the keywords they set, it's time to make sure they're willing to pay for it!

3, the product image is not attractive enough

The human brain processes the complete image in 13 milliseconds. According to the MIT study, 90% of the information in the brain is visual information. If merchants don't focus on product image quality, they'll miss out on the decision-making senses of 90% of potential customers!

Product image information must be: sufficient to attract customers, provide solutions, and persuade customers to buy.

Product images are the number one factor in listing that determines whether a consumer wants to buy a product or not. If a user sees a list of your products in search results, but doesn't click on your list or buy, they can prioritize images.

First of all, a professional photography team is invited to produce image materials.

Second, the material can be placed on social media to get user feedback and adjust accordingly.

Finally, test the photo effect on Amazon Listing.

When switching between primary product photos, make sure not to alter other factors. This way, you can determine if product photos are the sole cause of changes in sales data. Each change is tested for at least seven days.

Once you find which photo performs best, stick to it!

4. The target market demand is weak

Use the most popular keywords, top-ranked sponsored ads, optimize the best product images... However, if the performance of the store is still stuck in a backwater, it is necessary to conduct a market demand survey.

At the time of the initial product survey, it was already clear that the target niche market has high demand, and then only the relevant browser plug-ins need to be used to complete the data scraping.

First, at least three of the top ten competitors to secure the target niche have $5,000 in monthly revenue. If you sell in the UK, Europe, or other non-US markets, you can lower the standard to $2500 per month.

*Note: The United States has the highest sales of any Amazon marketplace.

5. There is no significant difference in the product

When the above potential reasons have been investigated, sales are still sluggish, and it is recommended to reposition the product strategy to enhance product differentiation.

Differentiation means that the products produced by merchants are different from those that exist on the market: either a completely new product is produced, or an improved version of an existing product is produced. You can also differentiate your own listing by bundling different products.

As long as the product is value-added, it gives the consumer a reason to choose your product.

For example, if there are no sellers on Amazon offering top hats and cane combinations, and you've done a market survey and found that there is a demand for a top hat and cane portfolio, you can differentiate between the two products by bundling them together with other products of the same type.

If the products are all selling well and have a rating below 3.5 stars, it means that consumer demand is still so overwhelming that they have to endure it – because there is no other way but to choose from a better product. It can be seen that the market potential is huge.

Keeping in mind these five mental methods, sluggish sales are no longer a problem! Hurry up and get started!