
Zhejiang University sleepless night: rarely lit up the "brilliant stars" lamp to guard the teachers and students forward

author:Bright Net

Zhongxin Network Hangzhou November 26 Title: Zhejiang University Sleepless Night: Rarely Lit "Brilliant Stars" Lights to Guard Teachers and Students Forward

Author Xie Panpan Tong Xiaoyu

"When this light comes on, it must be an unforgettable night." On the evening of November 25, a teacher at zhejiang university's Zijingang campus wrote such a sentence in the circle of friends.

In the photo, it is a sphere glowing white. This is the brilliant star lantern of Zhejiang University (hereinafter referred to as "Zhejiang University"), which will only be opened at the beginning of the school, graduation, school celebrations and major festivals. On the evening of November 25th, it illuminated the sleepless night of Zhejiang University's Zijingang Campus, witnessing warmth and emotion.

"Chargers, hand sanitizer, masks" "Electric vehicles are charged in Wangyue, ask for help to retrieve, broken can not go to class..." That night, with the confirmation of the epidemic news of Zhejiang University's Zijingang Campus, a "zhejiang university campus material mutual assistance needs" spread rapidly.

This document, which is constantly updated in front of the reporter's eyes, seems to be like a live broadcast of words, conveying the situation in Zhejiang University. The list of students on the list includes blankets, masks, charging treasures and other supplies, as well as small snacks.

They are responded to by the watchfulness and warmth that people who have never known each other.

"People work next to the west gate of the Zijingang campus, have a car to deliver supplies, and call me if they need help." An outsider wrote on the demand form: "There is Yunnan Baiyao, Band-Aid", and one student added a sentence after writing: You can call directly!

As the online document frame line continues to beat, there are also busy teachers and medical workers on the campus of Zhejiang University.

A teacher of Zhejiang University wrote in the circle of friends: At more than ten o'clock in the evening, there are retired teachers to contact whether to send supper to teachers in school, and just now a retired teacher has called to ask if they want to donate something... On special days, it feels very warm.

Behind the warmth, there are countless "Zhejiang adults" supporting. "If there is a need, let me on!" Zhejiang University students have taken the initiative to ask for battle. "I applied to go to the front line of epidemic prevention", "I am a party member, I went first", "I am a medical student, let me go to school"... According to the WeChat public account of Zhejiang University, in just 1 hour, nearly 500 student volunteers quickly assembled.

The winter night is cold, and the canteen of Zhejiang University also prepares several large pots of ginger soup and distributes it to students. Teachers and students who do not close one after another communicate, and the brightly lit teaching buildings have made many temporarily stranded teachers and students have a warm home.

A teacher at Zhejiang University said he spent last night in the office. There were more than 40 people living in their building, most of them students.

On the evening of the 25th, he also went to go for nucleic acid testing. His queue was relatively fast, and he had prepared nucleic acid in more than an hour.

According to the data, Zhejiang University has about 24,000 undergraduate students, and the number of master's and doctoral students is also very large, and the Zijingang Campus is the largest campus of Zhejiang University.

"Orderly and efficient". Recalling the scene on the evening of the 25th, Zhejiang University student Xiao Yu blurted out these words. She showed reporters her class group chat.

In WeChat, the counselor's reminder began from the afternoon of the 25th to the morning of the 26th, and it was not broken. Almost every two hours, the counselor sends a WeChat message and reminds students who do nucleic acid testing to wear more clothes.

She lined up at 11 p.m. to do nucleic acid, and thought she would wait a long time, but she didn't expect to do it in more than 20 minutes. In her footage, students line up in an orderly manner, and some even bring books to read. The medical staff who make nucleic acid for them come from major hospitals in Hangzhou. There was a doctor who wrote on the back of the protective suit: Children's Hospital I am a party member.

Just eight words, as heavy as a thousand jun. "It actually feels very reassuring." She said that although she saw that the campus was tense and busy, but orderly, she did not panic and panic. "After doing the nucleic acid, I went back to sleep. Now teachers and students are engaged in work and research, as usual. ”

In her eyes, this night was not much different from usual, but there was more warmth. Early in the morning of the 26th, she sent a sentence in the circle of friends: praise for China's speed and Zhejiang University's speed.

Before the press release, Xiao Yu received a notice from the counselor. The notice reads: The first round of nucleic acid testing ended last night, and a second round is expected tonight, which will still be overnight. Be sure to take good protection and don't go out when you're fine. Fighting the epidemic with one heart, we need everyone!

In the vision of another teacher of Zhejiang University, Zhejiang University on the 26th has "recovered" its vitality. After only sleeping for three hours last night, he waited for the first rays of the sun at the Zijingang campus and took a picture. On campus, someone was walking around, and the breakfast in the canteen was still so rich. (End)

Source: China News Network