
Will the brine goose in Shenzhen can receive 1700 yuan? Official: A misunderstanding of "goose" passed on to "goose"

Source: Zhongxin Jingwei

On November 25, the official website of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Announcement on Suspending the Registration for the Special Vocational Ability Assessment of Tide-type Brine Flavor Production", saying that the registration data of the fifth batch of vocational qualification evaluation and special vocational ability assessment in the city in 2021 was obviously abnormal. In order to check the relevant situation and ensure the orderly assessment, it is hereby decided to suspend the registration of the special vocational ability assessment of tide-type brine production from 17:00 on November 25, 2021, and the start time will be notified separately.

The data is obviously abnormal, the registration is suspended, what happened? Zhongxin Jingwei noted that public reports said that recently a special "Rich Classic" - "Halogen Goose Treasure Book" - was spread on the Internet, and this "Treasure Book" mentioned that Shenzhen has a "Halogen Goose Examination", as long as you know how to make brine, you can "make money". Some netizens said, "Tide-style brine course, training fee + material fee 1100 yuan!" After getting the certificate, the government subsidizes 1700 yuan and earns 600 yuan steadily! The countdown to the end of the last batch of applications in 2021. As a result, overnight, "Shenzhen people are learning to brine goose."

Will the brine goose can get 1700 yuan subsidy, is this really the case? At the same time as the above announcement was issued, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security also clarified the matter on the official WeChat public account.

Will the brine goose in Shenzhen can receive 1700 yuan? Official: A misunderstanding of "goose" passed on to "goose"

Source: Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security official WeChat public account

Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security said that there was a post with incorrect information on the Internet, which said that after logging in to the "Shenzhen People's Society" public account, you can jump to the "Vocational Skills Public Welfare Training Platform" through the relevant menu bar, fill in the information registration, and then download the relevant App and log in, you can search for "tide brine" related courses. The post claimed that it could "subsidize the vocational skills of the 1700 yuan tide brine" and also claimed that it was "a must-have for the official study course of Shenzhen People's Society". The words "no need to spend money on training" also appear in other related posts.

According to the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the scientific name of the halogen goose examination that has gone viral on the Internet is "Tide-style Brine Flavor" to produce a special vocational ability assessment, which is a way to evaluate skilled talents.

Other methods include vocational qualification and vocational skill level identification. Among them, vocational qualification appraisal and vocational skill level recognition are comprehensive evaluation methods, and the evaluation results are divided into 5 levels from junior workers to senior technicians, and special vocational ability is the minimum skill unit for employment, and it is also the basic component of skilled occupations.

The assessment results are not graded, and the certificate is issued by the local human resources security department.

In 2018, in order to encourage everyone to learn a craft, improve their employment and entrepreneurship skills by relying on their skills, and help get rid of poverty and become rich and revitalize rural areas, Guangdong Province launched the "Cantonese Cuisine Master" project. Since 2019, in order to further promote the culture of Cantonese cuisine, Guangdong Province has unified the development of a number of "Cantonese cuisine master" special professional abilities such as Chao-style brine production, Chao-style cuisine cooking, Hakka cuisine cooking, Cantonese cuisine cooking, Cantonese dim sum production, And Guangdong roasted cuisine production, etc., and passed the corresponding subsidies.

The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security pointed out that this subsidy is not like the Internet, and the little white without professional training spends a few minutes to watch a learning video and walk around the examination room with his bare hands to pass the examination.

The main and ingredients required for the production of tide-type brine are various, the process is complicated and time-consuming, and the candidates need to have certain operating experience or special training to complete. Judging from the assessment that has been organized this year, the pass rate is by no means 97% of the online legend, and the pass rate of reference personnel with certain skills is not high.

The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security explained that just because of the misunderstanding of "goose" passing on "goose" that fermented overnight, today (25th) all of Shenzhen has set off a boom in learning to make brine geese and registering for examinations, and the number of registrations has been obviously abnormal.

In order to ensure that the later assessment can be carried out in an orderly manner, the Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau had to temporarily suspend the registration.

The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security calls for rational treatment, on-demand application, do not waste time, wasted effort. The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security said that it is very supportive of everyone's desire to learn and improve their skills, and there are many other projects for everyone to choose from, "just don't just stare at this goose." (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)