
Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)
Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

In addition to the five innate nobles in astrology, there is actually a forgotten honor, that is, the guardianship of each degree in the ecliptic. This knowledge exists in Greek astrology and is rarely mentioned or even known by later generations. Each degree of the ecliptic is guarded by a different star. This push continues to introduce an unpopular astrology trivia about the guardianship of degrees, which is also known as "monomoiria".

Degrees, the innate dignity that disappeared

Only the moon and the zenith differ in degrees

Kiefer Sutherland and Rachel Sutherland were born on December 21, 1966 at 9 a.m. and 9:03 a.m. GMT, respectively.

The twins entered the entertainment industry together, but Kiefer was an actor and Lachel was a post-production executive.

Kiefer's Moon is located at the martian degree (15 degrees Aries), which means that he will exhibit typical military behavior, especially compared to his sister, who is more suitable for command and management, whose lunar degree is the main star of the Sun, located at the end of the Sun and the degree of sun (16 degrees Aries).

Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

Kiefer Sutherland

His brother was more aggressive, decisive, competitive, and reckless, which caused him all sorts of overt trouble (the Moon's Lord star, the Lord of the Moon, fell in the 10th house of Libra). Kiefer is known for being arrested several times for his criminal offense (drunk driving).

While his sister's zenith is located in Mercury, she is a television producer behind the scenes, and the zenith's main star is located in the 12th house.

Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

Rachel Sutherland

Rising in Venus makes them very attractive and associated with engaging in art-related work. The older brother, in particular, is very attractive to women and also has a feminine tendency, since the zenith has the same degree of Venus as the ascending one, which must be very beneficial in his profession.

Only the blessing points vary in degrees

The following pair is probably the most famous twin. Since they played the Tanners in Full House, the twins have thrived in the fashion world with their brand, The Row, among many actors.

Ashley Olsen was born in Van Nuys, California, on June 13, 1986, at 9:43 a.m., two minutes after Mary-Kate Olsen.

Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

Ashley Olsen

Their moons are all at 1 degree Virgo, the main star is Mercury, the zenith is 7 degrees Taurus, and the main star is the Sun. Rises to lion 14 degrees, located at Martian degrees. The only difference between them is the blessing point, Ashley's blessing point is located at 22 degrees in Libra, the main star is Venus, Mary Kate's blessing point is located at 23 degrees in Libra, and the main star is Mercury.

Although the twins look alike and basically live the same life, they have different personalities and interests. Mary Kate's academic strength was writing; Ashley excelled at math. When Ashley planned to study psychology, Mary Kate's interests were photography and cooking.

Star Knowledge| Disappearing Noble Power, Degree of Astral Guardian (IV)

Mary-Kate Olsen

Unlike her sister, Mary Kate was treated for an eating disorder in 2004, after she had struggled with it for a long time. Venus and Mercury, as the main stars of blessing, are located in the 12th house of Cancer. Venus, on the other hand, has a three-point honor in the diurnal disk Cancer, and Mercury wanders in Cancer. So Mary Kate's problem is related to self-destruction (12th house) caused by nutritional deficiencies (Cancer).

Text collation and translation from ASTRELE.RO


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