
For national rejuvenation • United Front hero - Li Shiren

author:United Front New Language
For national rejuvenation • United Front hero - Li Shiren

Li Shiren (1899-1958), a native of Beidu Town, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. The scientific name Wenhui, the character Shiren, the pen name is Ordinary People, Xian Zhen, Lao Baixing, Protector, Fu Ren, Village Chief, etc. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1937, the China Democratic League in 1944, and the first and second Central Committee members of the Electoral League in 1949 and 1956. In May 1946, he was kidnapped and shot by secret agents, but was rescued by the local people, and arrived in Yan'an in July, where he successively served as the president of Yan'an University, the vice president of Northwest People's Revolutionary University, and the president. However, due to a serious gunshot wound that led to long-term physical weakness, he died of illness in Xi'an on February 19, 1958. On April 2, 1958, Mao Zedong personally approved him as a revolutionary martyr.

In June 1931, Li Shiren was sponsored by General Yang Hucheng to study in Japan, and after the "918 Incident", he returned to China indignantly and successively worked in Fengxiang No. 2 Middle School and Xingguo Middle School. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1937. In November of the same year, he founded the "People's Daily" in Xi'an, which reflected the lives of the common people in an easy-to-understand language and a vivid and lively style, spoke for the people, reported the news of the revolutionary base areas and the situation in various war zones, and aroused the common people to unite against Japan and establish a new China. At that time, the "People's Daily" ran a newspaper for 4 years, with a total circulation of more than 1 million copies and about 10,000 subscribers, and the impact was very large. However, because of its clear criticism of the Kuomintang authorities, it was forced to stop publication four years later. After the suspension of the "People's Daily", Li Shiren continued to run the "Rural Herald", but only 6 issues were published and then shut down.

From 1942 onwards, Li Shiren, together with Du Bincheng and Yang Mingxuan, founded the Northwest General Branch of the Democratic League, and later served as the executive member of the general branch and the director of the Youth Committee. In 1944, he joined the Chinese Democratic League. With the support of the Northwest General Branch of the Democratic League, in May 1945, Li Shiren founded the "People's Herald", serving as the editor-in-chief and chief writer, advocating democracy, opposing dictatorship, and propagating revolution. The Kuomintang authorities deeply resented him and the People's Herald, and plainclothes agents tracked Down Li Shiren, monitored his actions, and tried their best to threaten and strike. At the end of April 1946, Li Shiren decided to resign from the People's Herald and decided to return to his hometown in Xianyang on May 1 after giving up his work.

At the same time, on April 30, 1946, Chiang Kai-shek flew from Chongqing to Xi'an. Zhu Shaozhou, chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Government, reported to Chiang Kai-shek that the Communist Party and the Democratic League in Xi'an were very active. Chiang Kai-shek asked at a meeting of responsible party, government, and military leaders in Shaanxi that they "not treat the Communist Party and the Democratic League with the attitude of the central authorities in Chongqing, because Chongqing's environment is related to international news, and all localities can handle it themselves." Zhu Shaozhou had already included Li Shiren on his assassination list, and now with Chiang Kai-shek's "instructions," he thought that he could wantonly suppress the democrats by means of kidnapping, assassination, and other despicable means, so he decided to kill Li Shiren before he left Xi'an.

Xiao Shaowen, head of the shaanxi military command's special agent and director of the provincial capital police station, summoned Yan Yijing, deputy chief inspector of the Supervision Department and head of the investigation team, and Cai Jianfeng, deputy director of the security police brigade, to study how to assassinate Li Shiren. In the end, it was decided to wait for an opportunity to take Li Shiren hostage into a car and drive to a remote place farther away from Xi'an to carry out the assassination. The assassination operation was carried out by Yan Yijing, co-sponsored by Cai Jianfeng, and participated in the operation by members of the investigation team, Wu Bin, Li Hua, Hu Zhengzhao, and Xie Qisheng.

On May 1, Li Shiren was suddenly tied into a car by several agents when he returned to the Provincial Folk Education Center from the Wuwei Shizi Qinfeng Industrial and Commercial Daily Business Department, passing through the Shaanxi Provincial Library. Li Shiren was blindfolded, and the car drove out of the west gate toward Xianyang and stopped at the Great Battle Trench of Sujiazhuang in Beiyuan. The trenches were two feet wide and more than one person deep, and Yan Yijing looked at no one around and decided to attack here. The secret agents Wu Bin and Li Hua held Li Shiren in front, followed by Cai Jianfeng, and when Li Shiren was pushed into the trench, Cai Jianfeng fired two shots in a row, and Li Shiren fell to the ground motionless. At this time, the agent in charge of the sentry suddenly found a farmer in the rake not far away, they were afraid of exposing their tracks, Cai Jianfeng thought that he had good marksmanship, Li Shiren had been shot and killed, so they panicked and got into the car to return to Xi'an.

Fortunately, a small habit of Li Shiren saved him. He is very tall, and he usually has to bow his head when he enters and exits the door. Blindfolded this time, he thought he had been taken to prison, so when his agent let go, he thought he was going through the cell door, so he habitually bowed his head and cat waist. In this instant, Cai Jianfeng's first bullet grazed his scalp, and the second bullet shot from above the right shoulder blade, penetrated the neck, and stuck between the two blood vessels in the upper socket of the collarbone. The farmer named Zhang Tingfa, who was found by the agent, saw several people panicking and getting into the car to escape, so he ran to the trench to check, found Li Shiren, and hurriedly called for someone to see. Chen Xin, the mayor of Juquan Township, recognized that this was his old classmate and immediately organized someone to carry him to the south entrance of Chen Laohuzhai and bandage his wounds. Then the crowd quickly tied up a stretcher and carried him to his hometown in Beidu Town. In the early morning of May 2, Li Shiren was transferred to Zhang Shunqi on the east side of ben lane, and late that night he was transferred to Xizhai Village in Jingyang County.

Upon learning of the news that Li Shiren had survived being shot, on the morning of May 2, Zhao Hengxin, chief of the Xianyang County Police Bureau, sent four policemen to Beidu Town to investigate, but found nothing. Xiao Shaowen also sent plainclothes agents to reconnoiter the area around Beidu Town, but also did not get a clue.

For national rejuvenation • United Front hero - Li Shiren

On July 26, 1946, at a meeting in Yan'an to oppose the civil war and anti-secret agents and to mourn Li Gongpu, Wen Yiduo, Li Zhaolin, Wang Ren and other martyrs, Li Shiren denounced the Kuomintang for bringing calamity to the country and the people

For national rejuvenation • United Front hero - Li Shiren

Li Shiren took a group photo with the CPC leading comrades in Yan'an

On May 3, the Shaanxi Provincial Working Committee of the Communist Party of China learned of the situation and immediately launched rescue work. After 34 days and nights, and having been safely transferred to seven or eight places, Li Shiren finally escaped from Hukou and miraculously survived, entering the Malan, the residence of the Shaanxi Provincial Working Committee, on June 3. On July 17, Li Shiren arrived in Yan'an, and the bullet stuck in his neck was finally removed. On the 23rd, all walks of life in Yan'an held a rally to welcome Li Shiren from danger and arrive at Yanyan. On the 26th, at the anti-civil war, anti-secret service and memorial meeting of Li Gongpu, Wen Yiduo, Li Zhaolin, Wang Ren and other martyrs from all walks of life in Yan'an, Li Shiren took the bullet hair taken out during the operation and said: "The Kuomintang agent gave me a bullet and did not kill me. They themselves are swallowing a chronic bomb, and one day they are going to blow up their own!" In August, Mao Zedong received Li Shiren and affirmed his spirit of adhering to democracy and sparing no effort, and Li Shiren said movingly: "In the future, the NLD will cooperate with the CPC to fight to the end for the cause of democracy Chinese the people!" In September, the government of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region appointed Li Shiren as president of Yan'an University.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Li Shiren actively devoted himself to the cause of socialist construction, successively serving as a representative of the First National People's Congress, a member of the First Shaanxi Provincial Consultative Committee, and a vice chairman of the First and Second Xi'an Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. On February 19, 1958, Li Shiren died of illness at the age of 58.

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