
How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

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2020-2021 academic year

Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Three Good Student Pacesetters" 100-person review meeting

Held smoothly

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

On the evening of November 24, 2021, the 100-person review meeting of the "Three Good Student Pacesetters" of Shanghai Jiao Tong University for the 2020-2021 academic year was held in the lecture hall on the 8th floor of the Library and Information Building. 15 candidates from various faculties gave wonderful defenses. After the on-site voting of the 100-person jury, the "Three Good Student Pacesetters" of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the 2020-2021 academic year was officially released!

The top 10 places voted by the 100-member jury were announced

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How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Immersed in scientific research, focusing on innovation, they stand at the forefront of technology, with unremitting efforts to open up the boundaries of science; diligent in practice, willing to dedicate, they are determined to write papers in the motherland, the sincerity and care to the place of need; the Chinese soul, the heart of the world, they are active in the international arena, with what they have learned to tell the world a good Chinese story...

Here, let us approach these 15 "three good student pacesetter" candidates, feel the power of role models, and find the answer of youth!

The presentation of candidates is in the order of the defence

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Gu Yi

Zhiyuan College

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

With a passion for blood, he bravely moved forward on the road of programming, and the Vietnam War became more and more courageous. He actively participated in ACM competitions, won the Singapore Division Championship in the International Collegiate Programming Competition, won the Gold Award four times, and bravely moved forward for glory; he studied meticulously in theory and practice, won full grades in 20 courses, and was twice awarded the Rongchang Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship, paving the way for the competition; after retiring as a student coach, he led the team to win more than 20 gold awards, and the team he guided to participate in the highest level of the International Collegiate Programming Competition World Finals Online Competition received Highest Honor's awards contribute to the cause of the competition. "Pursuing glory and practicing inheritance" is the key word he gave himself as an undergraduate. As he puts it: "Glory comes from one's own pure love, and the inheritance contributes to the achievements of the collective future." ”

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Lin Donnie


How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Determined to be a medical youth with temperature, attitude and depth. She is committed to the treatment of children with rare liver diseases across the country, participated in more than 100 surgeries, wrote bids to establish a clinical database, widely praised by patients and superior physicians; she is a member of the presidium of the Clinical Medical College, a member of the Blood Donation Red Propaganda Group of jiaotong University Medical College, and a student party member, she participated in the Rongchang Chucai Program "Chu Meng Eryuan Caihui Traffic" Yunnan and "Chu Meng Special Zone Cai Hui Double Creation" summer social practice, enthusiastic volunteer service; she conducted more than 10 science popularization lectures; produced nearly 10 popular science works through platforms such as Douyin and B Station He has won the second prize of the National College Students Rumor Dispelling Science Popularization Video Competition, the first prize of the Shanghai Youth Medical Science Popularization Ability Competition and other awards, and has been reported by Wen Wei Po and many other media. The patient's health and the child's smile are the driving force for her struggle.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released


Faculty of Media and Communication

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

With "shouzheng to promote innovation, innovation and strong shouzheng" as the film and television creation criterion, she is committed to creating a youthful expression of the main theme of film and television works, and pioneering a new pattern of film and television communication led by the core values of socialism. During her doctoral period, she published a high-level journal paper, an academic paper was selected for the 10th Annual Conference on Chinese Film History, the first author thesis was selected for the EI Conference, she also served as a counselor of the School of Media Communication to actively participate in various activities, academic and excellent; her screenwriting program "Hero in the Poster" won the 2020 Radio and Television Innovation and Excellence Program issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television, and was shortlisted for the "Magnolia Award" Best Variety Show; she is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and employed by the China Academy of Management Sciences. He is a certified writer of Sina Weibo Big V, a specially invited opinion leader of Baidu Seconds Understanding V Plan, who has been honored in "Chinese Cultural Figures", and has published personal interviews with more than 50 media such as CCTV and Guangming Net. She used her youthful tone to praise the centenary of the founding of the Party and led the film and television empowerment and dissemination.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Liu Yuxuan

Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Determined to promote the cause of medical and health care, he is practical and hardworking, rigorous and studious. For three consecutive years, the comprehensive assessment ranked first in the major, nearly half of the credits achieved full results, three consecutive national scholarships, but also won the Tang Lixin Scholarship, school A and other scholarships; for medical robots to carry out research and complete two thesis writing, with excellent performance to interview the first place in the direct Bo College, successfully applied for the Zhiyuan Honorary Doctor program; enthusiastic volunteer service activities, twice as the head of the college's key project leaders to participate in summer social practice, organize and plan more than ten special activities. High standards, deep self-esteem is already his habit.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Yu Zhiyong

School of Design

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Coming from the west, he went away in military uniforms, fluttering all the way, but his eyes were always like a torch. In 2018, he rushed to the fiery barracks, and during his service, he won the honors of excellent soldier and new training star; in the year after resuming school, his results ranked first in the major, he participated in a number of research and competitions on a number of topics, and was authorized to have a utility model patent; he participated in a number of volunteer activities such as poor rural volunteer education and epidemic prevention volunteer service, and went to the blood donation station of the blood donation car for many times; he was commended by the "Excellent Class Cadre" of the activist training class of the "Red Heart and Communist" branch of the Qingma School, and went to the western region for social practice many times. "Resist when you see the red flag, and fight when you see the first", he will continue to study and continue to understand with a calm and firm step, and realize the "western dream" in his heart.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Wang Yi

Faculty of Mechanical and Power Engineering

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He has won two national scholarships, Tang Lixin scholarships, Zhiyuan Honorary Scholarships, Tingya Scholarship first prize and many other honors, becoming the only outstanding model among the winners of the Undergraduate National Award in the whole university to report to the Ministry of Education. He has made strange explorations and tried extensively, and has won the first prize in the National College Students Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Competition. "Carrying the mission and spreading the spark", he actively serves the construction of the college's study style and party building work with the enthusiasm of serving his classmates, and never slacks off day after day. Several times of free blood donation, horse, half horse volunteers Wearing stars and wearing the moon, helping the prevention and control of the epidemic in the snow and wind, sending distant voices to Sancha Middle School, and donating books once a year... More than ten volunteer activities, 100 hours of service time, and going out of the school to contribute to the society are another step for Wang Yi to practice the original intention of serving the people. "The road is obstructive and long, the line is coming", the teenager went here, the sky was long, straight down to see the mountains and rivers!

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Liu Xunju

Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

She bravely climbed the peak of scientific research, participated in 5 national, 3 provincial and ministerial level, 4 school-enterprise cooperative scientific research projects, published 20 papers, authorized 6 patents, and achieved remarkable achievements. She deeply cultivated the fertile soil of the three rural areas, helped rural revitalization, led the team to Yun, Sichuan and Hunan four times, and increased the local income by more than 10 million yuan through "scientific research + practice + poverty alleviation", and won the first prize of the Shanghai "Zhixing Cup" and the honor of the national outstanding team of agricultural sciences. She has served as a PRP instructor for 3 PRP and 1 IPP, and 6 school-level and 5 college-level positions. Loyal to the party, sharing worries for the party, and fulfilling her duties for the party, she has organized party members and comrades to visit and investigate the red education base for many times, conduct labor education, and practice the responsibility and mission of "strengthening agriculture and rejuvenating agriculture" of agricultural science. She is a scientific research explorer who bravely climbs the peak and is not afraid of hardships, a practitioner of rejuvenating agriculture who knows and loves agriculture through thorns and thorns, and a young seedling cultivator who selflessly dedicates herself to lofty aspirations.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Ren Wen

College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He ranked first in his major with a GPA of 3.93/4.0, all 13 courses in all A classes, and twice won a national scholarship. He takes Qian Xuesen as an example, does not forget the original intention of scientific research, strict self-discipline, continuous exploration, the first author published two high-level top-level papers, the cumulative impact factor of up to 32, the work results were invited to the National Electrochemistry Conference, magnesium battery seminar to make a theme report, the current cumulative publication of high-level papers 5. He strives to combine the leadership of party building with the depth of study and scientific research, and organizes a number of party building activities at the university level such as "keeping the original intention of scientific research". "The red mountains and rivers seal the original heart, and the youth dedicate the party to the people", he led the branch to organize visits to grass-roots poor villages, and was rated as a special practice team for key party building at the school level for two consecutive years. He explores science and loves the humanities, and his life is rich and colorful. Embedding the school motto of Drinking Water Siyuan into the gene, he actively participated in volunteer activities and donated 1700ml of blood free of charge. He firmly believes that although the road ahead is full of thorns, there are many articles.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Duan Shaofeng

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

After completing his undergraduate studies, he was sent to the School of Physics and Astronomy of Shanghai Jiao Tong University with honors to pursue a doctorate directly. During his doctoral period, he was awarded the National Scholarship for Graduate Students and the Honors of Three Good Students. He has followed his supervisor to achieve the world's first ultrafast laser to control the electronic state dimensions in quantum materials, found signs of photoequipotent superconductivity, and published this breakthrough research result as the first author in the top scientific journal Nature; he published a high-level academic paper in Physics Review X in physics as the co-first author, and was selected as the ESI annual highly cited paper and hot paper. In addition, he has also applied for 2 national invention patents, 1 has been authorized, and 1 has been accepted. In addition to scientific research, he actively participates in summer practice and other activities, improves the overall quality, life, he founded a public account to share learning experiences, actively participate in volunteer activities, and have a deeper understanding of dedication. He said: "The road of scientific research needs to be down-to-earth, and paying step by step will eventually pay off." ”

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Yin Di

Institute of Systems Biomedicine

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He focuses on scientific research and innovation, publishing research articles in Nature Biotechnology (Impact Factor: 54.9) and bioRxiv as the first author, and publishing articles in Nature Biomedical Engineering as a co-author; in addition, he holds 2 authorized invention patents and co-sponsors the first CRISPR clinical trial in China. In addition to scientific research, he is enthusiastic about public welfare and social services, and has participated in the Shanghai Half Marathon Volunteer and the National Animal Husbandry Discipline Summit Forum Volunteer. During the epidemic period, he and his mentor stuck to their experimental posts, racing against time to carry out the research and development of the new crown vaccine, and in his life, he also actively participated in the theme donation and blood donation activities to fight the epidemic, and carried forward the sense of social responsibility of a party member. He pays attention to all-round development, has served as the president of the doctoral class, participated in the organization of the college's welcome party, won the national scholarship for doctoral students, and the outstanding student cadres of the school. He is also a national practicing veterinarian, marathon enthusiast and has won numerous awards in sports competitions.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Lin Ke

Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He is an excellent soldier with an iron backbone, an excellent student who devotes himself to scientific research, and an excellent example of serving the collective and the people. He served in the Army of the Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, participated in major activities such as army reform, thousand-mile transfer of defense, coastal station training, annual competition assessment, exercise support, etc., and won the second place in automatic rifle shooting in the whole division, the top soldier in division training, and the outstanding volunteer soldier of the brigade. He participated in the "973" project of chip manufacturing and the cooperation project of Shanghai Jiaotong University-Huawei, and published 2 high-level journal papers in the field of chip packaging, and a second review of an article, and was awarded the National Scholarship for Graduate Students. He served as the school's military training instructor, master class leader, permanent representative of the school student federation, and won the honors of outstanding graduates, three good students and outstanding student cadres in Shanghai; he participated in the epidemic prevention and control work in his hometown of Yichang, Hubei Province, for the first time, volunteered for more than 80 hours, and was rated as "The Most Beautiful Volunteer" by the township government.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Weng Haotian

School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He is determined to be a "promising horse in the new era", Siyuan Lakeside for eight years, in many fields of diligent cultivation, good results. He is a "Yiqunma" who is willing to serve and dedicate himself to his dedication, and has served as a part-time counselor of the Propaganda Department of the Youth League Committee, the editor-in-chief of Yiyou Daily, and a part-time counselor of the Youth League Committee of the Electric Power Institute, participating in the organization of more than 20 municipal and inter-university activities; he is a "Thousand Mile Horse" who is forging ahead, participating in the Western Plan Graduate Student Support Group, going to Eryuan No. 1 Middle School in Eryuan County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, as a high school mathematics teacher, leading classes to teach for one year; is a diligent and diligent "stormtrooper" in the field of scientific research, working hard in the field of micro-nano system integration, breaking through the barriers of national defense technology. His achievements far exceed the research in the same field at home and abroad, and he has won national scholarships; he is a "belt horse" serving students, a part-time ideological and political counselor for undergraduate students of the Institute of Electrical Engineering, and a party secretary of the first party branch of the undergraduate electronics of the Institute of Electrical Power, and has devoted himself to innovating the ideas and models of branch work. In the days to come, he will "live up to the future with dreams as horses".

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Zhou Lingyun

Aetna College of Economics and Management

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

He loves the profound ideas behind economics and hopes to tell the story of China's economy in a way that the whole world can understand. The first professional, the first prize of the national scholarship, the competition, he consolidated his studies and laid a good foundation; the party school counselor, the practice special prize, from the urban civilization volunteer, CODA child counseling to the Xingjia volunteer service school Xingran Xuetang branch leader, 100 hours of public welfare, he conveyed the faith, the understanding of the society; a paper achievement entered the high-level index journal Applied Economics review stage, and another work was published in the EI index journal, the top ten database downloads, he is determined to scientific research, feedback to the society. He is Zhou Lingyun, deputy secretary of the Student League Committee of Antai College of Economics and Management, class leader of F1912003, moderator of the Youth League Committee of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, member of the motivational forum host group, head coach of roller skating club, student of Shanghai Qingma Project Phase I, member of the Education and Social Science Sector of Shanghai Pudong New Area Youth Federation; he was also the head of the Theory Center of the Pingyu Learning Group of Antai College, the counselor of the 34th training class of the Pudong New Area Secondary School Communist School, and the president of the Shanghai Pudong New Area Students' Federation. He is determined to tell the story of China's economy in a way that the whole world can understand.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Zhang Qian

Faculty of Foreign Chinese

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Adhering to the original intention of language dissemination, she is the "Best Debater" of the National College English Debate Competition of CIPG, the first prize winner of the National College English Debate Competition of the Foreign Research Agency Cup, and the bilingual host of more than ten large-scale events such as shanghai jiao tong university's 2020 orientation party and the 2019 university of Washington special concert. She resonates with the world, volunteers internationally, and participates in the India International Young Leaders Summit and the China-Japan-Korea Youth Forum. She resonated with professional development, combined personal scientific research with national needs, and ranked first in the major with a grade point of 4.0/4.0 during the first semester of her studies, and won the National Scholarship for four consecutive times, and was the recipient of more than 70 honors such as the Tang Lixin Scholarship, the Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Ivy League" Specialty Student Scholarship, and the 2019 Tsinghua University Schwarzman Scholar Candidate. She fulfills her mission in social service and is a practitioner of more than 20 social practices and volunteer services, such as the Beijing Summer Party Building Joint Social Practice, the "Shade Future" Youth Talents Public Welfare Training Camp, and the Ten-Year Class Leader. She is determined to convey Chinese emotions and Attitudes in a language that the world can understand.

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

Chen Qingxuan

Faculty of Pharmacy

How strong is jiaotong university this year? The "Three Good Student Pacesetters" is newly released

She is a scientific researcher who is determined to "always cherish the world and serve the country's heart" and is a screw in China's pharmaceutical industry. She has a solid theoretical foundation, with an average score of 91 in professional courses, and is determined to deepen her cultivation of pharmacy and contribute to the field of medicine and health, which is related to the people's life and health and the realization of the strategic goal of a century-old scientific and technological power; she touched the frontier of scientific research and discussed the immune response mechanism in the new crown pneumonia with Dong Chen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is an advanced individual with all-round development of morality, intellect, body, beauty and labor, and has won the Rongchang Leadership Scholarship, Outstanding Student Cadres, Three Good Students, Excellent League Members, and Advanced Individuals in Social Practice. She is the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Outstanding College dedicated to the work of students, serving the teachers and students of the College in all aspects, and many news media such as Guangming Daily have reported the theme Party Day activities she planned. She is the president of the Jiaotong University International Standard Dance Association who dances on the stage, and she is also a role model for dancing in life, she has participated in the poverty assistance activities in her hometown for six consecutive years, conducted in-depth practical research in Eryuan County for three consecutive years, and participated in the enrollment work for two consecutive years to help Yunnan students dream. In the future, she will deepen her pharmacy with a calm, humble and diligent heart.