
"Shouting in the Drizzle": Yu Hua, the drizzle of adults, can also feel the lightning and thunder

author:It's really hard to be honest

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Yu Hua, the drizzle of adults, can also feel the lightning and thunder

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Yu Hua, the drizzle of adults, can also feel the lightning and thunder

This long story of Yu Hua is like a childhood memoir, flashback, interlude, the feelings of childhood and adolescence, written vividly, vividly, this article, different from the helplessness of living, but also different from the absurdity of brothers, but full of trivial daily life, delicate and calm feelings.

The fate of the people in the book is like a gentle drizzle, at the beginning the clouds are dense, the thunder is faint, it seems to have a tendency to pour, making people seem to be helpless; unexpectedly, when the rain arrives, it is a gentle drizzle that falls from the clouds, like a soft hand, like a low song. Let us relax and be grateful to the heavens for escaping the fate of the torrential rain.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Yu Hua, the drizzle of adults, can also feel the lightning and thunder

I have always liked Yu Hua's novels. In my opinion, a work depicting reality, in addition to trying to avoid black and white facial figures, should also do everything possible to restore the unpredictability of fate with the original appearance of the times and life, and Yu Hua has done this very well. It was as if he were holding a scalpel and cutting through the rings of life.

In "Drizzle", although there is no absolute good and evil, there is love and hatred, grace and resentment, but the reward for them is not all that heaven wishes. Good has no good end, evil has no evil retribution, and what is presented in the narrative of "I" is the true appearance of living behind fate. This story keeps telling us that this is the real world.

"Shouting in the Drizzle": Yu Hua, the drizzle of adults, can also feel the lightning and thunder

In the preface to the book, Yu Hua mentions the ancient literati Lu You. Despite the sorrows, joys and sorrows, Lu You, who was still in the wind and candles, still wrote that "when I am old, I have forgotten the affairs of the world, and I still see peony flowers in my dreams." Although our possessions are gradually engulfed by the passage of time, the remembrance of past lives has been exchanged for the harmony of life for us who are gradually aging.