
Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station
Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

In order to replenish the city's blood inventory, this morning, Taiyuan Outer Chinese School and Taiyuan City Chinese Phoenix Bilingual Middle School jointly organized a different theme party day activity, and moved the blood collection point into the school. Party members and teachers of the whole school dedicate their love and spread positive energy.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

After the sonorous and powerful oath of joining the party, the unpaid blood donation activity officially began. After preliminary preparations such as registration, blood pressure measurement, and laboratory tests, teachers who meet the blood donation standards in physical condition began to donate blood. Teacher Cheng Yan is a teacher in the third grade of high school, the work is very busy, has always wanted to donate blood but suffered from no special time, today she can finally get her wish.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions
Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Teacher Cheng Yan: I think that donating blood for free should be something that every Chinese should do, not to mention that we are party members. At the same time, I think it is a very happy thing to be able to dedicate a little of my strength to our critically ill compatriots.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions
Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Like Teacher Cheng Yan, hundreds of teachers from Taiyuan Outer Chinese School and Taiyuan Chinese Phoenix Bilingual Middle School have come to donate blood. What is sacrificed is blood, what is brought is hope, and their love is also flowing and passing on with the blood.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Teacher Zhang Ruihong: Party members should play an exemplary and leading role, as a teacher, in fact, it is also to give students a role model, so that they can see that we can participate in another life through free blood donation, which is actually a very beautiful thing, a great thing.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Wang Feng, secretary of the party branch of the Phoenix Bilingual Middle School of taiyuan foreign Chinese: Our organization and implementation of this activity of party members' cohesion and dedication of love is a concrete practice of deepening the study and education of party history, solidly carrying out practical things for the masses, and further educating and guiding party members to care for society, serve society, and give full play to their exemplary role. At the same time, through the exemplary role of this teacher's unpaid blood donation, the feelings of loving the party, the country, the people, and socialism have been deeply cultivated among the students from an early age.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions
Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Through the pre-deployment of the school, the teachers were orderly and came to donate blood in batches and in batches. The Taiyuan Blood Center also awarded an honorary medal to the school.

Taiyuan: The school organizes free blood donation and dedicates love to cultivate emotions

Bai Lin, director of Taiyuan Blood Center: The amount of blood donated by the school has played a very important role in ensuring clinical blood supply in Taiyuan. This year we have a particularly important task, according to the requirements of the National Health Commission, we also want to ensure the use of blood for the Beijing Winter Olympics, call on the majority of enterprises and institutions to actively join the group blood donation activities, but also thank the majority of unpaid blood donors, to our Taiyuan City unpaid blood donation work made positive contributions. (Reporter Zhao Xia Wang Ziyu)

Source: Taiyuan Radio and Television News Channel

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