
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

author:Mr. Rabbit

Without further ado, watch with caution. The editor is leaving a shadow.

The Ring (1998)

Director: Hideo Nakata

Writers: Hiroshi Takahashi / Koji Suzuki

Starring: Nanako Matsuba / Yukiyuki Sanada / Akiko Takeuchi / Mine Nakatani / Hitomi Sato

Genre: Suspense / Horror

Country/Region of Production: Japan

Language: Japanese

Date: 1998-01-31 (Japan)

Runtime: 96 min

Also known as: Seven Nights / Midnight Ghost / Ring

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > synopsis of midnight bells . .</h2>

  Female high school student Yuko and her classmates watch a videotape of unknown origin, and seven days later, she and her classmates die one after another, which attracts the attention of female journalist Asakawa (Naiko Matsushima), who decides to investigate the truth of the incident.

  Asakawa learns that Tomoko was hospitalized for watching a videotape before her death, so she found the inn that rented the tape, and also rented the unnamed tape, opened the video recorder, and the extremely terrifying picture made Asakawa almost collapse.

  Asakawa's ex-husband Takayama (Hiroyuki Sanada) comes to her side at this time and copies a videotape and decides to study it with her. And they can only survive if they reveal the secret of the videotape within seven days...

Grudge 2 (2003) (Series)

Director: Takashi Shimizu

Writers: Takashi Shimizu

Starring: Noriko Sakai / Shingo Katsurayama / Kaoru Mizuki / Akira Horie / Yui Ichikawa / Sarata...

Type: Horror

Release Date: 2003-05-16 (Festival de Cannes) / 2003-08-23 (Japan)

Runtime: 92 min

Also known as: Curse Reincarnation / Ju-on: The Grudge 2 / The Grudge 2

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Synopsis of Grudge 2 · · ·</h2>

  Actress Kyoko Harase (Noriko Sakai) and her fiancé, Shoji Ishikura, have a car accident on their way home. Since then, Shoji has lost consciousness and fallen into a coma, and Kyoko has unfortunately miscarried. However, after a while, Kyoko still feels unwell, so she goes to check again, and is told that the child in her abdomen is still normal!

  Tomoka Miura (Chiharu Johor Bahru), who works as a tv reporter, always hears strange and frightening noises in her apartment every night, so she calls her boyfriend Noriko Yamashita (Kei Horie) to find out why.

  The filming of the crew is still continuing, but strange things happen one after another, and the crew members disappear one after another or often make everyone panic...

Rift Woman Mouth Ripper (2007)

Director: Koshi Shiraishi

Writers: Koshi Shiraishi / Naoyuki Yokota

Starring: Eriko Sato / Haruhiko Kato / Miki Mizuno / Chiharu Kawai

Official website:

Screening Date: 2007-03-17 (Japan)

Runtime: 90 minutes

Also known as: Kuchisake-onna / A Slit-Mouthed Woman / Carved / Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Synopsis of The Rip Woman . .</h2>

  In the 1970s, there was a terrifying legend among elementary and junior high school students in Japan: when they walked alone near the park after school, they would meet a woman wearing a white mask and a red trench coat. When she meets a passerby, she will take off her mask, reveal a terrifying mouth that cracks to her ears, and ask the other person, "Am I pretty?" "If the answer is not beautiful, she will disfigure the other person; if the answer is beautiful, she will make the other person like herself; if she escapes, she will catch up with her very fast." This woman's name is: RipPer Woman.

  For a time the schools were in a state of panic, the boys and girls were afraid to run into this terrible woman, and the adults scoffed at the rumor. But with an ominous earthquake, the Rift Woman finally arrives...

Noriko's Table Kiko の食卓 (2005)

Director: Yuan Ziwen

Writers: Yuan Ziwen

Starring: Fukiishi Kazue / 鸫 / Yoshitaka Yuriko / Shiro Asaki / Sanae Koda / Sada...

Genre: Drama

Official website:

Release date: 2005-07-04 (Karlovy Vary Film Festival) / 2006-09-23 (Japan)

Runtime: 159 min

Also known as: Noriko No Shokutaku / Noriko's Dinner Table

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Synopsis of Noriko's Table</h2>

  The Shimabara family, who live in the Izu countryside, live a peaceful and peaceful life, but the superficial warmth cannot hide the tension and discord between the members. The eldest daughter of 17-year-old Kiko (Kazue Fukishi) is reluctant to stay in the countryside and is bent on going to the metropolis of Tokyo, so his relationship with his father Tetsuzo (Kazune Mitsuishi) is extremely strained. On a website called Ruins, Noriko meets a netizen named Kumiko (つぐみ), who eventually chooses to run away from home. Noriko's departure causes the family to begin to collapse, and soon her sister Yuka (Yuriko Yoshitaka) also travels to Tokyo. Their mother can't bear to commit suicide, and Chuzo sets out to find her daughter in order to save the family. Just in 2002, 54 female high school students who met on the "ruins" jumped hand in hand to the speeding train...

Onirai Ant (2003)

Director: Takashi Miike

Writers: Yasushi Akimoto / Miwako Ohryo

Starring: Yuki Shibasaki / Shinichi Tsuki / Kazue Fukishi / Renji Ishibashi / Goro Kishitani / more...

Release Date: 2003-11-03 (Toronto Film Festival) / 2004-01-17 (Japan)

Runtime: 112 minutes

Also known as: The Call Came / Chakushin Ari / One Missed Call

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > synopsis of ghost calls . · · · ·</h2>

  Strange ringtones came from the mobile phone, the caller was his own name, and the so-called message content was unknown at the other end, but there was no doubt that it was his own voice, what was going on?

  "Ghost calls" quietly spread among college students, and once they receive ghost calls, they will inevitably die tragically within the time predicted by the phone. Yumi's (Shiba) friends Yoko, Kenji, and Natsumi have died tragically, but Yumi has the heart to save the lives of her friends, but she can't help it.

  Yamashita's (Shinichi Toshimi) sister also died earlier in this phone call, and he tries to help Yumi in his attempt to uncover the truth, but soon, Yumi also receives a ghost call...

Memoirs of a Ghost Prostitute Imprint (2005)

Writers: Mick Garris / Daisuke Tenchi / Shimako Iwai

Starring: Billy Drago / Harukai Shikata / Michieda / Kojima Yuichi / Kudo Yuki / more...

Language: English

Release: 2006-04-07 (UK)

Runtime: 63 minutes

Also Name: Masters of Horror : Imprint / Imprint - Bokkee, Today

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > synopsis of a memoir of a ghost prostitute</h2>

  In the Nineteenth Century, in Japan, the American journalist Christopher is traveling through the country searching Komomo, the missing love of his life that he had abandoned years ago promising to come back to her later. He arrives in a shadowy island inhabited by whores and caftans, where he has an encounter with a deformed prostitute that tells that his beloved Komomo had pa.

Suicide Circle (2001)

Starring: Ling Ishibashi / Masatoshi Nagase / Hosei Mai / Tsuru Sato / Takashi Nomura / more...

Genre: Suspense / Thriller / Horror

Screening Date: 2002-03-09 (Japan)

Runtime: 99 min

Also known as: Suicide Circle (Hong Kong) / Cyclic Suicide Club / Jisatsu Club / Suicide Circle

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > synopsis of the Suicide Club</h2>

  At Shinjuku Station in Tokyo, where the night falls, people who have been toiling for a long day are still hurrying, like workers who never stop. Yet there is a group of girls in adolescence with carefree smiles. Dressed in different styles of school uniforms, they seemed to have agreed to come here at the same time, and the girls lined up in front of the platform, holding hands and jumping in unison to the speeding train. In an instant, blood and light splashed around, and 54 living beings disappeared in an instant.

  The incident caused a sensation across the country, and at the same time, incidents of mass suicide intensified, affecting even the police officer who investigated the case, Toshiharu Kuroda (Ishibashi Ling), and his family. Kuroda's partner Kenji Shizawa (Masatoshi Nagase) investigates tirelessly and discovers that a series of suicides are related to a website called "Suicide Club". What is the truth of the incident? Can the tragedy finally be stopped?

Onimizu Kaijo From the Bottom of The Dark Water (2002)

Writers: Yoshihiro Nakamura / Kenichi Suzuki / Koji Suzuki

Starring: Hitomi Kugi / Rio Kanno / Fumiyo Obino / Asami Mizukawa

Genre: Drama / Suspense / Thriller / Horror

Date: 2002-01-19 (Japan)

Runtime: 101 minutes

Also known as: Ghost Water Ghost (Desk) / Dark Water Ghost / Dark Water

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > synopsis of the ghost water monster talk · ·</h2>

  Despite the desire for a happy and happy family, the marriage of Shumi Matsubara (Hitomi Kuroki) and her husband Kunio Hamada (Fumiyoshi Kohinata) is still inevitably on the verge of ruin. After an exhausting tug-of-war, Shumi finally secures custody of her 5-year-old daughter, Ikuko (Sugano Riyo). After this, the mother and son move to a cheap, old apartment through an intermediary, ready to start a new life. Their lives were full of joy at first, but everything soon went in a weird direction. Inexplicable seepage of water and strange and unpredictable noises haunt the mother and son all the time, and even Ikuko begins to behave strangely. It seems that a ghostly ghost is slowly invading the life of a beautiful mother and son...

Circuit (2001)

Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Writers: Kiyoshi Kurosawa

Starring: Haruhiko Kato / Kumiko Aso / Shinji Takeda / Sho Aikawa / Sarata...

Genre: Thriller / Horror

Screening Date: 2001-02-03 (Japan)

Runtime: 118 minutes

Also known as: Kairo / Pulse / The Circuit

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

Synopsis of <h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > loop . · · · · ·</h2>

  Michi (Kumiko Aso), who works at a flower shop, hangs himself in the blink of an eye in order to get a list of colleagues, but his colleague, who was still calm, hangs himself in a flash, and what is even more frightening is that other colleagues find something terrible on the disk. Then Michi's colleagues committed suicide, the boss of the company disappeared, and then friends and family members disappeared one by one. On the other hand, college student Ryosuke (Haruhiko Kato) is exposed to the Internet for the first time, and is inexplicably linked to a website that "Do you want to meet ghosts", and confused and scared, he asks for help from the girl who reads computers, Harue (Koyuki). Michi and Ryosuke notice that the people around them are slowly disappearing or dying, leaving only a dark shadow. The strangeness of the Internet has brought about abnormal changes in the city, and the voices shouting "help" have appeared everywhere.

  In the end, when Michi and Ryosuke meet by chance, Tokyo almost becomes a dead silence of no one, and they begin to flee...

Audition for Kirinojo (1999)

Writers: Daisuke Tenchi / Ryu Murakami

Starring: Ling Ishibashi / Hayabusa Kunimura / Hidehime Shiina / Renji Ishibashi / Yoshii Negishi / more...

Genre: Drama / Suspense / Thriller

Release: 1999-10-06

Runtime: 115 min / USA: 113 min(R-rated version)

Also known as: Remarriage Horror / Audition/ Audition

Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?
Japanese horror movie TOP10, do you dare to watch it alone at midnight?

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Synopsis of Skin Love</h2> .

  Shigeharu Aoyama (Ling Ishibashi) loses his beloved wife, and many years later he raises his son. Life is decompressed, and the long loneliness of celibacy has prompted him to yearn for the second spring of life. His friend Yoshikawa (Hayabusa Kunimura), who is a TV producer, is happy to help his old friend and plan an audio-visual meeting for him to select actresses – in fact, he wants to choose Aoyama's favorite among many girls. Aoyama has a crush on a girl who has been practicing ballet for a long time but lost her chance to become famous due to injury. Because of the similarities in their experiences, the two resonated at the audiovisual meeting. In the days that followed, they went on several dates, and their feelings were harmonious, and everything seemed beautiful, but after a night of joy, Asami suddenly disappeared from Aoyama' side. Aoyama frantically searches around, but in the process of searching, he is also horrified to find some unknown past of Asami. Finally, the two reunite, but everything becomes tense and terrifying.