
Memory declines, loses? Interpretation of the Chinese medicine name Fang Kong Holy Pillow Zhongdan Nootropic Tranquility

author:Shen Hong, Department of Nephrology, Chinese Medicine

Forgetfulness seems to have become a common disease in today's society, whether it is young people or the elderly, more or less will have forgetfulness. Especially with age, the memory will become worse and worse, such as forgetting to take the key when going out, losing everything you usually do, thinking about what you want to do one second, and forgetting it the next second. Therefore, it brings a lot of trouble to patients. What about forgetfulness?

Memory declines, loses? Interpretation of the Chinese medicine name Fang Kong Holy Pillow Zhongdan Nootropic Tranquility

Chinese medicine believes that memory is the role of the gods, and the process of memory is inseparable from the functions of intention, mind and thought. In the "Judgment of Analogy Evidence", it is recorded: "Those who are forgetful, suddenly forget it, and try their best not to think about it." The goddess of the lady dwells in the heart, the essence of the heart depends on the kidney, and the brain is the house of the yuan god, the sea of essence, and the memory of reality." It is said that because of the heart to hide the god, the spleen business, the kidney to hide the spirit, so forgetfulness and the heart, spleen, kidney three organs are closely related, kidney essence deficiency is insufficient in the sea of medullary, because of the impact on the normal play of heart and brain function led to forgetfulness. Therefore, the treatment must be based on communicating with the heart and kidneys and filling the lean essence

Memory declines, loses? Interpretation of the Chinese medicine name Fang Kong Holy Pillow Zhongdan Nootropic Tranquility

Then today I will share with you a famous formula dedicated to the transportation of the heart and kidneys, filling the essence of the essence - Kong Sheng Pillow Zhongdan, which is from the Tang Dynasty doctor Sun Simiao's "Preparation for Emergencies", which specializes in the treatment of forgetfulness, insomnia, palpitations, and panic caused by heart and kidney incompatibility, accompanied by hot flashes, night sweats, tinnitus and so on. So let's take a look at this formula together.

The first addition of a turtle plate to the square is the carapace of the turtle's abdomen. Its taste is salty and sweet, flat, into the kidneys, heart, liver meridians. It has the effect of nourishing yin and yang, tonifying kidneys and bones, nourishing the heart and calming the spirit. It is mainly used for the treatment of kidney yin deficiency, palpitations of heart and kidney inattention, insomnia, forgetfulness and other symptoms.

Memory declines, loses? Interpretation of the Chinese medicine name Fang Kong Holy Pillow Zhongdan Nootropic Tranquility

Then add Yuanzhi, medicinal bitterness, hardness, warmth, attributed to the heart, kidneys, lung meridians, can calm the mind, enhance memory, wisdom, improve the effect of sleep. It is suitable for forgetfulness, insomnia, dreams, restlessness and other symptoms.

Memory declines, loses? Interpretation of the Chinese medicine name Fang Kong Holy Pillow Zhongdan Nootropic Tranquility

Finally, add calamus and keel two flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine, the combination of various medicines has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and calming the heart, and the wisdom and calming the spirit. Therefore, if you have such symptoms that need to be treated, you must apply them under the dialectical guidance of professional TCM physicians, and do not take them without authorization, so as not to cause the medicine to be wrong and delay the disease. After all, Chinese medicine pays attention to dialectical treatment of one person and one side, which can fundamentally solve the problem.