
Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

"Ming Fei Out of Setu" on paper, ink, length 30.2 cm, width 160.2 cm.

The snow has passed, and it is midwinter.

I am afraid of the cold midwinter, my eyes look at the vicissitudes of an old tree in the courtyard, it is standing in the cold winter at the end of the year, engraving the annual rings with my heart, year after year, circle after circle... It is well versed in the tastes of life, and understands the yin and yang and lack of years. Gazing at it quietly, there is a trance of transcendent spirituality.

The soul is not easy to be bound, and the money retracts the many loneliness in front of it, thinking of the Ming Dynasty Jiajing and the literati Chen Jiru during the Wanli Dynasty, in the "Taiping Qing Dialect", listed the trance of transcendent spirits in oriental culture: "All incense burning, tea tasting, washing, drums, school books, waiting for the moon, listening to the rain, watering flowers, lying high, surveying, walking, negative Xuan, fishing, painting, gargling springs, supporting staffs, worshiping Buddha, tasting wine, sitting, turning the scriptures, watching mountains, linti, carving bamboo, feeding cranes, all enjoy the pleasures of one person on the right." (Because the ancients wrote from right to left.) Then my gaze is nothing more than the pleasure of one person, the connotation is steep and thick, and the realm is broad.

There is a passage in the Book of Rites and Universities: Knowing and then being fixed, being still and then being able to be quiet, being quiet and then being able to be at peace, being safe and then being able to worry, worrying and then being able to get. Emotions also need to be simplified, Qian Zhong's famous sentence: "Look far away, everything is sad; if you look closer, you should be optimistic in order to cheer up." "Idle sorrow, don't say anything."

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

("Ming Concubine Out of the Setu" is a painting of historical figures created by the Jin Dynasty female Taoist Gong Suran, which flowed into Japan during the same year of the Qing Dynasty and was collected by the Osaka City Museum of Art in Japan.) )

If you want to say that it is an auspicious day in midwinter, chant Chen Ziang: "The wind is fast in midwinter, and the clouds and Han are frosted." Du Fu: "Jinhua Mountain is north of Fushui West, and the midwinter wind and day are miserable." Du Zhenyan said: "The fruits of the midwinter mountains are ripe, and the wildflowers bloom in the first month." Lu You: "So in the middle of winter, the water returns to its source." "On the auspicious day of midwinter, I will enjoy a painting of a historical figure "Ming Concubine Out of Setu".

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

In China's history, the Southern Song Dynasty was a dynasty with internal and external troubles and wars. There are invasions of the Jin Dynasty on the outside, and the people on the inside are not happy, and there are constant uprisings. Although the Southern Song Dynasty was partially located south of the Huai River in the Qinling Mountains, it was a dynasty with economic and cultural prosperity and a high degree of opening up to the outside world in China's history.

The core character of "Ming Concubine Out of Setu" Wang Zhaojun, Wang Zhaojun can be described as a hundred generations of people, famous throughout the ages. She is one of the "four beauties" traditionally recognized by our country. Gong Suran painted her, but also expressed a feeling of worrying about the country and the people. Since the Han Dynasty for nearly a thousand years, no one painted Wang Zhaojun, Gong Suran was the first female painter in The history of our country to paint "Falling Goose King Zhaojun", she showed the world for the first time with the unique perspective of a woman, showing the image of Wang Zhaojun in her mind and creating a historical precedent.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Gong Suran, a native of Guizhou Zhenyuan, a female Taoist priest from Yuanzhou in the Southern Song Dynasty. She is known for her white character paintings, and has created a masterpiece that has been handed down to the world- a long volume of characters, "Ming Concubine Out of Setu", in which she pins on the feelings of worrying about the country and the people.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog
Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Chen Lu describes the verse of "Ming Concubine Out of Setu":

Zhaojun north married South Korea, and Wushan has Zhaojun Village.

The golden anguishes and jade horses are clearly loaded with Wushan clouds.

The cool breeze blows the swallow, and a pipa writes a grudge.

The sand grass is connected to the chicken and deer plug, and the wildflowers do not plant the Mandarin Duck Temple.

The inner family chooses Lou Ting every day, and the tear marks are full of empty and amorous sleeves.

Since then, Han Ting has been very benevolent, and the beauty is lighter than Hong Mao.

Chen Lu (1288-1343) Yuan Xinghua Putian people, character Zhongzhong. Orphaned, determined to learn, not to take life as a business. He was recommended as a Confucian official in Minhai. You Jingshi, Yu Ji saw his text, saying that he was knowledgeable and knowledgeable. Recommend Guozi assistant teacher. He was appointed as the deputy governor of Confucianism in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Emperor Shun arrived at the beginning of the reign, and the tired official Guozi was a prisoner. There is the "Anya Tang Collection".

Was It voluntary or persecuted for Zhaojun to marry the Xiongnu Shan Yu Han Evil? In 44 BC, the Han Dynasty's Western Regions capitals Hugan Yanshou and Chen Tang led the Western Regions Alliance to destroy Zhi Zhidan, who had migrated to Kangju. Subsequently, the Han Dynasty sent Hu Han to return to northern Mobei to take over the Xiongnu territory. Shan Hu Han proposed peace to the Han Dynasty in 33 BC. Emperor Enzhun of the Han Dynasty sent five palace ladies for Shan Yu to choose from. As a result, Shan Yu Hu Han fell in love with Wang Zhaojun at first sight, so the two sides were happily married.

Shan Yu Hu Han evil is not in the Xiongnu can not marry a woman, Shan Yu Hu Han evil took the initiative to go to the Han Dynasty to beg for the purpose of "wife", indicating eternal submission to the Han Dynasty, Wang Zhaojun married Shan Yu Hu Han evil is voluntary, not as Chen Lu wrote in the poem: tears full of sleeves and amorous ... The beauty is lighter than the hair. Nor is it Du Fu's poem: "The thousand-year-old pipa is a nonsense, and it is clear that there is a song of resentment." ”

At that time, the Han Dynasty followed the principle of voluntariness in the selection of palace women. Wang Zhaojun wanted to live freely, the Han Yuan Emperor harem was more than 10,000 beautiful, was the most "generous" emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the most important thing was that the "generous" emperor was still very lazy, not to choose the object of luck with his own eyes, but to "take people by painting", but all the women who entered the palace wanted to get the emperor's rain and dew, pregnant with dragon seeds, and ushered in the day of the head.

Wang Zhaojun also seemed to be far away from the Han Yuan Emperor here, and if he did not want to die in the deep palace, he could only find an opportunity to go out. Moreover, there is the aura of the predecessors to admire. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he was friendly with Wusun Guo, and three Han women (Xiao Jun, Jie You, and Feng Yan) all left their names in Qing Shi. Wang Zhaojun had an idea in his heart, to realize the value of life by marrying the Xiongnu Shan Yu Hu Han evil. Even if it is a flash in the pan, it is stronger than the old death deep palace and the obscurity of a lifetime.

It's just that the mountains are far away, the vast grasslands, and the end of the world are forever. No matter how many verses describe Zhaojun's "grudge", Yu Knot in her heart, luoyan Zhaojun's departure, avoiding the war between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu, and winning peace for the country, her departure is of great historical significance, and she completed her mission. It has won more than half a century of time for the Han Dynasty to cultivate, survive, and reorganize its armaments, and has made great contributions to the harmony, goodwill and unity of the Han and Hungarian peoples. Zhaojun's departure from the plug has also become a good story of national unity that has been passed down throughout China's history, and Wang Zhaojun has also remained in the annals of history with his unique style and fate, and has become the object of continuous chanting by literati and rioters of successive generations. Hua Lun, Fei Danxu, Ni Tian and others have all expressed this theme.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), a native of Neijiang, Sichuan, was born in Panyu, Guangdong Province. The most legendary master of Chinese painting in the 20th century.

Chinese painting master Zhang Daqian in the mid-winter of 1945 "Ming Concubine Out of the Setu", created in the victory of the War of Resistance against Japan, Japan unconditionally surrendered, Zhang Daqian flew to Beiping in November, living in the Summer Palace Wanshou Mountain Yangyunxuan, this painting was made at the time, so Daqian self-titled on The Kunming Lake. In mid-December, Zhang Daqian raised funds to purchase famous paintings (including "Han Xizai's Night Feast" and so on) scattered from the puppet Palace of Puyi in Changchun, and opened a painting exhibition with Yu Feimin in the Water Pavilion of Zhongshan Park, so it is possible that this painting was one of the works on display at that time. The painting has puru's inscription poem. Before the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zhang Daqian had close contacts in the north, and often had cooperative paintings and inscriptions, and after the victory of the War of Resistance, Zhang Daqian was close to Puru, so he had his inscription poems.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

This painting depicts a scene of Zhaojun accompanying him to the scene, which was made by Zhang Daqian after his return to Dunhuang, and although the lines of the figure painting do not change their beauty, they tend to be rounded, and the color is gorgeous but elegant and clear, which is a new realm after the mutual reference to the Dunhuang murals and the "Han Xizai Night Feast". Digging into the scene in the painting, Zhang Daqian painted Mingfei brightly, but the look revealed the pity of Chuchu who was faintly sad in her heart, black hair like velvet, which was dyed with betel nut ink that highlighted the charm of the characters and was dedicated to the eyes and hair of the ladies, and formed a strong contrast with the gold outline of the stone yellow, cinnabar, and stone green phoenix crown, especially decorating the Ming concubine's costume with a delicate pattern, while the shorter maids were all dressed in light-colored clothing without grain, emphasizing the identity of the ming concubine.

The self-title is sharp with a sharp pen, horizontally and obliquely, and the knot body is towering to the right, which is basically a variation of ShiTao's calligraphy. --- Fu Shen's "Zhang Daqian's World"

Knowledge: Ming Concubine out of Setu. Imitation of the Tang Dynasty color, the great thousand residents, when the winter day on the Kunming Lake.

Title: Snow Ice Banner Hu Ma Fei, Han Family Thousand Miles to Send Ming Concubine. Pei Huanwei grows autumn grass, and Shuo Yan has nowhere to go. Pu Confucian question.

(幰xiǎn 1, drapery on the car: "Always ride in a high car.") ”

2. Pointing to the car: "Then the embroidery is already stationed in the court." " Car (Car) 

A car with a curtain curtain. Emperor Cao Cao of Weiwu's "Book with Taiwei Yang Biao": "Now give it to you... The painting wheel looks around and rides through the seven-spice car. "Nanshi Baoquan Biography": "Later, he was a Tongzhi waiter, and often took a high car." Bai Juyi's "And Chun Shen Another Song": "Bin Biden Hua Seat, personally greet the obstacle car." ”

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Modern famous painter, Zhang Daqian's second brother, the master of painting tigers.

Another painting, "Ming Fei Out of the Picture", was painted by the famous modern painter Zhang Shanxiao. Zhang Shanxiao is a painter with a deep traditional foundation, good at painting animals, landscapes, figures, flowers, especially tigers. Zhang Shanxiao, a great painter who is famous for painting tigers at home and abroad, paints horses with only a wonderful portrait, and the horses in the painting are outlined with fine lines of brushes, the pen edge is slightly frustrated, and the ink and color are seamlessly coordinated.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

Zhang Shanxiao is Zhang Daqian's second brother, the master of painting tigers in the world, but before Zhang Shanxiao raised tigers to draw tigers, he was already proficient in painting horses, he studied the ancient Chinese "Soma Sutra", but also Soma, Zhang Daqian followed him in his early years to learn painting and heard about it, so he was also good at painting horses. However, Zhang Shanxiao's painting of horses is a simple symbol of heroism, and Zhang Shanxiao entered the Economics Department and Fine Arts Department of Meiji University at the age of nineteen, and once painted horses and later joined the League. At the age of twenty-three, he returned to China, and in the early thirties, he built a house in Suzhou Nets Garden, fed tigers to sketch, and deeply gained the habits of tigers, so there was a saying of "tiger delusion". In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he avoided Wuhan and Chongqing, drawing horses and tigers to propagate anti-Japanese propaganda. At the end of 1938, in the name of the Relief Committee, he brought 108 paintings and 108 paintings of Daqian to France and the United States for exhibition, publicizing the anti-Japanese resistance and collecting donations, which lasted for nearly two years and achieved remarkable results. I was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by The University of Fuhyung. After returning to Chongqing for more than a month, he died of illness at the Gele mountain Kuanren Hospital in 1940.

Wave goodbye in the midwinter fog

 Zhang Ze (1882-1940), also known as Shanzi (一作善子, also known as Shanzhi), was a native of Neijiang, Sichuan. He was a professor at Shanghai Meizhan University. Living in Shanghai with his eighth brother Zhang Ye (Da Qian), the leader is elegant. Good at painting landscapes, flowers and birds, fish and insects, walking animals, and especially painting tigers. There are twelve gold noodle diagrams painted, writing various forms of tigers, and each picking the west chamber to record the words and sentences. Such as "the turn of the autumn wave before going", "how to return to the face", the price of the price all day long sleepy", etc., in order to convey the meaning of the beauty of the tiger. After the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he traveled to the United States, held a painting exhibition to collect donations, and returned to China and died in Chongqing at the age of fifty-nine.

At the end of 1938, under the sponsorship of Zhou Enlai, Lin Sen, Xu Shiying and others, Zhang Shanxiao took more than 180 works of himself and his brother Zhang Daqian abroad to hold painting exhibitions and collect anti-Japanese donations. It has been exhibited in France and the United States, and for about two years, more than 100 painting exhibitions have been held, and a total of more than 200,000 US dollars have been raised, all of which have been sent back to China to support the War of Resistance.

At the beginning of 1940, US Air Force Colonel Chennault led the US Air Force Volunteer Corps to aid China in combat, and Zhang Shanxiao jiaqi traveled and painted "Flying Tiger Map" to Chennault. Chen changed the name of the volunteer team to the "Flying Tigers" and distributed many flags and badges according to the "Flying Tiger Map" to encourage the soldiers. Later, the "Flying Tigers" fought very bravely in China, and they hit the Japanese planes one after another, and the Japanese pilots were discouraged. Chennault cherished the original picture of "Flying Tiger" and regarded it as gongbi. The image is now in the collection of the National Museum of the United States.