
Nine major projects! The "14th Five-Year Plan for Yunnan Province to Build a World-Class "Green Food Brand" Development Plan" was released

author:China Food Safety Newspaper Yunnan Reporter Station

In order to clarify the goals, tasks and path measures for building a world-class "green food brand" during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and highlight the epochality, professionalism and operability, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Yunnan Province to Build a World-Class "Green Food Brand" Development Plan" was recently formulated and issued. The planning period is from 2021 to 2025, with 2020 data as the planning base period.

The main contents are as follows

Target tasks

By 2025, Yunnan will be built into a pioneer zone for the green development of agriculture in China, an important production area for green food in the world, and a leading area for the development of modern agriculture. The comprehensive output value of the key industries of "green food brand" reached more than 1.6 trillion yuan, with an average annual increase of about 12%. Among them, the comprehensive output value of tea, flowers, vegetables, fruits and beef cattle has achieved "doubling in 5 years", with an average annual increase of about 15%. -- The ratio of agricultural product processing output value to agricultural output value reaches 2.5:1. ——The number of certified organic agricultural products has reached the first place in the country, and the number of green food certifications has leapt to the forefront of the country. ——Build 200 "green food brand" industrial bases with national influence and 2,000 "green food brand" industrial bases with demonstration and driving role in the province. -- More than 1,000 provincial key enterprises in agricultural industrialization, and 80 key enterprises at the national level have doubled. -- The export volume of agricultural products in the province has reached more than 50 billion yuan.

Implement the "one-two-three" action

With the implementation of the "one-two-three" action as the main line, we will make every effort to build a world-class "green food brand" and accelerate the modernization of agriculture in Yunnan. (1) Promote "one county and one industry" to grasp demonstration and leadership on the one hand, and promote the whole region on the other hand, and comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of the industrial market in the whole chain. The first is to grasp the creation of demonstrations. With scale, specialization, greening, organization and marketization as the core, we will do a good job in creating 40 demonstration counties and cultivating 20 characteristic counties, and create a demonstration benchmark of "one county and one industry". The second is to grasp the promotion of counties and counties. Organize 69 counties (cities, districts) other than demonstration counties and characteristic counties in the province to select leading industries, aggregate resources to develop leading industries with their own characteristics, and form a good trend of counties and counties promoting "one county and one industry". The third is to grasp the development of clusters. On the basis of the cultivation and development of leading industries in various counties (cities and districts), optimize the industrial planning layout, pay attention to coordinated efforts, strengthen policy incentives and guidance, vigorously cultivate a number of advantageous industrial belts with high growth, high relevance, high profitability, multi-level and multi-format types, build standardized industrial bases, intensive processing chains, networked service systems, and branded marketing channels, so as to achieve longer industrial chains, widen industrial functions, improve industrial levels, and tighten joint agricultural belts. (2) Strengthen the modern seed industry and make every effort to promote the protection of germplasm resources, the selection and breeding of characteristic varieties, the introduction of suitable new varieties and the construction of bases, and fight the battle to turn the seed industry around. Do a good job in the protection and utilization of germplasm resources. Accelerate the census of crop, livestock and poultry, and aquaculture germplasm resources, and find out the family base of germplasm resources. Accelerate the construction of agricultural germplasm resource farms (district nurseries), improve the germplasm resources protection system, and realize the effective protection of unique, rare and endangered germplasm resources. By 2025, the total number of agricultural germplasm resources, livestock and poultry genetic materials, and aquatic germplasm resources in the province will reach more than 160,000 copies. Grasp the selection and breeding of characteristic varieties. Aiming at green high-quality rice, potatoes resistant to late blight, resistant to storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables, high-end flowers, high-quality forage and pigs, beef cattle, meat sheep, meat (egg) chickens, rainbow trout, sturgeon and other high-quality local characteristic varieties, carry out joint research on seed source technology. By 2025, we will cultivate more than 200 new varieties of high-quality, efficient and green crops, and strive to cultivate more than 3 new breeds of livestock and poultry (supporting lines) and more than 2 new varieties of fisheries. Grasp the introduction of suitable new varieties. Relying on the China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, actively promote the construction of the transit isolation base for agricultural germplasm resources, strengthen the standardized introduction of new varieties abroad, fast inspection and quarantine, and efficient performance testing, realize the introduction and promotion of suitable new varieties such as flowers, vegetables, fruits, beef cattle, and pigs, and quickly expand and strengthen the modern seed industry with plateau characteristics. We should do a good job in the construction of seed industry bases. Focusing on food security and the development of advantageous and characteristic industries in our province, a number of provincial key seed production bases have been selected and built. Carry out the selection of provincial-level livestock and poultry core breeding farms, and promote the construction of a rapid expansion system for livestock and poultry breeds. Raise construction funds through multiple channels, improve construction standards and quality, and gradually achieve full coverage of high-standard farmland construction in major crop seed bases that meet the construction conditions. By 2025, the coverage rate of good crop seeds will be stable at more than 96%, and the rate of core livestock and poultry breeds will reach 60%. (III) Expand the e-commerce industry to promote efficient docking of production and marketing as the core, vigorously develop rural e-commerce, cultivate new forms of e-commerce for agricultural products, promote the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural industry structure in Yunnan, and realize the e-commerce of procurement and sales in all aspects of agriculture. First, strengthen platform cooperation. Strengthen cooperation with large domestic e-commerce platforms, open flagship stores and specialty pavilions in Yunnan, promote the departure of characteristic agricultural products from villages to cities, and increase the proportion of online sales. Create local sales platforms such as "One Mobile Phone Cloud Product Club" and The Yunnan Channel of China Social Poverty Alleviation Network to promote the transformation and upgrading of sales in production areas. The second is to build a direct procurement and direct sales base. Accelerate the construction of more than 100 direct procurement bases and expand the coverage of "direct procurement and direct sales of bases". Support production enterprises to display real-time information such as the production environment, production process and processing technology through the network platform, and develop base direct sales. The third is to standardize the development of new formats of live broadcast sales. Promote the healthy development of new formats of field live broadcasting, strengthen cooperation with live broadcast teams and live broadcast platforms, use online live broadcasting to promote Yunnan agricultural products with goods, and actively plan "Four Seasons Yunnan" live broadcast activities to display and sell high-quality agricultural products in Yunnan. The fourth is to promote small packaging. To meet the needs of consumers younger, small families and convenient distribution, support the production and operation of the main market segmentation, the development of suitable for e-commerce sales, convenient transportation of small packaging products, so that more agricultural products online sales. (4) Improve the level of facilities to focus on production facilities such as soilless cultivation, integration of water and fertilizer, intelligent greenhouses, and automated harvesting, do a good job in the promotion and application of new facilities, new equipment, and new technologies, improve production efficiency, improve product quality, and gradually get out of the development status quo of "relying on the sky to eat". The grain industry focuses on promoting mechanized farming, sowing, harvesting and processing equipment. The tea industry focuses on promoting the standardization of the primary tea system. The flower industry focuses on promoting the integration of water and fertilizer and soilless cultivation, and the soilless cultivation area of water and fertilizer integration in the main production areas has reached more than 30%, and the proportion of high-quality flower output has increased to more than 60%. The vegetable industry focuses on promoting the application of small packaged clean vegetable processing facilities and equipment, and the proportion of small packaged vegetables has reached more than 30%. The fruit industry focuses on post-harvest treatment, and lays out and builds about 20 standardized sorting lines and about 100,000 cubic meters of air conditioning reservoirs according to local conditions. The nut industry focuses on promoting the primary processing of walnut washed fruits, and achieves full coverage in all major production areas. The coffee industry focuses on promoting ecological and environmental protection sorting and peeling drying equipment, and the proportion of specialty coffee beans has increased from 5% to more than 20%. The Chinese herbal medicine industry focuses on promoting efficient green planting facilities and primary processing equipment in the place of origin, and to vigorously develop the quality of raw materials for the granules of traditional Chinese medicine tablets. The beef cattle and pig industry has accelerated the promotion of automated, intelligent and information-based feeding facilities and equipment, increased the proportion and quality of standardized scale breeding, and the large-scale breeding rate has reached 50%. (5) Improve the level of organicization, grasp the transformation of production methods, grasp green organic certification, and grasp the construction of quality traceability system, and achieve new breakthroughs in green organic development. The first is to comprehensively promote green production methods. Actively apply green environmental protection technologies such as reduction, recycling, recycling, reuse, and remanufacturing, and vigorously develop low-carbon, clean, efficient and energy-saving production models. Vigorously promote soil testing and formula fertilization, organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer, integration of water and fertilizer, soilless cultivation, pesticide and fertilizer reduction, green prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, unified prevention and control, and comprehensive utilization of straw, promote the pilot projects of arable land rotation fallow and manure resource utilization, and comprehensively improve the supply capacity of green organic products. The second is to fully promote green organic certification. Comprehensively promote the green and organic development of tea, stabilize the stock, encourage the increment, strive to achieve the greening of all tea gardens in the province, and continuously expand the scale of organic tea gardens. Promote the green organic development model of tea and support policies, and accelerate the green and organic development of flowers, vegetables, fruits, nuts, coffee, Chinese herbal medicines and other industries. The third is to establish a quality traceability system for agricultural products throughout the chain. Build a "top 10 famous products", organic products and green food quality traceability platform, gather data information in all aspects of production, processing and circulation, and establish a whole-process traceability system from the field to the table. Increase the intensity of sampling inspection of certified products, promptly investigate and deal with unqualified products (behaviors), severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations, and maintain the good order of the green organic agricultural product market. (VI) Enhance the level of digitalization to promote the deep integration of digital technology and industrial development, and promote the leapfrog development of the industry. The first is to build a map of agricultural resources. Integrate agricultural environment, soil, meteorology, germplasm resources, agricultural scientific research, technology and other agriculture-related information, build a map of agricultural resources, and provide digital support for resources and industry matching. The second is to build a map of the agricultural industry. With "one library and two platforms" (industrial development database, management platform, service platform) as the core system, we will develop industrial layout, industrial planning, industrial bases, and product brand application service platforms to meet the needs of different groups of production, management and consumption. The third is to build a demonstration base for agricultural digitalization. Focusing on "cloud tea", "cloud flower", "cloud vegetable", "cloud fruit" and "cloud medicine", we will build a demonstration base for production, management and operation, and create a benchmark for the integration and development of digitalization and industry. The fourth is to explore and promote digital application models. Focusing on production, operation, management, service and other links, encourage universities and research institutes to strengthen cooperation with various localities and various types of business entities, explore effective models of intelligent production, networked operation, efficient management, and convenient services, and drive the quality and efficiency of characteristic industries with digital innovation.

Major projects

(1) The new main body cultivation project is supported by the whole industrial chain, combined with internal training and external introduction, cultivating a large number of leading enterprises with sales revenue of tens of billions, billions and billions, and cultivating 2 to 3 super dragon heads in each industry and each chain link to form a pagoda enterprise structure. Every year, more than 100 key investment projects are signed and more than 50 key investment projects are landed, strengthening the identification and monitoring of leading agricultural industrialization enterprises, paying equal attention to inclusive policies and precise support, and strengthening and expanding the leading force for the development of agricultural industrialization. Standardize internal management, improve organizational structure, expand the scope of business, improve the standardization level of farmers' cooperatives in various places, and guide the joint development of farmers' cooperatives. Further improve the "double binding" mechanism and introduce small farmers into the big market. By 2025, strive to cultivate more than 500 enterprises with sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan, more than 100 enterprises with more than 500 million yuan, more than 45 enterprises with more than 1 billion yuan, and more than 10 enterprises with more than 5 billion yuan; the standardized operation level of farmers' cooperatives has been greatly improved, the service capacity and driving effect have been significantly enhanced, and the proportion of demonstration cooperatives at or above the county level has reached more than 10%. (2) The geographical indication system project shall establish a brand cultivation and protection mechanism for geographical indication agricultural products, and form a coordinated development pattern of provinces, prefectures (cities) and counties (cities and districts). Further sort out the province's characteristic agricultural products with regional characteristics, industrial foundation, leading support, and cultural connotations, encourage all localities to actively carry out the registration of geographical indications of agricultural products, the protection of geographical indication products, and the registration of geographical indication certification trademarks, increase the publicity and promotion of geographical indication agricultural products, and strengthen the protection and application of intellectual property rights of geographical indication agricultural products. Continue to organize the implementation of the protection project of agricultural products with geographical indications and the project of promoting the use of geographical indications, actively carry out the construction of the national demonstration zone for the protection of geographical indication products, and strive for full coverage of key industries. In the tea, flowers, fruits, coffee, Chinese herbal medicines, livestock and poultry and other industries in depth to explore the practice, to clarify the status quo, tap the potential, explore the path, through the "geographical indication + trademark / copyright + patent" collaborative use and "geographical indication + green food or organic products" authorized to enter the market and other ways, the introduction of leading, superimposed policies, strengthen protection, pay attention to publicity and other measures at the same time, comprehensively enhance the brand influence, premium power and market competitiveness of geographical indication agricultural products, to create a high-end public brand model of the industrial chain. (3) High-standard farmland construction projects actively strive for state support, increase provincial-level supporting funds, guide village collectives and farmers to actively participate, establish and improve long-term mechanisms for the construction, management, and maintenance of high-standard farmland, and achieve that standards can be set, funds can be raised, and the role can be played well. Further sort out the current situation of high-standard farmland construction in the province, on the one hand, grasp the new construction of contiguous high-standard farmland, on the other hand, grasp the upgrading and transformation of high-standard farmland that has been built, strictly abide by construction standards, strictly grasp the progress of the project, strictly control the quality of the project, and realize the construction of one piece through comprehensive measures such as "fields, soil, water, roads, forests, electricity, technology, and management". Comprehensively promote the application of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation technologies such as sprinkler irrigation, micro-irrigation, and pipe irrigation, improve infrastructure such as farmland water conservancy, improve farmland irrigation and drainage conditions, and focus on demonstrating and promoting sub-film drip irrigation, water and fertilizer integration technology, and precision irrigation technology, and make every effort to create a green high-standard farmland that is concentrated and contiguous, drought and flood protection, water-saving and efficient, stable and high-yield, and eco-friendly. By 2025, promote the construction of 20 million mu of high-standard farmland (including upgrading and transformation), and increase the proportion of high-standard farmland in cultivated land from 26% to more than 40%. (4) The construction project of water conservancy facilities focuses on the prevention and control of drought and the eradication of floods, focusing on the implementation of four major types of projects in the allocation of water resources, the improvement of flood prevention capacity, the protection and management of rivers and lakes, and digital water conservancy, and vigorously solves the historical problem of uneven time and spatial distribution of water resources in the province and the bottleneck of engineering water shortage. Adhere to the combination of large, medium, small and micro enterprises, storage, introduction, and adjustment, and build a Yunnan water supply safety and security network with water diversion in central Yunnan as the backbone, large, medium, and small water source projects as the support, large and medium-sized hydropower stations as the supplement, and major agricultural water-saving projects as the guide。 Actively promote the construction of 8 major water conservancy projects that have been included in the national project. Deepen the reform of the water conservancy management system, implement the main body, responsibility and funding of management and protection, and promote the benign operation of water conservancy projects. By 2025, the capacity of new reservoirs will be 2.3 billion cubic meters, the new water supply capacity will be 2.8 billion cubic meters, the per capita water supply capacity will be increased to more than 450 cubic meters, the effective irrigation rate of farmland will reach more than 45%, and the utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water will reach 0.52. (5) The cold chain logistics support project focuses on ensuring supply, reducing losses, reducing costs, strengthening industries, and benefiting people's livelihood, and promotes the construction of a full cold chain logistics system for fresh agricultural products from the "first kilometer" at the production end to the "last kilometer" at the consumer end. First, the construction of cold chain facilities for storage and preservation in the place of origin. Focusing on the main agricultural product production areas, the advantageous areas of characteristic agricultural products and the poverty alleviation areas, we will support all kinds of business entities to build supporting facilities such as storage, preservation, cleaning, sorting and grading, and packaging in the place of origin, so as to improve the quality and reduce losses from the source of production. The second is the construction of integrated cold chain logistics facilities. Support large-scale leading enterprises to do a good job in the construction of regional warehousing cold chain distribution centers, encourage large-scale agricultural product wholesale markets and agricultural markets to transform and upgrade preservation and storage facilities, promote large chain commercial enterprises and agricultural product circulation enterprises to expand cold chain logistics and distribution business, guide enterprises to lay out and build terminal cold chain distribution facilities, and improve the cold chain logistics service network for consumers. The third is the construction of a hub-type cold chain. Encourage and support backbone cold chain logistics enterprises to participate in the construction of hub cold chain, form a hub cold chain trading center that combines professional and comprehensive, base and transaction, and production and consumption, and realizes the aggregation effect of people flow, logistics, capital flow and information flow. The fourth is the construction of smart supply chains. Strengthen the docking with major target markets and well-known logistics and e-commerce platforms in the country, actively use information technology such as blockchain and the Internet of Things to promote innovation in the supply chain of agricultural products in Yunnan, and achieve the shortest link and optimal configuration from production to consumption. By 2025, the province's new cold storage capacity will reach about 3 million cubic meters, and the total storage capacity will reach about 8 million cubic meters; more than 1,500 mobile pre-cooling equipment and more than 500 mobile cold storage and refrigerated trucks will be added to the field, focusing on improving the level of intensive, professional and networked development of cold chain logistics. (VI) The construction project of the trading center focuses on the key industries of the "green food brand", strengthens the integration of resources, attaches equal importance to new reform and expansion, and promotes the construction of the international spot trading center for commodities with Yunnan characteristics in a phased and step-by-step manner in accordance with the idea of one category, one trading center, one price index, and one construction and operation plan. Strive to build a third-party trading platform that integrates spot trading, electronic trading, public information, warehousing, logistics, settlement and other service functions, and strive to enhance the brand competitiveness, industry influence and market discourse power of Yunnan characteristic bulk commodities. Actively promote the construction of tea, flowers, fruits, vegetables, nuts, coffee, Chinese herbal medicines, beef cattle and other trading centers, explore online and offline integrated operation models, innovative financial service methods, and efficient logistics support systems, so as to achieve more obvious brand benefits, more in-depth industrial integration, and more efficient supply chain operations, and strive to form a price formation center for characteristic products and a vane for industry development. (VII) The scientific and technological innovation system project forms a new driving force for industrial development by creating a scientific and technological platform, innovating a support mechanism, and implementing demonstration and leadership. The first is to build a platform for scientific and technological innovation. Promote the construction of a number of "green food brand" modern industrial technology innovation platforms with new systems, active mechanisms, strong functions and sustainable development. Give full play to the role of Yunnan Green Food International Exchange and Cooperation Research Center, and attract world-class scientific research institutions and teams to provide technical research and intellectual support for Yunnan 'green food brand'. The second is to build a scientific and technological support mechanism. Aggregate the resource strength of agriculture-related colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and internal scientific research institutions, technology promotion systems and leading agricultural enterprises in the province, strengthen the overall integration of platforms, talents, projects, funds, policies and other element resources, and provide scientific and technological support for the development of key industries. The third is to implement scientific and technological demonstration and leadership. Strengthen the key links of industrial development such as the creation of new varieties of Upowertek, green organic and efficient planting and breeding, storage, transportation, preservation and deep processing, functional health care and nutritional health, and quality and safety of agricultural products and food, carry out in-depth research on "small incisions", and accelerate the promotion and application of new technologies, new processes, new products, and new standards. By 2025, the province will lay out about 10 modern agricultural industry technology innovation platforms, cultivate 150 new varieties, form 50 new technologies, 50 new products, and 50 new processes, formulate and promote 50 green production technology standards, and comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. (VIII) The construction project of the rural revitalization demonstration park is to adhere to the planning and lead the integrated development. Coordinate industrial bases, rural tourism, and beautiful villages, develop continuous scales, enhance the ability of integrated development, and strive to build a modern industrial system that integrates the first, second, and third industries. The second is to adhere to the green ecology people-oriented. Establish a long-term mechanism for green, low-carbon and circular development, focus on building a close interest connection mechanism, enhance the radiation driving capacity of rural industries, and consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation. The third is to adhere to the policy incentive market leadership. Give full play to the role of policy incentives, create a good external environment, give full play to the leading role of market players in industrial development, investment and construction, product marketing, etc., and form a situation of efficient promotion of government-enterprise interaction. The fourth is the creation of strict standards competition. In accordance with the method of "competition creation, entry and exit", focus on supporting counties (cities, districts) with good basic conditions and positive will to carry out the creation work, and list and name after meeting the standards. Starting in 2021, we will strive to use 3 years to create a number of ecological excellence, good scenery, artistic beauty, industrial prosperity, perfect functions, easy to reach wisdom, livable and suitable for work in the province, and the provincial level will focus on supporting the construction of 10 rural revitalization demonstration parks (pastoral complexes), making it a demonstration model for transforming green waters and green mountains into Jinshan Yinshan at home and abroad. (9) The industrial development demonstration project adopts the method of combining points, lines and surfaces to create a benchmark demonstration of industrial development with concentrated elements, complete chains and strong radiation belt power. The first is to build an industrial base. Focus on supporting the construction of 200 "green food brand" provincial-level industrial bases. Prefectures (cities) and counties (cities, districts) have promoted the construction of 2,000 industrial bases. The second is to build industrial parks. In accordance with the requirements of policy integration, agglomeration of elements and concentration of enterprises, a number of modern agricultural industrial parks with complete functions, reasonable layout, perfect mechanism and strong driving force will be built. Pilot first, explore the construction of a modern agricultural industrial park in the dry and hot river valley. The third is to build industrial clusters. Actively promote the construction of advantageous industrial clusters such as flowers, vegetables, and beef cattle. Strive for new state support for the implementation of more than 1 industrial cluster every year, and strive to achieve full coverage of key industries within the "14th Five-Year Plan". By 2025, the grain sown area will be stable at more than 62.51 million mu, and the total grain output will reach 19.5 million tons, achieving the goal of "only increasing and not decreasing", and building Yunnan into the country's largest potato anniversary production base and the largest fresh corn anniversary production base. The tea area is stable at about 7.4 million mu, the organic tea garden area reaches 3 million mu, and the comprehensive output value reaches 200 billion yuan, making Yunnan the world's Pu'er tea capital, the world's largest tea germplasm resource center, The first province of organic tea in China, and a demonstration area for the integration of national ecological tea tourism. The flower area is stable at about 1.9 million mu, the output of fresh cut flowers has reached 24 billion branches, and the comprehensive output value of flowers has reached 160 billion yuan, building Yunnan into a global high-quality flower "breeding paradise", the world's largest flower trading center, a national flower green production demonstration area and a preferred destination for flower tourism. The vegetable area is stable at about 18.8 million mu, the output reaches more than 35 million tons, and the comprehensive output value reaches more than 260 billion yuan, which will build Yunnan into a world-class vegetable production area with South Asia and Southeast Asia as the key market, the country's largest base for the transportation of southern vegetables to the north and the east of western vegetables, and a national high-end vegetable supply base. The fruit area is stable at about 11.5 million mu, the output reaches more than 16 million tons, and the comprehensive output value reaches more than 180 billion yuan, which will build Yunnan into a national high-end fruit supply base and a fruit trade center facing South asia and Southeast Asia. The area of nuts is stable at about 47.2 million mu, the output is 3.36 million tons, and the comprehensive output value reaches 126 billion yuan, which will build Yunnan into the world's largest production base of high-quality nuts and the scientific research and innovation center of Asian deep-grained walnuts and macadamia nuts. The coffee area is stable at about 1.5 million mu, and the output of green beans is stable at more than 150,000 tons, of which the proportion of specialty coffee has reached more than 20%, and the comprehensive output value has reached more than 60 billion yuan, which will build Yunnan into an important specialty coffee production base in the world and the most influential coffee trading center in Asia. The area of Chinese herbal medicines is stable at about 9 million mu, the output is more than 1.5 million tons, and the comprehensive output value of the Chinese herbal medicine industry is 170 billion yuan, which will build Yunnan into the largest production base of high-quality Chinese herbal medicines in the country and a processing trade center for the main markets of "southern medicine" at home and abroad. Beef cattle out of more than 4 million heads, beef output of more than 500,000 tons, comprehensive output value of more than 160 billion yuan, the construction of Yunnan into a national important beef cattle breeding industry innovation highland, green breeding, slaughtering and processing base, to create a well-known domestic and foreign "China's cattle capital". With 42 million pigs out of the pen, pork output of 3.5 million tons, and a comprehensive output value of more than 300 billion yuan, Yunnan will be built into the most advanced pig breeding center in the country and an important high-quality commodity pig production base in the country.


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