
The lake is flat and the waves are quiet and the sky is high, and the egret is playing if there is affection - a glimpse of the protection of the wetlands in Shaanxi

author:Xi'an News Network
The lake is flat and the waves are quiet and the sky is high, and the egret is playing if there is affection - a glimpse of the protection of the wetlands in Shaanxi

On November 19, lakes, arch bridges, reeds, and The Qiachuan Scenic Area were picturesque.

Wetlands are the "kidneys of the earth", together with forests and oceans, called the world's three major ecosystems. The number of wetlands and wetland types in Shaanxi accounted for 80% and 35.29% of the country, respectively, and the types of wetlands were diverse and rich in biodiversity.

In Chanba National Wetland Park, water birds swim freely in winter; in the Qiachuan Scenic Area, 10,000 acres of reeds swing with the wind; on the surface of the Weihe River, birds chinese treasure - Chinese autumn sand ducks make a stunning appearance...

In early winter, the scenery is unique!

The lake is flat and the waves are quiet and the sky is high, and the egret is playing if there is affection - a glimpse of the protection of the wetlands in Shaanxi

Birds leisurely swimming on the water surface of Xi'an Chanba National Wetland Park on November 19.

The Yellow River is the most beautiful in Qiachuan

"Guan Guan Ju Dove, in the River Continent." Lady, gentleman..." This well-known "Guan Ju" originated from Heyang Qiachuan.

On November 19, in the Qiachuan Scenic Area, the sunlight sprinkled on the lake without hesitation, forming a sparkling silver ribbon. Tens of thousands of acres of reeds turn from green to yellow, and the scattered reeds on them sway with the wind. Cormorants in the trees are densely packed, motionless, waiting to dive and prey.

Here, wearing an ancient costume, riding a flat boat, wandering among the reeds, as if you can travel through time and space in the next second, and take a look at the ancients described in the Book of Poetry.

Such an artistic conception is a unique scene of the Yellow River wetland in Heyang.

The lake is flat and the waves are quiet and the sky is high, and the egret is playing if there is affection - a glimpse of the protection of the wetlands in Shaanxi

Qiachuan Scenic Area excellent ecological environment.

The Heyang section of the Heyang section of the Yellow River Wetland Provincial Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Has a total length of 42 kilometers from north to south, a width of about 4 kilometers from east to west, and an area of 165 square kilometers, which is the most complete, largest and most functional river-type wetland in the Yellow River Basin.

In order to protect the Yellow River wetlands, Heyang County adheres to the ecological red line, cleans up the indiscriminately occupied wetlands, prohibits industrial layout, and protects the ecological environment of the Yellow River Basin to the greatest extent.

According to Qiao Tianmin, director of the Yellow River Wetland Conservation Center in Heyang County, "We plan to design and implement 7 afforestation types based on the gully area on the west bank of the Yellow River, and use 5 years to complete afforestation of 37,000 mu." So far, we have planted 15,000 mu of cypress, mountain peach, poplar tree, hibiscus and other types of tree shrub seedlings on the west bank of the Yellow River. ”

The Yellow River wetland is also an important station on the migration route of inland migratory birds and one of the important habitats for the protection of migratory birds in the central and western parts of China.

Along the Yellow Highway on the northern Heron Island, the total length of 3 kilometers, an area of about 300 acres. The tall deciduous trees such as poplars and willows on Heron Island attract countless rare birds.

Qiao Tianmin introduced: "Northern Heron Island is divided into seven functional areas, namely the entrance portal area, the bird attraction area, the bird wetland activity science popularization area, the bird forest water nest area, the Xishan ecological restoration area, the ecological leisure picking area and the characteristic farm service area. We will also establish bird protection stations and wetland animal research and treatment centers here. ”

According to incomplete monitoring statistics, the northern Heron Island is inhabited by more than 20,000 birds such as herons, egrets, great egrets, cattleback herons, night herons, etc., especially the herons have become the resident birds here, where they settle down and reproduce, constituting a beautiful landscape of the Yellow River wetland.

The lake is flat and the waves are quiet and the sky is high, and the egret is playing if there is affection - a glimpse of the protection of the wetlands in Shaanxi

On November 19, the Water and Sky of Qiachuan Scenic Area were colorful.

The Weihe River ushers in the "national treasure" among birds

Located in the heart of China, Shaanxi is the only province in the country that is located between the Yellow River and the main stream of the Yangtze River. The wetland area in Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province is 142,900 hectares, the wetland area of southern Shaanxi is 95,600 hectares, and the wetland area of northern Shaanxi is 70,000 hectares.

Wetlands are rich in biodiversity and are important biological gene banks. According to the survey and literature statistics, Shaanxi Province has a total of 121 species of wetland birds in 9 orders, 24 families, of which 7 species belong to the national first-level protection, 12 species are second-level protection, and 19 are provincial key protection.

As a paradise for birds, the wetland attracts many bird lovers to take photos.

"The black-tailed wax-billed finch fruit has eaten too much, and I have to drink some."

"The brown-headed crow is also cute."

"The red-billed diving duck returned as scheduled and spent the winter in Yanming Lake!"


Open the WeChat circle of friends of Xi'an citizen and bird photographer Ning Lai, which is full of photos and videos about birds. Colorful birds paired with lively copywriting, no one can refuse to like.

For Ning Lai, for 365 days, as long as it does not rain, he will take a camera and go to the wetlands around Xi'an to photograph birds. If he is lucky enough to photograph rare birds, he will continue to be happy for several days.

"Last week, when we were doing a bird survey, we saw a pair of Chinese autumn sand ducks on the Wei River. The Chinese Autumn Sand Duck is a national first-class protected animal and is very precious! Ning Lai told reporters, "The Chinese autumn sand duck generally appears in changbai mountain in summer, and returns to the south for winter in winter, which was occasionally seen in Luonan before." The Chinese Autumn Sand Duck has particularly high water quality requirements, and I feel particularly lucky to see two of them on the Wei River this time. This shows that the Environment of the Weihe River is getting better and better! ”

Recently, there was another thing that surprised Ning Lai. He said with great interest: "Yesterday in Lake No. 3 of Yanming Lake, I counted carefully, and there were about 20 bare-billed diving ducks. In the past, there were only 10 or so wintering grounds here. ”

At present, Shaanxi has established 9 wetland nature reserves at all levels and 43 national wetland parks (pilots), initially forming a classification system of natural protected areas with national parks as the main body, nature reserves as the basis, and various natural parks as supplements.

In order to strengthen the protection of wetlands, our province has continuously improved the laws and regulations on wetland protection at the provincial level. Following the Regulations on the Protection of Wetlands in Shaanxi Province, the "Provincial Wetland Protection and Restoration System Plan" issued in 2017 has made comprehensive arrangements for the protection and restoration of wetlands in our province under the new situation.

At the same time, the legislation on wetland protection at the provincial and municipal levels has achieved remarkable results. Xi'an City and Weinan City have successively issued the "Xi'an Wetland Protection Regulations" and "Weinan Wetland Protection Regulations", which provide strong support for standardizing local wetland management and refining wetland protection law enforcement.

In addition, the "Shaanxi Provincial Wetland Park Management Measures" implemented by Shaanxi Province have played an important role in protecting important wetland resources, promoting the sustainable use of wetland resources, and promoting the construction of ecological civilization.

Source: Shaanxi Daily

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