
What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

author:Delve into history
Do you know what the life of the Japanese people was like when they were engaged in a war of aggression on the land of China? It can only be described as miserable, and even Japanese government agencies often receive anonymous letters, some of which are people who scold the Japanese emperor. So why do the Japanese people have such fierce words and deeds? What does their real life look like? Interested friends like and follow comments.
What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

The real life of the Japanese people

In 1942, japan's Thought Monthly newspaper and The High Monthly newspaper recorded an anonymous letter written by the public to Yukio Ryuoka, the superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Department. The content is roughly as follows: they believe that Japan's occupation of Singapore is not a victory for their own country, because the real situation in Japan today is that there is no rice and no food, but the emperor lives in such a good house, it is better to take some food to treat the people preferentially than that.

From this passage, it is not difficult to see that Japan invaded other countries, but the people of the Japanese mainland are living in deep trouble, and even eating enough has become a problem. In the following anonymous letter, the words are less euphemistic: War is a barbaric act, overthrowing Japan, what is the emperor? Tojo should be dead. Eliminate the arrogant Japanese. Tearing down the Yasukuni Shrine and canceling the name of the Emperor are useless things. Don't be an asshole like the Imperial Army.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

On the wall it reads: Hurry up and stop the war, and finally you will be defeated, the people are too bitter

Some people even directly scolded the eighteenth generation ancestors of the Japanese emperor for not having a good life. And in a public toilet next to a cemetery in Tokyo's Shibuya, a wall was found saying: Stop the war quickly, and finally defeat, the people are too bitter. From these words, we can feel that the life of the Japanese people is indeed miserable. So what kind of life did the Japanese people live during World War II?

In 1936, the Japanese government supported Hiroshi Hirota as The Prime Minister of Japan, which also represented the establishment of the Second World War in Japan by the fascist regime, the Asian war gradually began, and after Hirota Hiroshi took office, Japan successively launched wars of aggression in neighboring countries, including China. Everyone knows that the war launched by Japan is unjust, not only the people of other countries are in deep trouble, but even the people of their own country are suffering.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

The people on both sides were greatly hurt by the war, and in order to support the front-line operations, Japan spent all its domestic resources on the military

In the war, the people on both sides were greatly hurt, and in order to support the front-line operations, Japan spent all its domestic resources on the military, which also led to the very hard life of ordinary Japanese people, the residents of the city could not even eat enough, the lack of materials also made them miserable, many people chose to go to the factory to work, because only in this way, they can eat enough, if they are lucky, they may be able to eat fish.

Compared with Japan's cities, the situation in the countryside is even more miserable, the peasants have worked hard to grow the grain basically all handed over to the state, some people with better family conditions can also eat rice mixed with beans, people on the seaside can at least fish and shrimp to eat, but the poor families are not like this, they can not even solve the basic problem of food and clothing, especially in winter, many rural areas will appear to starve to death.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

In addition to not having enough to eat, even cigarettes, sugar, oil, soap and most other daily necessities are not available

In addition to not having enough to eat, even cigarettes, sugar, oil, soap and most other daily necessities could not be supplied, because these things were all distributed to the ordinary people in the army to fight, very small, and the quality was very poor, such as clothes, the only production that could not be used in Japan at that time, there was only a fragile silk fabric called tofu.

In the eyes of ordinary people in Japan, the war brought about a shortage of resources and inflation, and even many people think that the Japanese government launched this war is to do nothing wrong, and even in this dark day, many Japanese people suffer more than other nationalities, they not only have to work like robots, endure torture and also bear psychological torture, some people are not very supportive of Japan to start a war, but they can not disobey the orders issued by their own country, so, Everything they do is to keep this unjust war going.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

All Japanese Militias

So do you know where the Japanese most wanted to live at that time? The answer is Manchuria. At that time, Manchukuo was promoted by Japan as a holy place for food and clothing and a happy life, and many Japanese people were very eager to meet life, for them, satisfaction was a happiness away from war, but in fact, was this really the case?

After the fall of The Northeast, the Japanese army regarded the Northeast as the center of gravity of the invasion of China, not only sent its own people to settle here, but also let Japanese women marry the Men of the Northeast, the purpose of which was to improve the bloodline of the people of the Northeast, and even at that time the Japanese government was planning its own conspiracy of "million immigrants"

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

A pioneer group that fled after Japan's defeat

At that time, the northeast was eroded by opium, every adult needed his mother to follow him and feed at any time, so it can be seen that the erosion of opium used by the Japanese made the entire three eastern provinces become addicts, compared with the people of the northeast who were suppressed by the Japanese, the Japanese were rarely oppressed, because the Japanese government put an end to their own people smoking opium, and even fundamentally cut off opium in the middle of Japan.

Compared to the different situations on both sides, the Japanese were very satisfied with what they had done when they watched Manchuria full of opium, and this crime was recorded by an American journalist. I don't know if you remember the pioneering team.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

Pioneer group family

But you know what? After the Japanese came to northeast China, they not only forcibly occupied the land of the peasants in the northeast, but also leased the land to the landless peasants, because the Japanese could not cultivate the land, so they slaved the Chinese peasants to enjoy their success, according to the recollection of a Heilongjiang man Liu Anfa: The Japanese, through the Manchurian government, taught them to hand over all the land, and newly distributed to them, and later it was said that one person gave 100 yuan, and finally ten yuan was very good.

They not only occupied the land of the common people, but also divided the mountains and forests! And the Japanese said that if anyone dared to go up the mountain, cutting down wood would be severely beaten by the Japanese army, and many people's places at that time were occupied by the Japanese army, but they did not plant the land, sow the seeds, and then wait for them to grow up, even in the end they did not learn to cultivate the land.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

Pioneering Unity Bureau is tragic

Moreover, after these Japanese people came to the northeast, the food they ate was rice, ordinary sorghum rice, they did not eat at all, and the clothes they wore were also yellow clothes issued by the state, exactly the same as the Japanese soldiers, who had to train every morning, carrying a wooden gun with a grimace and screaming. According to the description of the Japanese government, it is to satisfy Japan, which is supported by the japanese country, and now the power is to enrich the national defense of Japan and Manchuria, maintain the law and order of Manchukuo, in order to seek the achievements of far and eastern culture, and listen to how much the Japanese can talk about. However, some people say that the actual situation in Japan is also caused by themselves, so why do they say so?

At the time of the Japanese massacre of Nanjing, the Japanese people mobilized nearly 800,000 people gathered by various schools in the country to hold a parade to celebrate, but just a few days after the celebration, the Japanese army completely occupied Nanjing and began to massacre innocent civilians in Nanjing, many rich and powerful people got the news, abandoned the city early and fled, and most of those who remained were poor people and old and weak women and children, they were defenseless, facing the mad Japanese, like fish on the cutting board.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

Nanjing Massacre

At 10:00 p.m. on December 31, japan announced the Japanese occupation of Nanjing, and when they heard the news, the Japanese people were ecstatic, and the streets, stations, and public places were all Japanese people, and their first reaction was not to reflect on the disaster caused by the war, but to shout long live.

Even that night, many people carried lanterns to the streets or went to the taverns to drink and celebrate, some people drank and drank, and directly said: Do a cup, celebrate the fall of the country, those days tokyo is full of joy, almost more grand than the New Year, and in newspapers, magazines, radio and other media successively reported this matter, Japan is eager to tell the whole world, Nanjing was captured by them.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

When Japan announced the Japanese occupation of Nanjing, the Japanese people were ecstatic when they heard the news

More than 100,000 people will come to the yasukuni shrine, light up the red lanterns celebrating victory, and pray for the Japanese troops in the distance, and one thing to note here is that the Japanese people pray for the blessing of a group of executioners, they are like a group of demons, and this is just the beginning.

In the evening, all the residents of Tokyo went out, the band played a majestic march, walked to the front, followed by the joyful people, they sang for a while, the next moment shouted Long live His Majesty the Emperor, it is said that the number of people marching on the street at that time reached one million, they shouted all the way to the Imperial Palace Japan, the Emperor Tianhou was very happy, canceled the original itinerary, began the military parade, and this time point was the time when the compatriots in Nanjing suffered.

What was the real life of the Japanese people during World War II? Write an anonymous letter scolding Emperor Baga

Murderous demons

In addition to Tokyo, other cities in Japan also held celebrations, the whole of Japan is immersed in joy, they are just to celebrate Nanjing Longxian County, and even some rich people buy a large number of imported noodles from China, calling it Nanjing noodles, and many people buy a lot of noodles for this name. Therefore, later, some people said that Japan invaded China, and all Japanese people were executioners, and it was because of their support that there was this unjust war. So what do you think? Welcome to leave a comment in the comment area below, and finally don't forget to like and pay attention, we will not see you in the next issue.

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