
Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

author:Xu Haifeng 0826

The two words of daily miscellaneous autumn makeup to describe them - dull, but this year's daily miscellaneous makeup has added a lot of heart color on the basis of the previous simplicity, which makes people shine.

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

Several of this year's popular makeup looks are making a big fuss about the eyes, blush, and mouth, and the eye makeup and lipstick will be more vivid than before, feeling that this autumn is no longer lifeless, more energetic!

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time
Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time
Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time
Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

Represented by the grass goddess Mori Erika, this year's makeup abandons the image of the previous first love face, and boldly tries the shape of red lips and small smoky eye makeup, which is not only very suitable for her, but also reflects the taste of autumn!

Gentle nude makeup

Gentle and sharp tools - nude colors, such as milk tea color, caramel color, the saturation of this color is relatively low, will make people think that you are very affinity, and there is also an age reduction effect! At first glance, it looks like there is no makeup, and it belongs to the type that becomes more attractive the more you look at it.



The makeup of the nude makeup, the requirements for the base makeup are very high, the first and the biggest focus is the sense of clarity, the foundation color number should be close to the skin tone, the texture can not be too thick, and there must be a slight luster, as if the skin comes with itself. At the same time, the autumn weather is also beginning to dry, and when choosing a foundation, you need to choose a moisturizing and nourishing foundation.



The eyebrows of Korean makeup are mainly flat eyebrows, European and American makeup is mainly clean eyebrows, and the eyebrows of daily makeup are mainly natural. First of all, the color should not be too dark, otherwise it will appear very abrupt; and it must have a plush feeling, and the drawn eyebrows must be as well-rooted as they grow out of themselves.



As a nude makeup, blush is extra important at this time, after all, a person's color needs to rely on it. The color of blush is based on orange tones, saturation and brightness need to be low, it is recommended to choose with a fine pearlescent texture, enhance the color and make the apple muscle elastic and full.

Intense late autumn makeup

After looking at the above more typical daily makeup, Xiaobian will recommend two "heavy taste" makeups summarized from this year's magazine makeup.

The makeup with a brown and red tone, although the tone is heavy, but it will not look old, in the case of heavy eyeshadow and lipstick color, it will weaken other parts, to achieve the role of highlighting the five features, and catch everyone's eyeballs at once.

eye shadow

As the soul part of the whole makeup, eye makeup needs to use a slightly more intense color, brown, reddish brown are OK, single eyelid swollen eye bubbles can be selected matte texture or micro pearl, so that it is not easy to show swelling.

Classic sunset powder with brick red bean sand color, there is a personality at the same time without exaggeration, and finally with rose gold to do brightening, the whole eye makeup in the enlargement of the eyes at the same time to brighten the eyes, daily good collocation.


The mouth is another point of emphasis, in order to echo the eye makeup, choose a lipstick with a reddish and dark color - brownish red, the red tone can be slightly heavier. Low-key but aura, with red eye makeup is very eye-catching, will not make eye makeup become obtrusive, the entire makeup has a strong autumn and winter characteristics.

Sexy berry makeup

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

The last one to recommend is berry makeup, you may think that juice makeup is exclusive to summer, but in fact, an elegant but sexy rose purple makeup can also add a touch of color to autumn.

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

Like the above reddish brown makeup, berry makeup also needs to do more articles on eyeshadow and lipstick, the color can be brighter, but it can not be too bright, with a natural base makeup, it can immediately play an age-reducing role.

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

This time the eye makeup, you can use lively jumping colors, such as yellow, blue, appropriate embellishment lightly paved a layer, you can make your eyes come alive, and finally add some sequins, so that the eye makeup is more flexible!

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

Since the eye makeup color is relatively rich, lip makeup can be echoed with toot lips, and the texture is more translucent, preferably a moisturizing lipstick or lip glaze. The color can be fruity, such as strawberries, grapes, this color, vivid and vibrant color, breaking the dull monotony of autumn.

Autumn/Winter makeup comes at the right time

This time the focus of autumn makeup is in addition to the color system,

Also pay attention to texture and other aspects!

Hurry up and put on your autumn and winter makeup,

Put on a knitted coat,

You're the prettiest chick of this fall!