
If you want your child to be confident and sunny, you can't do without the course of nature education

author:A thought of spring and autumn

If you want your child to be confident and sunny, you can't do without the course of nature education

American writer Richard. Love, who is currently addicted to electronic products, is imprisoned in reinforced concrete, has no sense of the beauty and magic of nature, and is completely separated from nature, called "nature deficiency disease", he pointed out that this symptom is extremely detrimental to the physical and mental health of children.

Solo also once said: The combination of the mind and nature can produce wisdom and imagination!

1, go into nature and awaken the child's ability to discover beauty

There are reports that aesthetic education in 2022 will be included in the scope of the middle school entrance examination, indicating the importance that the country attaches to aesthetic education.

Indeed, as parents, we are gradually out of interest in the second blossom of the transformation of the four seasons of nature, and our perception of beauty is becoming more and more dull.

Occasional outings are also based on taking photos and sending circles of friends, and the concern is how many people like it.

Don't know how to slow down with small flowers and grasses, butterflies, lake waves... It may make more sense to look at them for a while or talk to them for a while.

Su Shi in "Chibi Fu": Only the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the ear is the sound, the eye is the color, the can't help but be used, it is the creator's endless treasure, and I am compatible with er.

I have to lament the depth of the ancient literati's fascination with nature.

"Zhongfang shook the lonely Xuanyan, taking full advantage of the style to the small garden, the shadow was shallow and shallow, and the dark incense floated at dusk." This poem by Lin Kui describes the cold winter as ethereal and quiet, like a fresh and elegant Wing Mei painting.

Lin Kui is indeed a big fan of nature, and he has lived a fairy life of 'plum as wife, crane as son'.

Teacher Zhu Guangqian said in his book "Talking about Beauty" that people have three attitudes towards an ancient pine tree:

When the merchant saw the ancient pine, the first thing he thought of was its market value, it was just the wood used to make the furniture; how to save costs to cut down and transport, and then make furniture and sell it at a high price;

What botanists see is what family its pinnacle-like leaves belong to and how they differ from other varieties;

But the painter saw the strange shape of Gu Song and the tenacious character of the proud snow frost.

The wind and moon of the country and the mountains are the impermanent lords, and the idlers are the masters. We may wish to take our children into nature and put the beauty of nature into the eyes of children and into their hearts.

Aridotus once said that every field of nature is wonderful.

Deeply believed!

2, go deep into nature, understand the natural ecology, and stimulate children's curiosity

Edison said: My job is to reveal the mysteries of nature for the benefit of mankind.

He personally owns more than a thousand patents and more than two thousand inventions, his education is not high, but his contribution to mankind is enormous. One of the great factors in his achievements was his curiosity.

"God has given you a scar, and I want to make this scar your glory," Li Yapeng said to his daughter Li Yan.

In order to stimulate the child's curiosity, every year on the 24 solar terms, he will take the child to the Ming Tombs Reservoir to do water temperature and air humidity tests in the same place to observe its change law.

Especially when it comes to the sting festival, it is directly found to observe a bug, directly interpreting the meaning of the word sting.

Nature is indeed a silent encyclopedia, full of endless wisdom, which only those who like to explore nature will recognize.

The ancients saw birds flying in the vast sky, they invented the paper kite, and now when it comes to the colorful kites over the holiday square, competing for each other, it is not spectacular;

The Wright brothers, the inventors of the airplane, were bolder and had to fly to the sky on their own, and after more than a thousand gliding test flights, they finally got their wish and created the first manned aircraft of mankind, "Aviator 1".

Newton, who discovered the "gravity" of the earth, the story of his encounter with an apple at the age of 24, is a tireless spirit of exploration of unknown territory, which has made the great scientist Newton.

CCTV Science and Education Channel's "Natural Legends" is a must-see program for my family every issue, seeing the green grass on the screen, the clear flow of the stream, watching the birds breeding, watching the penguins waddle along... It is as if the soul has also been purified, and I look forward to the holidays coming soon and experiencing the magic of nature.

Many parents will say that I also want to take my children outdoors and go to nature, but there is no time.

Then I will paraphrase: I always have time for you. Because you are the most important.

Therefore, parents who do not have time are not aware of the harm of "natural deficiency disease" to their children.

Richard. In The Last Child in the Woods, Love says that "deficiency disorder" can lead directly to children: obesity, attention disorders and depression.

Be a wise parent, take your child to put down electronic products, and explore the 100,000 whys in nature?

If you really don't have time, it is also a good choice to register your children for a summer camp in the summer.

It is proposed that the child give himself a natural name, a snail, a sparrow or a small bee, to protect the child's childlike heart.

In fact, every child is a seed, which contains great potential, and what we have to do is to patiently guide and slowly stimulate this potential.

The premise is that parents must first go out and do not be the "plastic parents" under Sanmao's pen, because "plastic parents" can only cultivate "plastic children".

3, into nature, recognize yourself!

In fact, there are many philosophies hidden in nature.

Byron said: It is not that I do not love human beings, but that I love nature more.

Maybe he's the one who knows this well.

There is such a story of a mother and son watching the sea circulating on the Internet: there is a little boy who is particularly inferior, and every exam is not done well at the same table, once he went home and asked his mother: Why do we listen to the teacher's lectures together, do homework seriously together, why am I always so much less than my table? The mother did not know how to answer for a while, but the mother knew that the child's grades were constantly improving, and this question has been bothering the mother until the child's primary school graduation.

Summer vacation is here again, and the mother decides to take her child to the sea, of course, to find answers.

There are many birds on the beach by the sea foraging, when the waves come, the little gray finch jumps up and flies away, and the seagull always looks very clumsy, seeing here, the mother has the answer to the child and says: You see the little gray finch is not the fastest flying, but it can not cross the sea, fly over the ocean, and the calm seagull can do it. So Mom is optimistic about you, you are a seagull that can fly over the ocean. In junior high school, the child was steady and steady, not impatient, and finally admitted to his ideal university.

Everything in the world, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains and rivers

, flowers, birds, fish and insects... Each individual has its own uniqueness, there is no comparison, than compared with yourself, because you are also one of all things in the world, becoming a better self, is a successful life!

Nature is the most direct and comprehensive encyclopedia, let the child fall in love with the beautiful nature, it is equivalent to giving the child a space for natural growth, pointing out a complete and independent direction of life.

Everyone wants their children to be confident in the sunshine, then nature is your best helper.

Finally, I would like to send You this sentence from Emerson:

Man is an active plant, and like a tree, they can get most of the nutrients from the air, and they are haggard if they are always at home.


If you want your child to be confident and sunny, you can't do without the course of nature education