
Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

author:Vigorously talk about history

From the 15th century, the colonists Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France competed fiercely around the world, conquering and plundering the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America, and were involved in the inhumane slave trade. Because of the staggering profits, 100 to 1000 percent, the crazy colonists sneaked into the black villages, burned down the houses, and tied the blacks to the slave ships, and the black villages were in ruins in an instant.

The colonists bound the slaves with heavy wooden shackles and chains, and they stripped the slaves of their clothes and were selected like cattle, and the selected slaves were marked on their bodies by fiery red soldering irons, and loaded into slave ships to embark on a tragic road.

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

Black slave photo

The cabins were crowded, humid, the air was dirty, and infectious diseases were frequent. As soon as he fell ill, he was thrown into the sea and drowned. When there was not enough fresh water or food, some slaves would be cruelly thrown into the sea.

After hardships, a small number of slaves were able to survive, were transported to the Americas as black slaves, engaged in heavy physical labor on plantations or mines, lacked clothing and food, were constantly whipped by leather whips, and under inhuman treatment, 1/3 of black people died in the first three years, and most lived less than 15 years. During the 400-year slave trade, about 12 million to 30 million slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas. But the continent lost at least 100 million people, shockingly, the same population as Africa in 1800.

The European slave traders made a lot of money from it, but objectively they also accelerated the primitive accumulation of European capitalism and promoted the economic prosperity of Europe today, which is a sad song written in blood and tears!

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

Slave trafficking

Therefore, the problem of racial antagonism in a certain country has a historical background! In short, we have the inherent impression that white people enslaved black people like cattle and horses, and they could not show off their might! The crimes committed are too numerous to count!

But what is less known is that in fact, white Europeans and Americans have experienced a similar dark period in their history, and many countries in the West regard it as a disgrace and rarely mention it.

Many Europeans were taken into captivity as white slaves and lived miserable lives.

Time jumps back to the 14th century, when a powerful eastern power has risen, and this is the Man-Turk Empire! It is named after the founder of the Ottoman Empire. Ruled by the Ottomans, who originated from the Turkic nomadic tribes of Central Asia! At the height of the empire, it had three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa, and was located at the intersection of Eastern and Western civilizations! Just because the geographical location is actually important, it blocks the original land Silk Road! The plucking of geese from goods is heavily taxed! Chinese silk, tea, porcelain, etc. were so sparkling that they forced Queen Isabella I of Spain to support Christopher Columbus's westward voyage to find the Sea Route to Asia and discover the New World!

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

Ottoman Empire

As the empire reached its peak, from the Balkans, most of the Middle East and North Africa, to the Strait of Gibraltar in the west, to the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf in the east, to present-day Austria and Slovenia in the north, and to present-day Sudan and Yemen in the south, the territory expanded too rapidly and the inevitable rapid expansion of the city, plus the population of the Black Death pandemic in the Middle Ages plummeted, resulting in an extreme shortage of labor in the empire! In order to seek development, it is necessary to find cheap labor through other means! Violently plundering the population is one of the fastest ways, and this is when the white slave prints into view!

Speaking of which, the Chincha Khanate, one of the four great khanates of the Great Mongol Empire founded by the nomadic Mongols who arose in the steppes of northern Asia, split into many khanates at this time, one of which was the Crimean Khanate on the Crimean Peninsula! At this time, there was no longer the sharpness to sweep the world, and it had become a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire!

In order to increase their overstretched income, they engaged in the ugly business of plundering the population and selling it to the Ottoman Empire! Cavalry often went to Eastern Europe to capture Slavic and Romanian slaves, calling it the "harvest of the steppe peoples." Until the late eighteenth century, the huge slave trade with the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922) and the Middle East continued. According to statistics, the population of plundered slaves is as high as 3 million!

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

Barbary pirates who specialize in trafficking in white slaves for men and women

The Barbary Pirates, another pirate organization of North African Turks and Moors, are even more notorious! Don't look at the pirates and think of the scattered army, this pirate is a semi-national nature, the combat effectiveness is amazing, in 1390, once the powerful Genoa and the French launched barbaric Crusades defeated! What caused great harm to Christendom was that the most pirates, mainly because they not only plundered ships, but also plundered towns and villages along the European coast, and they were not good at guerrilla warfare, and their combat effectiveness was very strong, becoming a nightmare for Europeans! The main purpose was to capture Christians for the slave trade between Ottoman Turkey and Arabia.

According to statistics, from 1580 to 1680 for a century, with the support of the Ottomans, the advanced ship technology brought to them by the European pirates as peers made the barbaric pirates attack range greatly increased, and the coastal villages and towns of Italy's old colonists such as Spain were not plundered at every turn, and both men, women and children were caught on ships and sold as white slaves, making cattle and horses for the Ottomans and Arabs! The inhabitants of the periphery of the coast were forced to move inland, and it was not until the 19th century that anyone dared to return to settle. For hundreds of years, the predominantly white Christian world was humiliatingly pooling money to redeem the Barbary pirates.

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

The white slave trade in history, especially beautiful girls

In the 18th century, European navies used guns to run rampant all over the world! But the reason why the European navy was first formed was that it was really impossible to be defeated by these pirates!

According to statistics, an estimated 850,000 Europeans were taken away by pirates and sold into slavery, and slaves were like black slaves, and the Ottoman Empire used white slaves as cattle. Both men and women were stripped naked by slave traders and sold in public without human dignity.

Most of them worked hard from morning to night with intense physical exertion, and the mortality rate was quite high, at least 1.25 million people were killed by these pirates!

Even the U.S. military, which is now a powerful navy, had no choice but to pay a million dollars a year to the Barbary pirates in Algeria to ensure the safe passage of American ships, and to be forced to pay a lot of money to redeem the plundered Americans so as not to be treated as white slaves!

Do you think there are only black slaves in the history of the world? Never, and white slaves

French painting, beautiful white slaves

According to some sources, in 1800, 20% of the US government's finances were used to pay ransom!

Europe was even more miserable, and it wasn't until 1815 that they also found white European slaves captured by Barbary pirates in North Africa.

Eventually, of course, more than a decade later, the pirates were wiped out. The Ottoman Empire also declined, and the evil white slave trade disappeared into the long river of history.

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