
Yichun Fangci Tea House Liu Yating: People are more beautiful

author:Ganpo Consulting

Jiangxi News Yichun News Lu Jianbo Yisong reported: "I drank free tea for three years at this tea house, this tea house provided our sanitation workers with herbal tea and biscuits, bread and other snacks free of charge, the tea house owner is also beautiful, never dislike our sanitation workers, every time we see us will also boo Han ask for warmth to care about us," Yichun Longma Sanitation Company sanitation worker Sun Aixiu said happily.

Yichun Fangci Tea House Liu Yating: People are more beautiful

Fang Ci Tea Estate Liu Yating

In 2018, Sun Aixiu entered Yichun Longma Sanitation Company to engage in sanitation workers, her work section is a few kilometers along Xiujiang East Road, once in the work, she stumbled upon that the gate of the Fangci Tea House on this road was actually placed with tea buckets and boxes containing biscuits and bread, which were written on red paper with love bread and love tea (free), just when she was thirsty and embarrassed to pour water, just when the boss Liu Yating came out of the store, she saw Sun Aixiu's dilemma, and smiled and said: Big sister, You are thirsty, come, I pour you a cup of water, and then in the box to take some biscuits and bread in her hands to let her eat first, slowly, Sun Aixiu is no longer shy in the face of this beautiful boss, every time when thirsty at work, will go to Fang Ci Tea House to drink water, especially in the summer heat, the kettle they work with is not large, Fang Ci Tea House to them to solve a great drinking water problem.

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Speaking of Fangci Tea House, Yi Song, director of the Comprehensive Department of Yichun Longma Sanitation Company, is full of praise, because their company's service scope is in this area, and Fangci Tea House's act of love and kindness has provided great help to their company's sanitation workers, solved the problem of drinking water for a large number of sanitation workers, and enabled their front-line sanitation workers to work more safely.

A three-person drowning accident in the summer of 2020, so that Fangci Tea Estate's Liu Yating couldn't sleep all night, it turned out that human life was so fragile and vulnerable, the next day, she came to the tea house early, let the company's people buy ten sets of life rings (life rings and lifelines) installed on the banks of the Xiujiang River in Yichun City, hoping to help drowning accidents at a critical moment, this summer, she was surprised to find that the spare life rings she placed not only did not reduce one, but also had a loving enterprise put 10 sets of life rings. Mentioning this act of love tea and free biscuits, she smiled and said: In fact, at the beginning, she just saw that the sanitation workers who worked hard every day were often tired and sweaty, and also went to the small shop to buy water to drink, so they put a bucket of love tea for the sanitation workers to drink, and later, she added some biscuits and small breads to put there for a long time, every morning at nine o'clock the tea house opened, the first thing is to boil boiling water (herbal tea in summer) in the love tea bucket, and then take out the disposable cups, biscuits and breads. For sanitation workers and passers-by to eat, now more and more citizens know that their store provides these love foods, she said, the long-term delivery of water to her shop master because of his own good deeds were moved, every month to her store free two buckets of water, has been insisting until now, there is an aunt, after hearing about this matter, once specially sent 10 pounds of home-grown chrysanthemum tea (imperial chrysanthemum) from the warm soup. On November 16th, Liu Yating and volunteers came to Huangpo Primary School with more than 7,000 sets of children's books, sending knowledge and warmth to the children of the school.

Fang Xing is the tea culture of Fang Ci Tea House, and it is also the business philosophy of Fang Ci Tea House, that is, to exercise one's compassion equally, one cannot discriminate against sentient beings. Liu Yating has a circle of friends that has received a lot of praise, she said this: a place born of love, will eventually give love and warmth to more people all the way, grateful for you all the way! Pure giving is the greatest merit.

Yichun Fangci Tea House Liu Yating: People are more beautiful

Liu Yating

A drop of water can reflect the brilliance of the sun; a bright lamp can illuminate the road of life, a character, can enlighten our wisdom, I think, Yichun sanitation workers and pedestrians, will also be grateful to this tea house all the way!

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