
"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

author:Hi Weihai client

At 21:00 on November 22, the first phase of "Big Hands Holding Small Hands - Free Breathing, Free Rongcheng" was broadcast by the Children's Channel of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, co-organized by the Propaganda Department of the Rongcheng Municipal Party Committee, the Rongcheng Municipal Education and Sports Bureau and other units. On the screen of CCTV, Rongcheng children show their style and talents, and wonderful programs such as dance, Peking Opera, textbook drama, instrumental ensemble and other wonderful programs are unveiled in turn, which not only reflects the inheritance of traditional fishermen's culture from generation to generation, but also shows the vigorous vitality and good spiritual outlook of Rongcheng teenagers.

"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

The "Big Hands Holding Small Hands" column of China Central Radio and Television Corporation is a brand program of the Sports Youth Program Center of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, and is a large-scale public welfare program launched by the Children's Channel on June 1, 2012, with a broadcast time of CCTV-14 at 21:00 every monday and night, each episode lasts 45 minutes and 52 times a year. At the same time, he is responsible for the production of this year's theme main line special program.

"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV
"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

The program "Big Hands Holding Small Hands", which was broadcast on the evening of November 22, was filmed by Ju Ping, a famous program host of Rongcheng of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, who led the column team into her hometown rongcheng in July this year. Sister Ju Ping and her party went deep into schools, villages, red education bases, new era civilization practice centers and other places, and held hands with nearly a thousand children of Rongcheng, gathered together, performed on the same stage, and introduced the beautiful Rongcheng to children across the country.

"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

The dance "Beautiful River", performed by the students of Rongcheng Experimental Middle School, took the lead in the stage, and the beautiful girls wore light blue dresses and used romantic and aesthetic dance postures to reflect the harmonious symbiosis between man and nature.

The poem recitation "Poems for Rongcheng", performed by Sister Ju Ping, Lu Baobao, Xu Liu and Sang Dong, host of Rongcheng Rong Media Center, showed the development achievements of Rongcheng in political, economic, social and ecological aspects.

Peking Opera "Ode to pear blossoms" takes the peking opera two yellow tone as the main tone, adding the characteristics of Mei Pai singing, combining euphemism and atmosphere, which is evocative and long.

The dance "The Song of the Little Newsboy", performed by the students of the Thirty-fifth Middle School District of the city, shows the spirit of the little newsboy who is not afraid of hardship and self-improvement.

The textbook drama "Golden Fish Hook", performed by the students of Qingshan Primary School in the city, interprets the true story of the Red Army's Long March across the grassland cooking class leader who has saved people, reflecting the revolutionary spirit of selfless dedication and touching the heart.

"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

The instrumental ensemble "China, China, Bright Red Sun Never Sets" performed by the students of the Second Experimental Middle School of the City is majestic and shocking, gripping...

"Ju Ping Sister" held a small hand, and Rongcheng Bao'er showed CCTV

In order to fully implement the educational goal of "Lide Tree People", make the "double reduction" policy truly implemented, and promote the development of students' comprehensive, healthy and personality, schools in Rongcheng City have combined students' interests and hobbies to widely open diversified courses such as sports, art, music, dance, science and technology, which have been warmly welcomed by students. The campus culture is rich and colorful, and the club activities are full of flowers, which not only broadens the students' horizons and cultivates their sentiments, but also allows them to develop their strengths and find self-confidence. (Source: Rongcheng, China)

Chief Editor on Duty: Zhang Juntao

Review: Tan Liyong

Editor: Zhang Yawen

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