
The minimum temperature in Quanzhou can drop by 6 °C to 8 °C

author:Minnan Net

Today, we usher in the Snow Festival, which is the 20th of the twenty-four solar terms and the second of winter. Entering the festival, cold waves and strong cold air will become regular visitors to the vast areas of our country, and the weather will become colder and colder.

At present, a new cold air is "cooling", which will affect most of the central and eastern parts of China, and the temperature will hit a new low in the second half of this year. The temperature in our province will also drop sharply, the temperature difference between day and night will exceed 10 ° C, most of the province will usher in rainfall, it is expected that the inland and northern parts of the region can reach the level of cold tide this week, and Fuzhou will also feel the transformation from "cool" to "cold". Today's "Talk about Heaven and Earth", we will talk about the festival of Xiaoxue.

Strong cold air arrives at the cold tide alarm sounding

"As soon as the snow arrives, add clothes and wear a hat", today's light snow, although Fujian does not see snow shadows, but the temperature has opened the "refrigeration" mode, the arrival of a new round of strong cold air, will send "single digit" temperature to Fujian.

The Fujian Meteorological Observatory continues to issue cold wave warnings, and from today the temperature in the province has dropped significantly from the northwest to the southeast, and the process of daily minimum temperature has dropped by up to 10 °C to 13 °C in the western and northern regions, and the local part exceeds 13 °C; the remaining 6 °C ~ 10 °C, most counties and cities have frost or frost, and there is local icing in the high-altitude mountainous areas in the north.

The meteorological department predicts that today by the high-altitude trough eastward shift and cold air south pressure transit impact, Quanzhou City to light rain, the day after tomorrow turned cloudy, the minimum temperature drop of up to 6 ° C ~ 8 ° C, coastal wind continues to increase, there will be 8 ~ 9 level of northeast gusts, then please sail and operate at sea ships in advance to avoid the affected sea areas, to prevent the adverse effects of strong winds.

Xiaoxue health "four don't"

After the light snow, there are many cold weather, Dr. Yuan Shugang of the Chinese Medicine Hall Clinic of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that at this time, the yin and yang are declining, and everyone should pay attention to driving away the cold and keeping warm, and the living and conditioning should be "four don't", in order to raise the Yang Qi, and get sick less in winter.

1 day cold, do not stay at home, to properly move the muscles and bones, jogging, fast walking, jump rope, playing tai chi, etc., to slightly sweat is appropriate. Elderly people with morning exercise habits are best to schedule exercise after sunrise or in the afternoon, not the sooner the better. When outdoor activities, do a good job of warm-up exercise.

2 Do not close the doors and windows at home, and open the windows properly for ventilation. You can raise several pots of flowers and plants indoors, or use a humidifier to adjust the indoor humidity and fresh air.

3 should not get up too early in the morning, especially the elderly, it is best to go to bed early and get up late, wait for the sun to rise, and then get up when the yang qi is generated, to ensure adequate sleep, and insist on soaking the feet before going to bed, which is conducive to the potential of yang qi.

4 Do not secretly sentimental, the weather is cold and obscure, everyone is prone to depression, can be about three or five friends, do more outdoor exercise, listen to more music, eat walnuts, goji berries, chestnuts, black fungus, black sesame seeds, enhance physical fitness, qi and blood.

Often practice "dry bath massage exercises" to prevent colds

Often practice dry bath massage exercises, can prevent colds: standing and sitting, the whole body can be relaxed, the two palms rub to heat, first massage the face 64 times, use the fingers from the front head to the back of the head, the side of the head to do combing action 64 times, so that the scalp is warm, and then rub the palms of the two feet, each rubbing 64 times, and finally rubbing the front chest, abdominal back, do dry bath action, the whole body rub hot.

Eating raw radish cooked pears can reduce dryness and heat

Dr. Yuan reminds that starting from Xiaoxue, you can drink more hot soups, such as spinach tofu soup, mutton white radish soup, etc., which are both warm and nourishing, but do not eat too much hot and dry foods, such as fried and baked foods and peppers, peppers, peppers, and white wine.

In winter, eating white radish raw can clear the heat and vitality, cool the blood to stop bleeding, dissolve phlegm and cough, and cook the radish to benefit the spleen and stomach, and consume the next breath. Patients with a hot and dry cough can eat pears cooked.

Dr. Yuan Shugang recommended two medicinal foods, which are suitable for Xiaoxue Qi health.

1. Lamb chop soup with white root wheat kernel

Ingredients: 3 grams of white root, 3 grams of peppercorns, 5 grams of ginger, 150 grams of peeled wheat kernels, 300 grams of lamb chops, salt and pepper to taste.

Directions: Wash the wheat kernels, chop the lamb chops into inches, boil the water once, drain the white root, wheat kernels and sheep into the pot, add ginger, peppercorns and an appropriate amount of water, simmer until soft and rotten, add salt to taste.

Effect: Healthy spleen and warm stomach, dispel wind and cold, tonify kidneys and aphrodisiacs, improve qi and nourish blood. Suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, easy to have cold hands and feet in winter.

2. Shiitake mushroom Yaozhu stewed radish

Ingredients: 1 white radish, peeled and sliced, 8 shiitake mushrooms, soaked soft, dried scallops (Yaozhu) soaked soft, crushed 70 grams, 30 grams of dried shrimp, soaked soft and diced, 1 cup of rice noodles, soaked soft; oil to taste; soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil 1 to 2 teaspoons each.

Directions: Slice the mushrooms, marinate with 1 to 2 teaspoons of sesame oil for 10 minutes, then stir-fry the mushrooms until fragrant, add dried shrimp and dried scallops. Add the white radish, add water to cover all the ingredients, change the water to medium heat, cover and simmer for 25 minutes, then add rice noodles and cook for 5 minutes, add a little salt to taste.

Effect: Digestion and spleen, kidney and yang. Suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, waist and leg pain.

□ cold knowledge

Why do you always have to "preheat" before the cold air comes

Although the strong cold air is coming, Quanzhou City was full of "hot" conditions yesterday, and the maximum temperature in most townships in the city reached 25 °C to 29 °C.

It is understood that before the cold air comes, there will often be a short-term warming phenomenon, often called "forward warming". As the cold front approaches, the cold front heating group is quickly squeezed into a narrow area to gather and warm up, and when the cold front crosses and after the crossing, the temperature will drop. In short, cold air always has to be "warmed up" before it comes.

□ know a little more

How did the cold wave come about?

Our country is located in the southeast of Eurasia, bordered to the north by Mongolia and Siberia by Russia. Siberia has a cold climate, and to the north of Siberia is an extremely cold Arctic. The cold air that affects our country mainly comes from these regions. Strong cold air in the polar and alpine regions, along the westerly wind belt and the northwest air current, rapidly and violently invades and moves southeastwards, bringing strong cooling, strong winds and heavy snowfall to the areas along the way, and when a certain standard is reached, it is a cold wave.

Located in the arctic and Siberian regions of high latitudes, it is obliquely exposed to sunlight all year round, and the ground receives less solar radiation. In winter, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean region are often below -20 °C, with lows reaching -70 °C to -60 °C, and the average temperature in January is often below -40 °C. The low temperature greatly increases the density of the atmosphere, and the air continues to shrink and sink, increasing the air pressure, thus forming a powerful, deep and wide cold and high-pressure air mass. When this cold high-pressure force is strengthened to a certain extent, it will surging towards the territory of our country where the air pressure is relatively low in the southeast direction, forming a cold wave.

(China Meteorological News Agency)

Quanzhou city weather forecast

Light rain on the 22nd 15°C~22°C Sunny on the 23rd 13°C~17°C

Xiamen city weather forecast

22 days cloudy 16 °C ~ 22 °C sunny 23 days 14 °C ~ 19 °C

Zhangzhou city weather forecast

Light rain on the 22nd 15°C~23°C Sunny 13°C~21°C

Haidu reporter Chen Qi Chen Yanyan Tian Mi

Source: Straits Metropolis Daily Minnan Edition

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