
Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him


The biographical movie "Mei Yanfang" is being screened, which mentions Mei Jie's 2 relationships, and the role of Goto Xihui makes Mei Yanfang's feelings become hot again. In the movie, Mei Yanfang and Goto Xihui fell in love at first sight, loved warmly, and the man also took good care of Mei Yanfang, just watching the description of Goto Xihui in the movie, it is a rather positive role, and the audience who do not know Mei Yanfang's life will even feel sorry for them. However, the reality is not as good as the movie, the character Yuki Fuji innuendo alluded to the Japanese actor Makoto Kondo, he is the first scumbag in Japan in the media' mouth, and also Mei Yanfang's most memorable love affair.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

In fact, Kondo Makoto's love history is rich, and several of them are related to goddess-level figures, and each one is vigorous, but he does not know how to cherish and has failed many people. What is the charm of Makoto Kondo? Is it true that men are not bad women do not love?

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

After the movie "Mei Yanfang", the role of Fuji Xihui alluded to Makoto Kondo, and the film did not render the true story between him and Mei Yanfang, and it was more likely to wash the other party's whitewashing, which made it difficult for a large number of fans to accept. Because in reality, Mei Yanfang's love affair with Makoto Kondo hurt her a lot.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

It is reported that Mei Yanfang met Makoto Kondo in 1984 to open a concert in Hong Kong, and the next year the two met again, kissed and contracted, fell in love, and long-distance love began. At that time, Mei Yanfang loved passionately, and it was rumored that Mei Sister had returned to Japan 7 times a year for Makoto Kondo, and accompanied each other to Hokkaido to hold concerts.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

Not only that, Mei Yanfang also bought a house in Japan, just to be able to get together with Makoto Kondo more conveniently. Although Mei Yanfang was bent on thinking and paying for Makoto Kondo, she did not get good results. Although the relationship between the two lasted only one year, Makoto Kondo became the favorite of Mei Yanfang's life.

Mei Yanfang and Makoto Kondo performed together in 1986, and the two collaborated on the "Fifth Rookie Singing Competition" to sing "Dream Companion", and it is understood that they were in love at the time. Although the two broke up, Mei Yanfang still had feelings for him. It is reported that when Mei Yanfang was seriously ill in 2003, she personally went to Japan to see Makoto Kondo for the last time. At the last concert of her life, Mei Yanfang sang the last song "Sunset Song", which was adapted from Kondo Makoto's "Sunset Song".

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

If it is just a simple breakup, then It is difficult for Kondo Tokihiko to be called "Japan's first scumbag". In fact, as early as 1983, Makoto Kondo and the strength of the singer Hime Nakamori Akari cooperated in the movie "Journey of Love", and they sparked with each other and officially developed into a couple.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

However, when Makoto Kondo met Mei Yanfang, he chose to deceive the woman, and the two began an underground romance until Mei Yanfang learned that she had become a third party. Knowing the truth, Mei Yanfang resolutely decided to break up with Makoto Kondo, and in a later interview, she said that she was so kind to him, but the other party did not know how to cherish.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

In fact, Makoto Kondo made Mei Yanfang a third party, not the most scummy thing he has ever done, and his love affair with Nakamori Akiko can be described as breaking the woman's heart. It is reported that Makoto Kondo did not sort out the relationship with Nakamori Akiko, and in 1989, the media discovered that he had a secret meeting with the popular Japanese actress Matsuda Seiko in New York, and Matsuda Seiko was already a wife at that time.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

In the same year, Nakamori cut her wrist at Makoto Kondo's residence and went through a long period of rescue to save her, when it was rumored that she chose to commit suicide because of emotional trauma. Later, Makoto Kondo and Akira Nakamori hold a press conference, at which Nakamori apologizes for his suicide, but Makohiko Kondo denies their relationship. In fact, at that time, the press conference venue was decorated with golden screens, which were specific venues for Japanese artists to announce their marriages. Therefore, some media also believe that when Nakamori Akira attended the press conference, he did not know that Kondo Makoto was trying to draw a line with her.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

The "Golden Screen Incident" caused Makoto Kondo's image to fall to the bottom and was also crowned the title of "Scumbag of the Century". However, he himself did not care much, and a few years later he married his extramarital girlfriend and stayed in the villa given to him by Nakamori Akira. After marriage, Makoto Kondo also seems to have restrained his amorous personality, and his wife also gave birth to a son for him after experiencing pains such as artificial conception and miscarriage, and the audience's perception of him has also improved.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

Perhaps it will be very difficult for the prodigal son to turn back, and At the end of 2020, Makoto Kondo was exposed by the media for cheating on a 31-year-old woman and maintained it for nearly 5 years. Makoto Kondo once again aroused the disgust of the Japanese people, and even the agency Janis Office announced that it would end his 40-year cooperation, and he would fade out of the entertainment industry in the future and focus on racing.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

Many derailments have made The image of Makoto Kondo", "Japan's first scumbag", more stable, but why he can attract so many goddess-level characters to him, I believe that Kondo Makoto still has his charm. Looking back at the 1980s, Makoto Kondo was all the rage and became popular in Asia. Makoto Kondo debuted at the age of 15, initially as a group of Tahara trios, and later developed as a solo artist, releasing several well-known songs.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

Although It is difficult for Kondo Tohhiko to describe as handsome now, his youthful and energetic appearance when he debuted fascinated many female fans, and he was a popular young idol in Japan.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

In fact, except for the parties, it is difficult for others to understand why Mei Yanfang and Nakamori Akira are so affectionate to Makoto Kondo. Perhaps the straightforward courtship is also the charm of Makoto Kondo? It is reported that Makoto Kondo only said to Mei Yanfang: "You are beautiful, can I kiss you?" He managed to make the Hong Kong diva fall in love with him. The next day, he even sent a diamond brooch to the woman, and unabashedly enthusiastically grasped Mei Yanfang's heart.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

Even though Makoto Kondo is famous and everyone knows that he has a family, he can still attract young girls to have extramarital affairs with him in his 50s. Perhaps it is not that men are not bad and women are not loved, but that Kondo Makoto is indeed very gentle and considerate to her lovers, coupled with the attack of sweet words, so that they cannot be overwhelmed.

Make the actress crazy Japan's first scumbag! Mei Yanfang's favorite in this life, Nakamori Mingcai, committed suicide for him

It is worth mentioning that in 2003, Mei Yanfang died, and Makoto Kondo flew from Japan to Hong Kong to send her former lover on her last journey. It is reported that on that day, Makoto Kondo was grief-stricken and emotional, and did not stop using tissues to wipe his tears, and stayed in the shrine for a long time. Moreover, Makoto Kondo has been going to the Shrine for two consecutive days to offer sacrifices, and when he steps out of the Shrine, he needs the support of his friends. In the following years, Makoto Kondo also went to Hong Kong for several consecutive years to pay homage to Mei Yanfang. It can be seen that although Makoto Kondo is affectionate, he is not merciful to Mei Yanfang.

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