
Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

author:Lanzhou Eight Office Memorial Hall

Wen | Yuan Zhixue

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

Mao Peichun

Mao Peichun (1917-1948), a native of Xuyi, Jiangsu, alias Meng Xishan, also known as Kong Charter. Born in the spring of 1917 in a citizen family in the first courtyard of Xuanhua Street, Xucheng, his father Mao Weixuan was a county money and grain cabinet book, long-term away, his mother died early, and his brother Mao Peixin and sister Mao Peiying 3 people, at home with his grandfather to study private school. In 1933, when he graduated from Yamayama Elementary School, his father was dismissed from his job, and his family was left alone, so he had no choice but to work as a nurse at the Jianmin Hospital in the city. Mao Peichun, who was born in the land of fish and rice, was influenced by progressive ideas as a teenager and actively participated in the patriotic student movement. In 1935, he was admitted to the Medical Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Military Affairs and worked as a nurse in the Medical Affairs Department of the Kuomintang Central Military Model Prison in Nanjing. Here, he came into contact with a group of Communists with revolutionary and progressive ideas, which had an important impact on his later active participation in the revolution. On the eve of the full-scale outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a new wave of anti-Japanese resistance and salvation was set off throughout the country, and the hatred of the family and the country and the nation further stimulated Mao Peichun's patriotic enthusiasm. "After graduating from primary school, I dropped out of school, and the Nanjing Central Military Inspector recruited nurses for the examination, so he applied for the examination and was fortunately admitted." Although I was out of school, my curiosity was not lost, and serving in the Central Military Supervision Was a Good Learning Opportunity... He went under the prison window to listen to them talk about social sciences and philosophy, read some designated reference books, and listen to them talk about the history of the Communist Party. ...... This life is full of flavor. At that time, Mao Peichun wrote this on the "Registration table of artistic talents". During his time as a nurse at the Kuomintang Central Military Model Prison in Nanjing, Mao Peichun came into contact with the communists imprisoned in prison for the first time, and was touched by their firm belief and lofty ideals of throwing their heads and spilling their blood for the country, the nation, and the poor, and did his best to help the communists in prison, and used his special status to help the detained communists to get in touch with the Nanjing office of the Eighth Route Army, which was recognized and praised by the party organizations and comrades inside and outside the prison. In the eyes of the Communists, Mao Peichun was definitely a good seedling for the revolutionary cause.

Went to Yan'an for training and practiced hard internal skills for the revolution

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

Zhou Xing, Minister of Society of the Northwest Bureau and Director of the Border Region Security Division

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, with the gradual establishment of the Second Kuomintang-Communist Cooperation and the Anti-Japanese National United Front, on September 6, 1937, the Northwest Office of the Chinese Soviet was changed to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government. The CPC Central Committee merged the former Northwest Political Protection Bureau with the Border Region Security Command and renamed it the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government Security Headquarters, and soon after it was renamed the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Security Department. During the Yan'an period, the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, as the main organ for the security and security of the border region, under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, the Northwest Bureau, and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government, played a positive role in safeguarding the security of the party Central Committee and the government organs of the Border Region, cracking down on the conspiracy activities of the enemy's spies and spies, and defending the anti-Japanese democratic regime. Zhou Xing is the director of the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and Du Liqing, Tan Zhengwen, Liu Haibin, Liu Bingwen, Zhao Cangbi, Li Qiming, Li Fushan, and others serve as deputy directors. From 1938 to 1939, the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region held intelligence investigation training classes in Qilipu, Yan'an, and then successively held several training courses for intelligence and defense cadres at different levels in Sanlipu, Fenghuangshan, and other places in Yan'an, which greatly improved the professional ability and quality of cadres. From June to December 1938, the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government selected and transferred 36 outstanding trainees from the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, the Shaanxi North Public School, the Anwu Youth Training Class, and other departments, all of whom had a junior high school education or above, including 6 (some said 8) female trainees, and held the first reconnaissance and intelligence cadre training class in Qilipu, Yan'an. Mao Peichun, who worked as a nurse at the Kuomintang Central Military Model Prison in Nanjing, left Nanjing and arrived in Yan'an after a brief study at the Shaanxi Northern Public School and entered the first training class of the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region after a brief study at the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Security Department.

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

Li Qiming, deputy director of the Social Department of the Northwest Bureau and deputy director of the Border District Security Department

The training course was known as the "Huangpu Phase I" of the hidden front of the Communist Party of China, and the leaders were Bru, known as the "Red Sherlock Holmes", and the trainees included Zou Yu (born in 1920, a white man from Bobai, Guangxi, who served as minister of justice after the founding of New China), Xie Heng (born in 1921, a native of Harbin, Heilongjiang, and a member of the party group of the Ministry of Public Security and an adviser to the Ministry of Public Security after the founding of New China), and Zhuo Lin, the wife of Deng Xiaoping. Trainees use pseudonyms with each other, and are not allowed to inquire about their real names and origins, nor are they allowed to contact the outside world. Qilipu is a remote ravine in the south of Yan'an City, and a large stone house at the foot of the mountain has been repaired and sorted out to become the only classroom in the training class. There are no tables in the room, only a large stone slab that is the teacher's lectern. There were no tables and stools, but they all sat on the stones and took notes on their knees with their notebooks. Although the conditions of the training course were very difficult, the enthusiasm of the trainees to learn was very high. The curriculum of the training course is different from that of the regular school, there is no teaching material, and there is no systematic theory, but the lecturers have a wealth of experience in covert struggle, and combined with examples, the trainees are very thirst-quenching. Chen Yun lectured on revolutionary integrity to the trainees, Xu Teli on the history of the party's revolutionary struggle, Li Kenong on how the Central Special Branch hoeed the traitor, Pan Hannian on the example of japanese intelligence agencies and Japanese secret agent Yoshiko Kawashima, Tan Zhengwen on interrogation science, and Bru on detective science. Li Fuchun and Kong Yuan also taught the students. After half a year of training and a month of internship, the first training course for intelligence and reconnaissance cadres was completed in early 1939.

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

In the southern suburbs of Yan'an, Qilipu XuTeli taught the cadres of the training class

Hao Zaijin, in "Records of the CPC's Intelligence and Defense Work: China's Secret War," on page 94, recounts that in June 1938, the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region held the first training course for reconnaissance cadres in Qilipu, outside Yan'an City, and then held seven consecutive sessions, training a large number of intelligence reconnaissance cadres. As a result, some people jokingly called Qilipu the "Whampoa Military Academy" of Communist Intelligence. Li Qiming (Li Kenong's son-in-law), who was also a student of the first batch and served as executive deputy secretary of Yunnan Province after the founding of New China, recalled: "Mao Peichun, a student of the first phase, left the training class of the Communist Party and entered the training class of the Kuomintang. Mao Peichun entered the Lanzhou training class of the military command under a pseudonym, and was also sent by the military command to reconnoiter the Communist Party, becoming a double agent who penetrated into the enemy army. ”

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

Li Qiming after liberation

Go deep into the Second Theater of Operations and become the "nail" around Yan Xishan.

In early 1938, Mao Peichun went to Yan'an to study at Northern Shaanxi Public School, during which time he joined the Communist Party of China in April of the same year. In view of the favorable opportunity for the Communist Party and Yan Xishan to establish an anti-Japanese national united front during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in September 1938, Mao Peichun, who was studying at the first training course for reconnaissance cadres of the Security Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, did not complete his studies, and in accordance with the instructions of the party, under the pseudonym Meng Xishan, worked as a progressive youth in the Propaganda Office of the Political Department of the Second Theater of Yan Xishan, and was assigned to the south of Suide Commissioner He Shao. The task given to him by the party organization was to "use Yan Xishan's department as a springboard, lay an ambush for a long time, go deep into the concubines, break into the core, and grasp the enemy's intelligence." Mao Peichun was assigned by the party organization to infiltrate Yan Xishan's troops, and during his incubation period, he actively worked, and soon gained the trust and reuse of his superiors. In December 1939, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was in a stalemate phase. After the fall of Taiyuan, Yan Xishan, commander of the Kuomintang Second Theater and director of the Jinsui Office, colluded with the Japanese and Kou to actively oppose communism and sabotage the anti-Japanese united front. Yan Xishan created the "Jinxi Incident" and set off an anti-communist upsurge against the Shanxi New Army (anti-Japanese revolutionary armed forces) led by the Communist Party. However, Yan Xishan did not know that there was a pair of eyes behind him that had been staring at him, and this person was Mao Peichun, a Communist Party member lurking in the Propaganda Department of the Political Department of the Second Theater of Yan Xishan. Mao Peichun extensively gathered intelligence and soon discovered that Yan Xishan was pretending to resist Japan on the surface, secretly colluding with the Japanese and Kou, and waiting for an opportunity to oppose the communist military movements, and reported the relevant situation in detail to the party organization, thus providing a lot of valuable information for the party Central Committee to properly handle the anti-communist friction incident launched by Yan Xishan and He Shaonan and to safeguard the anti-Japanese national united front.

Mao Peichun: Lurking in Lanzhou into the Army, Spying on the Sea without End, Building Qigong (I)

Yan'an in 1939

He Shaonan, a native of Wujin, Jiangsu Province, graduated from the Baoding Army Officer School, and served as the Kuomintang commissioner and security commander, and was a die-hard anti-communist. During his two years in office, a great deal of friction was created. In 1939, when the Kuomintang diehards launched the first anti-communist upsurge, He Shaonan cooperated with him and secretly organized a petition group, with a large landlord as the head of the regiment, and under the pretext of public opinion, he wantonly spread rumors and slanders against the Eighth Route Army, sending telegrams everywhere, demanding that the Eighth Route Army withdraw from the Suide area. In May 1939, He Shaonan instructed Tian Jiesheng, the county magistrate of Anding County, to command a security team to attack YangJiayuanzi, the garrison of the Eighth Route Army, killing and wounding dozens of officers and soldiers. In September, He Shaonan, facing Huang Ruolin, the county magistrate of Wubao County, organized an assassination team and killed Yin Caisheng, deputy battalion commander of the third battalion of the 718th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. In October, He Shaonan instructed Ai Shanfu, the county magistrate of Qingjian County, to organize the Brotherhood Dock and the Black Army "government" to collude with bandits and rob everywhere. In order to completely drive He Shaonan away from Suide, Lin Boqu, chairman of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government, and Xiao Jinguang, director of the Rear Guard Office of the Eighth Route Army, jointly called Chiang Kai-shek, Kong Xiangxi, Cheng Qian, Jiang Dingwen, and others, demanding that He Shaonan be punished and that Wang Zhen be appointed concurrently as the commissioner of the Suide region. The cable said: "Arrest the criminal He Shaonan, and release him to northern Shaanxi, organize a circuit court, make the people's representatives participate in the trial, and place it in a heavy code, so as to suppress law and discipline and please the people." Regarding the appointment of Wang Zhen as commissioner, the cable read: "It is indeed appropriate for people and lands to guard the river and restore the achievements of the people who have made the work of the commissioner in the past, and who has been transferred to Northern China and has repeatedly built a special victory. Mao Peichun took advantage of the convenience of his work to actively collect He Shaonan's various conspiracies and corruption crimes, and reported them to the party organization, providing intelligence support for the 359th Brigade led by Wang Zhen to launch a military and political offensive against He Shaonan in the Suide region of northern Shaanxi. At the beginning of 1939, Li Qiming, who was also a student of the first training course of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Security Department, arrived in Suide with Chen Lei, Lin Rubin, and others in the name of liaison staff officers of the Suide Garrison District, and opened an "Anti-Enemy Bookstore" in Suide as an intelligence secret point to introduce progressive books and attract young students. Through the bookstore, Li Qiming met He Shaonan's aide-de-camp and Lu Nan, the captain of the Security Command. Li and Lu are similar in age and have a common hobby of singing and opera, so they often communicate with each other, and gradually the two talk about everything. Li Qiming learned that Lunan was dissatisfied with the Kuomintang's passive anti-Japanese policy and had a good feeling for the Communists, so he carried out counter-insurgency work and successfully developed Lunan into a secret intelligence officer. Subsequently, Through Lunan, Li Qiming developed Gong Zhen, the chief of the Suide Special Bureau, Zhang Zhensheng, deputy director of the Seventh Security Regiment, Cui Jizhou, the warrant officer special agent, and Mu Qing of the Kuomintang Suide County Party Department to work for the Security Department. Li Qiming got in touch with classmate Mao Peichun in Suide. At this time, Mao Peichun was serving in the Cultural and Labor Corps of the Political Department of the Second Theater of the Kuomintang, and after the Japanese army invaded Shanxi, he was transferred to Suide with the Political Department, and the director of the Political Department of the Second Theater was He Shaonan, commissioner of Suide. Mao Peichun joined hands with Li Qiming, and through the intelligence network established in Suide, he quickly grasped evidence of He Shaonan's embezzlement of more than 100,000 yuan in disaster relief funds and the destruction of the anti-Japanese salvation, and played an important role in the Communist Party's attack on the old army in Yan Xishan in Shanxi, the expulsion of He Shaonan in Suide, and the destruction of his party, government, and military institutions. (To be continued)