
Ministry of Water Resources: 185,000 "four chaos" problems in rivers and lakes have been cleaned up nationwide

author:Bright Net

Guangming Daily, Beijing, 19 Nov (Guangming Daily) -- Chen Chen, a reporter, learned from the Ministry of Water Resources on 19 November that as of the end of October this year, the country had cleaned up and rectified 185,000 outstanding problems in the management and protection of rivers and lakes, such as chaotic occupation, indiscriminate mining, random piling, and random construction (hereinafter referred to as "four chaos"), demolished and occupied more than 40 million square meters of illegal construction of rivers and lakes, cleaned up 30,000 kilometers of illegal occupation of shorelines, removed more than 40 million tons of garbage in the river channel, cleared more than 10,000 kilometers of illegal embankments, cracked down on more than 11,000 illegal sand mining vessels, and "four chaos" The problem has been effectively curbed, the encroached waters and beaches have gradually returned to rivers and lakes, the flood storage capacity of rivers and lakes has been greatly improved, the water ecology has continued to improve, and the atmosphere of caring for rivers and lakes and protecting rivers and lakes in the whole society has gradually taken shape.

Since the Cpc Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on the Comprehensive Implementation of the River Chief System in November 2016, all regions and departments have solidly promoted the work of the river and lake chief system, and the appearance of rivers and lakes has been significantly improved. In order to effectively strengthen the management and protection of rivers and lakes and maintain the healthy life of rivers and lakes, since 2018, the Ministry of Water Resources has carried out clean-up and rectification of prominent problems in the management and protection of rivers and lakes such as chaotic occupation, random mining, random piling, and random construction nationwide (hereinafter referred to as "Qing Si Chaos"), and a large number of long-term "old and difficult" problems of encroaching on and destroying rivers and lakes have been solved. In 2020, the Ministry of Water Resources opened a 12314 reporting telephone, accepted 129 reports of river and lake problems from the masses, and the atmosphere of caring for rivers and lakes in the whole society was even stronger.

According to the situation of the "Qing Four Chaos", the Ministry of Water Resources issued on the 19th the case of the illegal dwarf enclosure of The Lower Sai Lake in Dongting Lake in Hunan Province, the illegal construction case of the "Fairy Tale Kingdom of Faliland" in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, the case of encroaching on the Qinhuai River embankment to build a restaurant in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, the case of illegal construction of photovoltaic power plants on the beach of the Tujiao River in Shandong Province, the case of illegal construction of the Wind and Rain Corridor Bridge in Guanshan Mountain, Hunan Province, the case of illegal construction of the Hulanhekou Wetland Park in Heilongjiang Province, the case of illegal construction projects in the Luanping section of the Chaohe River in Hebei Province, and the case of illegal sand mining in Lushan County, Henan Province in the name of dredging and dredging. There are 10 typical cases of typical significance, complex situation, strong policy and general concern in society, such as the illegal sand mining case in the Dashahe Permitted Mining Area of Hebei Province and the "national sand mining" case in Suixian County, Hubei Province. These cases present the following characteristics: First, the scale of the problem is large and the nature is serious. Second, a new type of encroachment on and destruction of rivers and lakes has emerged. In recent years, under the banner of wetland parks, wind and rain corridor bridges, in the name of ecological restoration and national cultural inheritance, some places have developed and built houses in rivers and lakes, carried out landscape projects, in the name of protection, carried out sabotage, and some even wantonly sought commercial benefits, so that the public space that belonged to the common sharing of the people has become a "private land" for local people to profit, some places illegal sand mining in the name of dredging and dredging, some places and enterprises one-sidedly pursue the development speed of solar power generation, disregard water laws and regulations, and ignore the protection of rivers and lakes. The illegal construction of photovoltaic power plants in river channels, lake beaches and reservoir areas has a great impact on river flooding and ecological safety. Third, some illegal construction projects are "complete with five certificates", reflecting that the strengthening of river and lake protection in some places is not in place.

The Ministry of Water Resources will take the river and lake chief system as the starting point, further promote the normalization and standardization of the "four chaos", give full play to the role of the 12314 supervision and reporting platform, resolutely eliminate the problem of encroaching on and destroying rivers and lakes, strive to build healthy, beautiful and happy rivers and lakes, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

Guangming Daily (07/11/2021)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily