
Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

author:Nandu Entertainment Weekly
Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her
Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Today, the movie "Mei Yanfang" was officially released, and Yang Qianwei, who starred in a role, was recently interviewed by this magazine to tell the feelings of getting along with Mei Yanfang, a junior and a master sister of the same door. Yang Qianwei said that in her memory, Mei Yanfang has always been a big sister with great love, loving the younger generation, serving people righteously, and is a gentle and tenacious person. In Mei Yanfang, Yang Qianwei learned a lot of principles for dealing with the world, such as the belief of never giving up, such as the righteousness of friends. The first TV station interview in her life, and the first cover, were all brought out by Mei Yanfang. Therefore, when Jiang Zhiqiang, the executive producer of the movie "Mei Yanfang", found her, Yang Qianwei agreed to star without saying a word. In recent years, the public rarely sees Miriam Yang on the stage of singing or acting, but occasionally sees her figure in variety shows. What have you been busy with these past few years? When will we hear her new songs or see her new plays? With these questions, let's talk to Miriam Yang together.

Reporter He Haizhu Intern Wang Siyuan Pan Jingyi

Grateful for the opportunity to star in "Mei Yanfang"

"I must do something about Sister Mei"

When receiving the invitation of film executive Jiang Zhiqiang, Yang Qianwei said that the feeling at that time was happy and moving. Although there are not many parts in "Mei Yanfang", Miriam Yang is not involved, but this play has important significance for her. Sister Mei's wish to make a movie was actually not completed in the end, and Boss Jiang has always put it in his heart and wants to help her realize it. I think it's really touching that a veteran film veteran has kept his deceased friend's wish in his heart for so long. So I was obligated to join in. When she received the invitation, Yang Qianwei was filming TVB's TV series "Multifunctional Wife", but when she learned that it was a play in honor of Mei Yanfang, she did not hesitate to agree, and tried to coordinate time with the TVB crew to schedule the movie "Mei Yanfang", "At that time, Boss Jiang came to me and said that there was a play made for Mei Jie, I don't know if you have time to help star." I said don't use the word help, I must do things about Sister Mei. ”

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

In the film, Miriam Yeung plays Florence, the record manager of Huaxing Records. As Mei Yanfang's first agent after signing huaxing, Florence is like an enlightener and companion around her, which has played a non-negligible role in Mei Yanfang's growth and development. In order to play this role well, Yang Qianwei repeatedly communicated with the director and tried to play every detail well, "because this play not only shows the situation of Mei Jie's work, but also shows Mei Jie's independent personality and spirit, and the process of playing is very meticulous, so I have a lot of communication with the director." ”

Miriam Yang is very grateful for the opportunity to participate in this movie, and she said that it is precisely because of her participation in "Mei Yanfang" that she has the opportunity to re-acquaint herself with Sister Mei once. In her memory, Mei Yanfang has always been a big sister with great love, loving her juniors, serving people righteously, and being a gentle and tenacious person. But it wasn't until the filming of this film that Miriam Yang learned for the first time in detail about Mui Yanfang's experience from childhood to adulthood, the problems and tests she encountered in life, and the mental journey behind some of her choices. Miriam Yang said that she was also present on some occasions shown in the film, such as when Mui Yanfang was acting, or when something happened in the company, "but at that time I only knew how she did it, until I made this movie, I didn't understand what made her make that choice at that time." It turns out that Mei Jie's values, judgment ability and great wisdom are all extracted from these life experiences. ”

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Work hard and live with your heart

"I still insist on making works, not products"

Debut for many years, whether as a singer or as an actress, Yang Qianwei has many classic works that can stand the test of time - the golden song "The Prayer of the Girl", "Unfortunately I Am Aquarius", "Kiss Everywhere" was popular all over the streets and alleys that year, and now it has become popular again in the way of two creations; the movie "Chunjiao and Zhiming" series has won her the honor of the best actress of the Hong Kong Film Awards, and has become an insurmountable mountain for Hong Kong-style romance films in recent years. Looking back on the past and talking about the works at that time, Yang Qianwei felt a lot: "At that time, it was indeed the era of music with a hundred flowers. Because of the great competition, coupled with the willingness to compete with quality musical works, as long as the songs will become classics. Exploring the reason why her works can become classics, Yang Qianwei believes that it is not unrelated to the previous publicity model, "Perhaps in the traditional publicity channels, the artist's songs can have a fair two- to three-month publicity period, and the audience can slowly taste the taste of the lyrics at this time and slowly become familiar with the songs, so there is enough time to breed classic works." ”

Over the years, the frequency of Yang Qianwei's appearance in the public eye has gradually decreased, and even if she is seen, it is more in variety shows or evenings. Some netizens wondered whether Yang Qianwei had shifted the focus of her work over the years, and the reporter conveyed the curiosity of netizens to her, to which her reply was: "I still insist on making works and not making products, so there will be no time limit." As long as you have the heart, you can meet good works and do it. I think it should be done with the flow. ”

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

In the past few years, she has appeared on variety shows a lot, and Yang Qianwei has been participating in the mentality of "keeping pace with the times". In her opinion, the production of the younger generation now needs fresh blood, just like in front of the curtain. When she needs to keep up with the times, she also has to understand what the new production model looks like. Therefore, she chose to try more variety shows that she rarely participated in in the past. This year, Yang Qianwei participated in three variety shows with completely different themes: "The Man Who Does Housework", "Our Song" and "Director Please Advise". Miriam Yang said that they brought her different feelings and gains, some allowed her to update her mental journey to everyone, some gave her a good training in Live singing, and some let her know what the script and theme that everyone is interested in now is, and also let her get acquainted with new directors and senior actors. Miriam Yang does not want to use the word "variety" to describe this special work experience, she feels that this is "more like homework and experimental exercises between classmates", "everyone does not always need to distinguish the identity of the seniors and juniors, as long as there is a spark of communication, it is the happiest." "And for the audience, if you can't see Yang Qianwei more in concerts or film and television works for the time being, it is also a good way to see her in variety shows." Therefore, as long as Yang Qianwei likes it, I think everyone is very willing to see her on variety shows.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Nandu Entertainment × Miriam Yang

"No matter what age,

Three minutes on stage and ten years off stage,

It is eternal."

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

"Sister Mei will always be each of us

Treated like family"

Nandu Entertainment: Is Mei Yanfang in the movie the same as what you come into contact with in real life?

Miriam Yang: The real thing in the play is coming, so people who know her will not be strangers. It's just that you will know her better and miss her. Young audiences may not know her very well, but they can see the play from the perspective of encouraging the direction of life. Everyone has their own original intention and dream, although it is difficult in the process of pursuit, but as long as you work hard to adhere to it and have the correct values to judge, you can achieve success. She can really bring a lot of positive energy to everyone.

Nandu Entertainment: When was the first time you saw Sister Mei in reality?

Miriam Yang: We just finished participating in the rookie singing contest, and Sister Mei asked the actors of our company to shoot the MV, in the old theater. At that time I was very scared because I was really nervous. Sister Mei is a high-ranking senior, and I am nervous to see her, but she is really very good and beautiful. At that time, I saw that she had reached the realm of self-forgetfulness.

Nandu Entertainment: After so long in contact with Sister Mei, what is the most important thing you have learned from her?

Miriam Yang: Faith, will not give up. No matter what problems she encounters, she will stick to the end. Also, her spirit of sacrifice, her commitment to her friends, can be done as long as she can tell it. Mei Jie is a very important person for me, especially when a newcomer debuts, what we need is opportunities, the competition is great, but Mei Jie will always treat each of us like family. For example, when she was performing, she would take us out, the first TV station interview in my life, and the first cover, all of which were taken out by Sister Mei. She told me that we should help each other, especially in the show business circle, to unite, when we meet our peers who want to help, we must be obliged to help, and the two words of righteousness are also learned from her.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Nandu Entertainment: In the era of Mei Yanfang, there were many classic songs and theatrical works, do you have any favorite works?

Miriam Yang: They are all very classics, in my cognition, "Bad Girl", "Flaming Red Lips", "Iceberg Fire", etc. are all songs that I will sing in KTV and make me very happy, "Like the Old Man Comes", "Intimate Lover", "Like Water Flowing Year"... Too much. With so many pieces, I never felt like she left us. Going to the KTV to sing her songs will feel like she's still there. In addition, she has too many classic theatrical works, "The Inquisitor", "Rouge Buckle", and the most recent "Man Forty" are very good-looking, and now these works are still like yesterday's shooting.

Nandu Entertainment: What is it like to hear Mei Jie now?

Miriam Yang: She is a singer that no one can replace, and I have been listening to her songs and singing her songs. I am very grateful for some programs that can sing her songs and pass on the spirit of Sister Mei all the time. As a singer, I hope that the work will continue to be passed on, and I hope that you will sing more of her songs.

Nandu Entertainment: Mei Yanfang represents the power of women's awakening, how do you think about the current topic of special fire, dress freedom and appearance anxiety?

Miriam Yang: The outside is always changing, and the soul and wisdom will follow you for a lifetime. To always study and improve yourself, this is the most attractive place in your life. Appearance will change, the most important part of being a woman is the head, very important. With wisdom and emotional intelligence, this is an eternal victory.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

"If the director wants to shoot, ten years from now

You can shoot the late version of "Chunjiao and Zhiming""

Nandu Entertainment: Is there anything memorable in the shooting that you would like to share with you?

Miriam Yang: The most memorable, I was in the cameo, the boss is willing to one-to-one, very real to establish the scene, I walked in, in the 80s Huaxing office, saw some photos, and returned to the feeling of the parent body of the company earlier than me. And put back on the look of the 80s, change back into those clothes, and immediately get into that state. There is a scene in the second act, Dani sings "Woman's Heart", when I was outside watching, everyone knew Sister Mei, the feeling in my heart came back, I felt that Sister Mei did not leave me, and I missed the feeling that she sang this song at that time, not the audience, as a friend there will be special emotions in it.

Nandu Entertainment: Modern records have declined a lot, and you have also experienced this part of the record company, does it make you nostalgic for the past?

Miriam Yang: During the whole process, Mr. Jiang invited me to participate in this project, although it was only a few days of cameos, but the memories are infinite. I debuted from Huaxing, through this movie can recall the atmosphere of the record company, how to choose songs, the mood of participating in the awards ceremony, Mei Jie gave us new opportunities, all of which are printed in my mind. I can't say that the record company has declined, because of the development of the media, the form of the record company has also changed, not the era of the previous physical records, but the spirit of music has not changed. No matter what era and to what extent science and technology have developed, the three minutes on stage and ten years off the stage are eternal and unchangeable. The times have changed, but this has not changed my thinking about music, and I must adhere to the original intention of music, which is the example given to us by Mei Jie, no matter what, we must put the stage power to the maximum. We are doing good works, not just making a product. Boss Jiang's filming of this scene is not just a film for him, but also an emotional and psychological satisfaction, as well as happiness. How the times change, how business changes, can not change the original intention of each of us to create, and everyone's pursuit of dreams.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Nandu Entertainment: This year you participated in the third season of "The Man Who Does Housework", what kind of mentality did you get involved in this show?

Miriam Yang: "The Man Who Does Housework" I hope to update you on my mental journey. Instead of doing so many interviews, it is better to understand what people's thoughts and attitudes about life are like in the life-oriented program. Plus I haven't done variety shows for a long time, and now there are a lot of new teams, young people doing behind-the-scenes work, and the ideas of communicating with them are quite interesting.

Nandu Entertainment: "Our Song" is also the show you participated in this year, how did you feel during the recording process?

Miriam Yang: "Our Song" is what I want to participate in, because in addition to I want to sing, there are many stages. It is not easy to complete the stage, you have to prepare a lot of homework, plus you have to practice a lot of songs in a short time. These three months are a good training opportunity, because it needs to be done with a lot of singers. Every singer has its own characteristics, and when you meet a very talented singer and a singer with great stage experience, it will push you to a better field. This performance was more intense than my previous concerts, because it wasn't just my own performance. So "Our Song" gave me good training in Live singing.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

Nandu Entertainment: In addition to the field of life and music, you are also involved in the program "Director Please Advise" in the film and television field, do you have any feelings about this program that you want to share with you?

Miriam Yang: You just asked me why I don't make film and television works now, I don't want to shoot, but I want to know the current living conditions, what kind of scripts and themes everyone is interested in. It happened that the program team also invited me, otherwise I would not have been able to participate. I asked them what kind of show it was, and they said there was a new generation of directors and senior directors who would pass on the creations. The interesting thing about the show is to re-create the existing film and make it again. I don't think I've ever made a short film like this, and I want to meet a new director and a senior senior actor. The most interesting thing is that the script needs to be discussed on the spot, and you can raise your hand to participate if you feel you can do it. Some people think that actors only have satisfaction when the work appears on the screen, but it is not, and when exchanging scripts and stories, that kind of creation is happy.

Nandu Entertainment: Next year is the tenth anniversary of "Chunjiao and Zhiming", is there any special feeling about looking back at this play?

Miriam Yang: Time flies by quickly, if the director still wants to shoot, I think I can wait until ten years later to shoot "Twilight Love" or "Chunjiao and Zhiming" in my later years.

Miriam Yang: I must do something about Sister Mei, and learn persistence and righteousness in her

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