
Lithuania's pledge of loyalty to the United States boldly provokes, what "punitive measures" does China have? Zhao Lijian responded

author:Global Times

"The Chinese Government expresses its strong protest and resolute opposition and will take all necessary measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All consequences arising therefrom are the responsibility of the cube. In response to the Lithuanian government's approval of the Taiwan authorities to set up a so-called "Taiwan representative office in Lithuania," the Chinese side has been intensively vocal in the past two days, solemnly warning Lithuania. On the 18th, the "representative office" was put into operation. Rushing to the front line of anti-China, what is the Lithuanian map? Observers generally believe that some Lithuanian politicians are currying favor with the United States in order to gain their own interests, but it is the interests of the people of the country and even Europe that are sacrificed. For Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party, which is struggling internally and externally, this matter is indeed a "consolation", even if Lithuania is a small country with a population of less than 3 million. However, just as the Foreign Ministry spokesman said on the 19th, the Taiwan authorities' vain attempt to coerce foreign countries to plot "independence" is a miscalculation and is doomed to escape the fate of failure. Moreover, whether it is the Lithuanian or Taiwan authorities, when they finally have to bear the consequences, the big tree of the United States is estimated to be unreliable.

Lithuania's pledge of loyalty to the United States boldly provokes, what "punitive measures" does China have? Zhao Lijian responded

China's measures, "we can wait and see"

"Deutsche Welle" said on the 19th that the "Representative Office in Lithuania and Taiwan" is the first "Representative Office" in Europe named after "Taiwan". Taiwan's "diplomatic agencies" are generally named after "Taipei". In August, After Lithuania announced that it would allow the establishment of such a "representative office" in its capital, Vilnius, China recalled its ambassador to Lithuania.

According to the Associated Press, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landz Bergis told reporters on the 18th that the opening of the "representative office" is to develop economic relations and does not have "diplomatic status", Lithuania "seeks to strengthen relations with the whole of Asia and the Indo-Pacific region", recently set up an embassy in Australia, will also set up an embassy in South Korea, "in the future may also set up a representative office in Taipei."

Some people on the island have begun to boast of a "diplomatic breakthrough." Taiwan's "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" said in a press release that in addition to promoting economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, the "representative office" will also handle "consular" business. Song Cheng-en, a Taiwanese international law scholar, said that the establishment of a "representative office" has experienced "too many twists and turns" and that "it is not easy for Taiwan and Lithuania to make diplomatic breakthroughs."

On the night of the 18th, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement strongly opposing the cube's move to "create 'one China, one Taiwan' in the world, blatantly violating the one-China principle, betraying the political commitment of the cube in the communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, undermining China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and grossly interfering in China's internal affairs." At a regular press conference the next day, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian reiterated that Lithuania's approach was "extremely bad in nature." As for what necessary measures the Chinese side will take, he said that "everyone can wait and see, the cube blames itself, and will definitely suffer the consequences."

"We resolutely oppose the development of any form of official relations between the countries with which China has established diplomatic relations with Taiwan." On 19 July, Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, warned Lithuania to "handle Taiwan-related issues with caution and not to go further and further down the erroneous road of supporting and conniving at 'Taiwan independence.'"

Regarding the establishment of the "Taiwan Representative Office in Lithuania", there are also voices on the island that are worried about "losing big because of small things". Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network" published a commentary article on the 19th, saying that it is difficult to say whether the "war situation" between the mainland and Lithuania has ended here, and that there is a "warning signal" in the current "diplomatic relations" between Taiwan and Honduras, and if the mainland really prompts the country to turn around, then it is equivalent to the Tsai authorities exchanging the "embassy of the Republic of China" for the "Taiwan representative office." In this way, how should the gain and loss be calculated?

Russian media: Lithuania exaggerated to "show loyalty" to the United States

Behind the heating up of Taiwan-Taiwan relations is the United States pushing. In August, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken spoke to Landsbergis and expressed "steel-strong" support for Lithuania, claiming the country was "facing Chinese coercion." U.S. President's National Security Adviser Sullivan also spoke with Lithuania's prime minister in September, affirming the "strong, substantive relationship" between the United States and Lithuania. According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" reported on the 19th, the chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Menendez, praised Lithuania on the 18th for "standing up to defend democracy from Taipei to Minsk and showing leadership."

The Russian Satellite News Agency quoted experts as saying on the 19th that Lithuania has a small economy and little trade with China, which is to use economic benefits for China, exchange external support for the United States, and please some domestic voters internally.

"In the final analysis, this is only a 'diplomatic victory' for a small number of people," Cui Hongjian, director of the European Institute of the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times reporter on the 19th, "These people are serving the interests of a small group, but what they put into it is the future development of Lithuania's relations with China, and even the political basis of Sino-European relations, which will prove to be more than worth the loss, and this small group of people does not represent the interests of the Lithuanian people or the European people." ”

"Lithuania wants to gain a global foothold by acting as the 'anti-China vanguard' of the United States." The Russian Satellite News Agency quoted analysts as saying that Germany, France and other EU powers attach great importance to relations with China and actively seek a balance between competition and cooperation with China, but small countries like Lithuania do not have too many such concerns, so they are more willing to move closer to the United States, which is behind washington's co-optation and is also closely related to the division of views on China within Europe.

Russia's "Viewpoint" described on the 19th that some countries in the European Union are engaged in an "informal competition" of "who can become the best friend of the United States", in which Lithuania's loyalty to the United States shows "exaggerated characteristics". Whether Washington made anti-Russian or anti-Chinese demands, Lithuania immediately joined the game, acting aggressively, regardless of the possible economic consequences, as if it could withstand conflict with more than one great power at the same time.

"But as we all know, the United States is using Lithuania as a gunman." A Taiwan expert told the Global Times that similar things have happened many times, and if the relevant countries "run into trouble" or the ultimate goal of the United States is not achieved, then the "fire" lit by these countries will not be extinguished by the United States.

The Viewpoint reminds Lithuania that its neighbours have learned similar historical lessons. In the 1990s, Latvia allowed Taiwan to open a "consulate general" on its territory, which was closed within a few years. After so many years, China has become stronger and more influential. The German financial network said on the 19th that some opposition parties believe that the government needs to "predict the situation very rationally." Lithuania and China are experiencing the greatest difficulties since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 30 years.

The Eu, don't forget its commitments

It is not just Lithuania that needs to carefully consider how to deal with Taiwan. Relations between the EU and China have cooled sharply this year, with the European Parliament jumping the most against China. Last month, the Plenary Session of the European Parliament adopted the so-called "EU-Taiwan Political Relations and Cooperation" report, which openly encouraged Europe and Taiwan to develop so-called "political relations." According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency", some European parliamentarians praised Lithuania on the 18th as "not afraid of Chinese pressure.".

However, the New York Times believes that it remains to be seen how much European support for Taiwan is, and it is neither willing nor able to intervene in the military issues of the Indo-Pacific region. "The EU is experiencing a moment of self-reflection," said Ferenc, a former political adviser to the European Parliament, "what kind of relationship we want to build with Beijing?" What kind of relationship are we willing to establish with Taiwan? These are the two big issues that still need to be addressed. ”

The New York Times said that Europe's economic interests on the mainland are enormous, and concern for Taiwan is still the pursuit of a small number of people. Hong Kong's South China Morning Post also disclosed a few days ago that the European Commission is not interested in the European Parliament's proposal to reach a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan.

"Lu's ambassador to the European Union warned: Don't play the Taiwan card." Taiwan's "Eastern News Cloud" reported on the 19th that ambassador Zhang Ming, head of the mainland's mission to the European Union, specifically reviewed the public commitments made by the European leaders on Taiwan-related issues at the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the EU when attending the "60-minute briefing" of the European Policy Center a few days ago. In 1975, the Vice-Chairman of the Commission of the European Economic Community, Sommes, said during a visit to China: "All member States of the European Community recognize the Government of the People's Republic of China and have adopted a position accepted by the People's Republic of China on the question of Taiwan. In accordance with these positions, I confirm that the EUROPEAN Community does not maintain any official relations or conclude any agreements with Taiwan. ”

"This commitment constitutes a legal obligation and constraint on the EU and its member states, and the EU side should be convinced." Zhang Ming said: Some people seem to think that Taiwan is a card that can be played and played very well, and that China's interests can be harmed through it, but this kind of behavior is absolutely impossible to change the fact that the two sides of the strait belong to the same China.