
Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

author:Red Net Yiyang Station
Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

"I remembered memories of my childhood that seemed to be stained in the fields, in the barns, under the camellias and by the lotus ponds."

This is a sentence from the famous writer Zhou Libo's poem "The Hope of a Morning Singer" published in Yan'an's "Liberation Daily" in 1941, and the place that filled his childhood memories was Qingxi Village in Xielingang Town, Yiyang City, a place where fields and ridges were connected, where the fields and ridges were connected, the strange and the lotus pond was ten miles, and the blue waves were rippling.

It was here that Zhou Libo was born and grew up, and it was here that he, who was already famous for his works such as "The Tempest" and "The Rushing Of Iron", wrote a long novel reflecting the agricultural cooperative movement, "Great Changes in The Mountains and Countryside", depicting the moving scenes of people struggling to change the face of the countryside in the early days of the founding of New China.

The centenary of the CPC leading China toward prosperity and strength is also a century of continuous changes in China's rural areas. From the agrarian revolution to the revitalization of the countryside, the Communist Party of China led China's rural areas to complete the great leap from poverty to strong agriculture, rich peasants, and rural beauty. Today, in Mr. Libo's hometown, in Qingxi Village, in Xielingang Town, in Yiyang, a new era of "Great Changes in Mountain Townships" is being staged.

The great changes in Mr. Lippo's hometown

Today's Qingxi Village still has grass farms, barns, camellias and lotus ponds, but people's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the rapid advancement of the urbanization process, this once remote village has long become a village adjacent to the central urban area and with obvious geographical and transportation advantages. In this land with a total area of 2.97 square kilometers, there are 17 villager groups, with a permanent population of 5650 people, an agricultural population of 2063 people, 103 party members, an annual per capita income of 32300 yuan, and the collective economic assets of the village reach more than 20 million yuan.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

Xielingang Town, where Qingxi Village is located, has a different appearance than before - the town has an area of 79 square kilometers, 9 administrative villages (communities) under its jurisdiction, a total population of 41,000 people, Shichang Railway, Yitao First-class Highway, Ring Expressway, Yima Expressway and other highways and railway trunk lines run through the whole territory, and the newly built Yiyang High-speed Railway Station and Yiyang High-speed Railway New City are located in the town, and the location conditions are superior. The town's GDP reached 885 million yuan, an annual increase of 10%; the fiscal revenue was 24.5 million yuan, an annual increase of 9.5%; and the per capita net income of farmers was 9452 yuan, an annual increase of 9%.

All this is due to people's yearning for a better life and the unremitting pursuit of rural revitalization.

Since 2008, Qingxi Village, as the business card of the new rural construction, has demonstrated the characteristics of rural tourism that integrate writers and works, pastoral and folklore, tradition and modernity, and created a red tourist spot integrating patriotic education and rural experience, which has been successively rated as a national 4A-level tourist scenic spot, China Happiness Village, China Green Village, the first batch of Chinese rural red heritage villages, Chinese characteristic villages and other national brand honors, receiving millions of tourists from inside and outside the province.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

With the continuous acceleration of the pace of rural revitalization, the Qingxi Village Mountain and Township Great Change Scenic Spot has once again exerted its strength, comprehensively improved the quality and transformation, and built an urban cultural theme park, a smart rural display platform, and a pastoral health care experience base. Nowadays, more and more people come to Qingxi Village for tourism, and the villagers who originally took the traditional breeding industry and migrant labor as the main industry have basically transformed into the main force of rural revitalization and tourism reception service industry, the rural tourism economy has developed rapidly, and the villagers' happiness index has risen significantly.

Since the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in 2017, Xielingang Town has focused on the integrated development of rural first, second, and third industries, in accordance with the advantages of building leading industries, cultivating diversified integration subjects, and developing new industries, new formats and new models.

For example, by accelerating the construction of a new type of agricultural business entity policy support system, actively developing family farms, standardizing the development of farmers' cooperatives, becoming bigger and stronger leading enterprises, and cultivating diversified and integrated subjects; through actively developing leisure experience agriculture, accelerating the development of agricultural product e-commerce, deeply promoting one village and one product, and developing new industries, new formats and new models; and improving the relationship with the interests of farmers through the establishment of guidance mechanisms, incentive mechanisms, and sharing mechanisms. Avoid the situation where the new agricultural business entities are bigger and stronger, but ordinary farmers do not get much benefit.

All of the above initiatives have yielded fruitful results.

Embark on a new path of revitalization

If it only stops here, the rural revitalization of Qingxi Village and Xielingang Town can only be regarded as step-by-step and bland.

However, Yiyang, which is good at innovative development, will obviously not stop here.

In 2018, according to the comprehensive planning of the rural revitalization strategy at the municipal and district levels, the quality improvement and transformation project of the first village of the great change in the mountain township - Qingxi Village Scenic Area implemented by Hunan Qingxi Cultural Tourism Group was launched, and the spatial structure, development goals and strategic positioning of Qingxi Village were replanned and adjusted.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

With the construction concept of urban cultural theme park, smart village display platform and pastoral pension experience base, the project links Beifeng embankment, Xielingang Village, Yuhuangmiao Village, Fuxing Village and Yaquetang Village to open the rural revitalization construction, creating a completely functional, complete facilities, outstanding characteristics and rich cultural Zhou Libo Former Residence Cultural Park, local literature research base, and shaping a new Qingxi Village tourism area.

Not only that, this project also extends the tourist area of Qingxi Village to the entire Xielingang Town, more fully shaping the overall concept of the great changes in the mountains and townships, and forming a "PanQingxi" development pattern of "one axis, two cores, five corridors and six villages" in planning.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

The first phase of the project, which has been completed with an investment of 120 million yuan, has carefully built 14 scenic spots such as the Impression Plaza, the Comic Strip Gallery, the Qingxi Lotus Pond, and the Libo Pear Garden, which have been unveiled, attract tens of thousands of people to visit the scenery. The construction of management supporting service facilities such as the Tourist Service Center, the landscape transformation before and after the Qingxi farmhouse, the greening and quality improvement of Libo Small Street, the transformation of residential buildings, and the comprehensive improvement and treatment of sewage in Qingxi Village and the environment of Qingxi Stream fully reflect the general requirements of the rural revitalization strategy.

The Qingxi Theater, which was completed in the second phase of the project, has become the main position of cultural publicity, with "That Mountain, That Water, That Nostalgia" as the main repertoire of boutique tourism, and actively creating "one drama and one courtyard" Yiyang cultural and artistic coordinates, realizing the perfect integration of tourism + culture.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

After the completion of the third phase of the project under construction, Qingxi Scenic Area will form a complete new business chain of "Internet + tourism + culture + pension", and transform into an all-round high-end comprehensive cultural tourism commercial body.

This is a development cluster that presents the synchronous development scene of "modern agricultural industry, celebrity cultural industry, nostalgia cultural industry, and pastoral mountain leisure industry" in the industry, which makes the overall industrial radiation capacity of Qingxi Village continue to increase, and also drives the local economic development.

The mountains and villages of the new era have changed dramatically

The changes in Qingxi Village and Xielinggang Town are just a microcosm of the changes brought about by Yiyang's implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

After 8 years of hard work, Yiyang completed the city's poverty alleviation target task as scheduled. By the end of 2020, all 297 poor villages were listed, 388,000 poor people were all lifted out of poverty, and Anhua County, a poor county, successfully removed its hat in advance, and the "two worries and three guarantees" were fully realized. The annual per capita net income of the city's poor increased from 1662 yuan at the end of 2013 to 10901 yuan at the end of 2020.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

In recent years, Yiyang around the "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural style civilization, effective governance, affluent life" of the overall goal, focus on promoting rural revitalization, in 2020, Yiyang city won the province's implementation of rural revitalization strategy advanced city and state title, rural residents disposable income reached 18818 yuan, exceeding the provincial average of 2233 yuan.

The municipal party committee and the municipal government attach great importance to rural revitalization, regard the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as one of the "five major strategies" to promote the development of Yiyang, set up a municipal party committee led by the secretary and mayor to implement the rural revitalization strategy leading group, establish and improve the rural revitalization work institutions and staffing, and consciously implement the rural revitalization strategy at the city, county, township and village levels from the ideological and action point of view.

At present, the city has built a complete "1+7+9" rural revitalization planning system ("1" is the city's overall planning "Yiyang Rural Revitalization Strategic Planning (2018-2022)", "7" is 7 county (district, city) planning, "9" is 9 special planning), and according to the overall plan, combined with the construction of national modern agricultural demonstration areas, the construction of modern agricultural reform pilot areas, the construction of the Datong Lake Basin ecological environment governance and other key work, docking the preparation of the national and provincial "14th Five-Year Plan", Ensure that the strategic plan for rural revitalization is integrated with the 14th Five-Year Plan. At the same time, rural revitalization will be included in the performance appraisal of counties (districts, cities) and relevant municipal units, and strict evaluation and implementation will be carried out.

The results are naturally fruitful, such as:

——In recent years, a large number of local agricultural brands such as Anhua black tea, Nanxian shrimp and rice, Taojiang bamboo shoots, Yuanjiang asparagus and so on have risen;

——Three national agricultural industry strong towns have been created, and the tea village huahai, Rowan graffiti, agricultural carnival, and "Guolian + Qingxi Village + high-standard base" have become the samples of the integration of three industries;

——Datong Lake District's "three formatted septic tanks + small and micro wetlands" toilet improvement experience, beautiful courtyard improvement "six ones" model promoted nationwide;

——12 national and provincial green food bases have been built, and 468 agricultural products with green food and organic food logos have been built.

-- The city's coverage rate of village (residence) rules and regulations with the change of customs and customs as an important content has reached 100%, 1425 village-level red and white councils have been established, and unhealthy trends such as large-scale operations and large-scale offices have been effectively curbed.

——The city has now built 14 exhibition venues for various types of intangible cultural heritage, 16 non-genetic inheritance and training bases, and the construction of village-level cultural service centers in administrative villages, villagers' activity squares and rural bookstores has achieved full coverage.

These, obviously, are just the beginning.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

On May 8 this year, the Yiyang Rural Revitalization Bureau was officially established, marking that Yiyang has entered a new stage of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization after achieving a comprehensive victory in poverty alleviation.

At the end of the first volume of "The Great Changes in the Mountains and Countryside", Zhou Libo wrote:

"The snow was falling, and in a moment it was turning people's hats and shoulders white. The fields are quiet, and people walk on the dry snow on the road, each returning to their respective homes, waiting for the opening of the sky, waiting for the beginning of spring ploughing, in order to use their skilled and diligent hands to retrieve the rich rice and wheat and fruits to nature and to the black soil. ”

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

At the original site of Zhou Libo's former residence, the writer Zhou Libo created "Great Changes in Mountains and Townships"

Guan Chaojun saw that in today's Qingxi Village, in today's Xielingang Town, and in today's Yiyang, countless people are working hard for the revitalization of the countryside in the new era, watering the hot soil under their feet with sweat, and creating the "great changes in the mountains and townships" in the new era.

Zhou Libo's novel "Great Changes in Mountains and Countryside" was created in the prototype, what is going on now?

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