
Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

author:The literary and historical salon of the body

In order to calm down the size and zhuo as soon as possible, Qianlong can be described as painstaking. After the order to march into southern Xinjiang was issued, taking into account the unity of the leading body, Qianlong also specially gave a decree to Yar hashshan, and more than one, repeatedly stressing that Yarhashan must respect the opinions of Emin and Zhuo and consult with Emin and Zhuo in everything: "Emin and Zhuo are familiar with the situation of returning to the ministry, and Yi and others (you) have made careful deliberations to perform the skin gong (great merit). At the same time, he asked Yarhashan: "Even in this year, we cannot finish things, but we must advance the whole army, ravage its crops, and revitalize the brigade, and make it easier for him to forge ahead in the future." ”

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

Inui Takashi Images

That is to say, if you can calm down the size and excellence this year, if you can't beat them, then at least you have to destroy their crops and let them confiscate them this year, so that the next step will be easy to hit them. As for Zhaohui, Qianlong asked him to concentrate on the invasion of Shalaboro, but also told Yarhashan, saying: "There are many guards in Zhaohui's office, and when Yarhashan enters the army, he can consult a few people for dispatch." That is to say, Zhaohui has a lot of guards under him, and Yarhashan can pick a few to bring to help. Why did Qianlong specifically mention the bodyguards? What is unique about the guards of the Qing Dynasty?

It is said that the guards of the Qing Dynasty are divided into many kinds, and we are most familiar with the so-called imperial guards, in fact, there are also the Great Inner Guards, the Qianqing Palace Guards, etc., according to the level is the first class guards, the second class guards, the third class guards and the blue plume guards four levels. In the early days, the guards were selected from the upper three banners of the Eight Banners, that is, the yellow flag, the yellow flag and the blue flag under the personal command of the emperor, in principle, they were all Manchu disciples, and there were also han eight banners, but they were all meritorious families who were eligible to be selected. Many of the qing dynasty's generals and important ministers were from the rank of bodyguards, such as Suo'ertu, Aobai, Hezhen, Fu Heng, Fu Kang'an, and Sushun.

Therefore, the guards of the Qing Dynasty were the reserve cadre regiments of the Qing court, and their status and treatment were very high. Therefore, Qianlong would deliberately emphasize that Yar hashshan to take some bodyguards to southern Xinjiang in preparation for promotion after training.

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

So for Zhaohui, how does Qianlong arrange it? Then go get rid of the remnants of the Dzungar rebels in Sharaboro first. However, Qianlong did not forget to take the opportunity to knock On Zhaohui and put pressure on Zhaohui, so he made a special decree, saying that you Zhaohui said that when the additional soldiers, rations, horses, and so on arrived, they would enter Sharabolu, and then march into Yarkand and Kashgar. However, it is also said that Sharaboro "gathers thousands of thieves and seems to be afraid of difficulties", since I asked you to specialize in Sharaboro and concentrate on pacifying the Dzungars in northern Xinjiang, but what does it mean that you have not moved for a long time? In the past, Cheng Gunzabu (another Qing army general) was punished because of his poor work, do you want to learn to become Gunzabu?

It is said that the companion is like a companion tiger, and this is true! Recalling last year, Zhaohui gang with more than 2,000 horses, in the face of tens of thousands of Dzungar rebels, chased and intercepted, thousands of miles of breakthrough into Balikun, incidentally taking advantage of the help of god, when the Dzungars were infected with smallpox, forced down the Dzungars, created a miracle, can be described as outstanding merit, deeply won the weight of Qianlong. Now that the Dzungars were rebelling again, and it was at the time of employing people, Zhaohui slightly had a different view of his own in the choice of the direction of the battle, and Qianlong immediately changed his face and further tapped Zhaohui: "Although Zhaohui has a slight labor, Bayar is even on the military front, and the Kazakhs have long wanted to submit, and they have not been able to pursue Amir Sana, and it is Yi and others who have no self-esteem." ”

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

What does that mean?

That is to say, although you Zhaohui has some credit, in fact, what is it? Please note that the word Qianlong used is "micro-labor", which is a small credit. And you captured Bayar (Amir Sana's men), but it was just this Bayar that let my army bump into it, and the Kazakh Abu Ghaz khan submitted, and people have long admired my heavenly dynasty and wanted to submit, and you didn't catch Amir Sana in the end, didn't you? What can you be proud of?

After reading this passage, we know that since ancient times, leadership has been a virtue, and how to say it is reasonable anyway. In fact, if Zhaohui hadn't pursued Amir Sana, chased him to Kazakhstan, and fought a battle with Abu Rao, how could Abulao have submitted to the Qing court? But now Qianlong turned his face and didn't recognize it. Therefore, in the end, Qianlong reprimanded Zhaohui, hurriedly cleaned up the remnants of the enemy in Shalaboro, and went to southern Xinjiang as soon as possible to join yarhashan, not to grab each other's merits, let alone to blame each other, sincere unity, and mutual help, "Scramble to be the first, why can't we achieve anything?" ”

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

Although Zhaohui was disciplined, his years of experience in the official field created his character style of being able to bend and stretch, and he did not react passively because he was reprimanded for no reason, let alone take credit for his past merits and be proud of his past achievements, and the leaders raised the bar to the top of the bull. So how does Zhaohui do it? Have to admit that he did it cleverly. Zhaohui quickly confessed his mistake on the table, and first said that the leader was right: "Does the training dare to be encouraged? As soon as the horses, rations, and armaments arrive, they will set off as soon as possible. ”

That is to say, the emperor's admonition is correct, with your admonition, how can we dare not work hard? As soon as the horses, rations, and weapons arrived, I set off here. But then Zhaohui turned around and began to say that it was practical difficulty: "Now the deputy general Ha Shangde sent twenty-five thousand sheep from Barikun, and along the way he killed fifteen thousand six hundred oddly, and more than 930 remained, and in the future he will be transported to 2,500 stones of rice noodles, counting 4,500 soldiers, only forty or fifty days of eclipse." If you wait for it all to arrive, it will be even more futile."

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

That is to say, the twenty-five thousand sheep transported from Barikun died all the way, and more than fifteen thousand six hundred died, and when they arrived, there would be more than nine hundred and thirty left, and even if two thousand five hundred stone meters arrived, plus these sheep, my soldiers would be able to support forty or fifty days, so this battle would be difficult to fight. In addition, Zhaohui also said that there were not enough horses, and now he had to send more troops, and the rations were even more insufficient, etc., but in the end, Zhaohui said: But please rest assured that the emperor, even so, I will set off immediately, and I will never disappoint the emperor.

Look at how high the emotional intelligence of people! Friends in the workplace mixed, may wish to learn. When the task is not completed well, the subordinate can cry out to the leader, but there must be skills, and the leader must have a step down.

Qianlong pacified Xinjiang, how difficult is it to provide logistics supplies? Transporting more than 20,000 sheep, more than half died on the road

From this point, we can also see that with the material conditions at that time, the logistical supply of the war was indeed a very headache problem, especially the march from the interior to Xinjiang, which was really difficult. Thanks to the prosperity of the Qianlong Dynasty, there was a steady stream of money and grain to supply the front, but the losses along the way were really amazing. With the rise and fall of rebellion, in order to pacify the whole of Xinjiang at an early date, although Qianlong continued to send more troops, when it was really time to pull out, due to logistical difficulties, he still had to repeatedly consider how many people to send.

According to our outsiders' ideas, fighting a war is naturally to send as many soldiers as there are, and the more soldiers Han Xin has, the better! But this is far from the case, because the first is the constraint of logistical supply. Qianlong naturally understood the difficulties of the soldiers in the front, but he also had to find a step and find a person with a back pot, just like Cao Cao's army was short of grain during the Three Kingdoms period, and he killed the grain officials first to calm the anger of the people. Because of the deputy general Ha Shangde who sent the sheep, he became an unlucky ghost and was severely punished.

Therefore, Qianlong severely criticized this deputy general Ha Shangde: "I did not make a real contribution, I missed the military supplies, and I was guilty of no reproach." Hashand handed the minister Bari Kun a sign to the public and ordered the compensation to be made up according to the number, thinking that he was a person who neglected to do business. After the day of compensation, please send it down. That is to say, this Ha shangde missed the military supplies, and the blame could not be escaped, so that Minister Bari Kun first put this Ha Shangde on the torture instrument to show the public, and then how many sheep died, all of them were compensated according to the price, and when the compensation was completed, they would be dealt with separately.

In fact, let's think about it, this big winter, from Barikun to Ili, more than a thousand kilometers of road, over the mountains, climbing ice and snow, some sections, than if the ditch, not to mention the time, is to put it on hold now, winter is still sleepy on the car trapped people, along the way to die so many sheep, indeed there is no way to do it. It's just that this Hashand was too unlucky, and there were a lot of dead sheep, and more than fifteen thousand sheep died along the way from Barikun to Ili, which is equivalent to more than half dead.

Later, Qianlong also specifically asked the ministers at the bottom about this matter, saying that what was the normal loss of transporting cattle, sheep, horses and alpacas? Did we have a standard before? The ministers checked and reported that "there is no precedent". That is to say, there is no standard for this, which is generally based on the temporary provisions of the distance and weather. The household department did have a horse loss standard reported by the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, saying that one hundred horses can be lost to six horses, and if it is exceeded, it will be approved according to the actual situation, and the number is not necessary, and so on.

The above correspondence is from the Qing government's official revision of the "Strategy for Pacifying the Dzungars" and the "Qing Shilu". These contents are all from first-hand information, and when read carefully, they are very vivid and immersive. open

Originally, the Dzungar rebellion in northern Xinjiang had dragged on for a long time, and Qianlong had already been overwhelmed by logistical problems. At this time, on the battlefield of pacifying the size and Zhuo in southern Xinjiang, news came again that the Kucha war was unfavorable, which made Qianlong, who had high hopes at first, not help but be disappointed. When he saw Yar hashan's fold, he couldn't help but be furious. What's going on here?

To find out what happens next, look at the next breakdown. What do you think, welcome to speak freely below, look forward to your advice! For more exciting content, come and pay attention to the Literary and Historical Salon of Tiyuan

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