
Why can't humans completely domesticate cats?

author:Chic time

Why can't humans completely domesticate cats?

I have to tell you the amazing fact that in essence in the eyes of the cat your home is his home, and you are not the master, but his slave. So how do cats willingly become cat slaves and shovelers?

This goes back to the Fertile Crescent 11,000 years ago. The University of Leuven in Belgium and the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences in Belgium collaborated to analyze the DNA of more than 200 cats from 11,000 to 9,000 years ago, including the remains of ancient Roman cats, ancient Egyptian cat mummies, etc., using the bones, teeth, skin and hair of cats from many archaeological sites in the Near East, Africa and Europe, and the study published in the British journal Nature Ecology and Evolution confirmed that the domestication of cats began as early as the Fertile Crescent. All domestic cats come from a wild feline called the spotted cat.

There are five subspecies of the spotted cat, and the Chinese domestic cat is derived from the Asian wildcat. The mixing of cats and people is actually the result of natural selection, not that people actively approach cats, but cats take the initiative to approach humans. Because the primitive tribes of humans had a large number of voles and rats. And when humans find cat pups, they try to erase their wildness and let them help catch mice.

However, in ancient times, people found that this was completely to pick up an ancestor, because they would not please you like a dog, nor would they obey like a horse, and often steal food.

John, a relational zoologist at the University of Bristol, has found through research that unlike dogs, cats are difficult to domesticate, and you think that your cat is very close to you, but in its eyes, the owner is just a stupid big cat with no malice and fat body that will only give him food.

Scientists have found that only social animals with social attributes are easily domesticated, such as horses, sheep, and wolves, but in fact, there is a leader and has a social hierarchy. Ordinary members will obey the orders of the leader, then humans can also become their leader to direct them.

Cats are not social animals, so theoretically they have never been truly domesticated and have always been inherently wild. Later, the cat became a pet and gradually began to coddle, because they did not catch mice with their mothers, some pet cats began to swap roles with the mouse, staging a trick of Jerry chasing Tom.

And they are due to lack of exercise, digestive ability decline, easy diarrhea, and easy to get sick, once sick, then you will lose most of the month's salary. You also have to give it regular deworming and vaccinations.

So why do rural earth cats rarely get sick, because they exercise enough, and there is a Chinese tanuki cat that is very good to raise, while other pet cats are basically bred and bred, especially fragile and delicate.

Speaking of which, did you suddenly realize it?