
The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

author:Ling Yun viewpoint video

It's probably the loneliest place in the world.

In the middle of the ocean, there is a place that is different - Nemo Point.

Where is Nemo Point? Where did its name come from? What's so peculiar about it?

This begins in 1992, when a survey engineer named Hervoye Lucatella calculated this special dotted area through his own geospatial program "Hipparchus", which was calculated at 48° 52.6 ′ south latitude and 123 ° 23.6 ′ west longitude, where there is no human activity, named after Captain Nemo in the novel "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", and the word "Nemo" means "nobody" in Latin. At this point, this mysterious geographical location had its own name "Nemo Point", and it later had an official name - "The Ocean Is Hard to Reach".

Here, there is no desert, no trace of animals and plants, can be described as a "desert" in the ocean.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

So what is the reason why Nemo Point is inaccessible? This has a lot to do with its geographical location, nemo point is located in the middle of the South Pacific. Surrounded by a vast ocean, the closest land to it are three islands that look at each other: Easter Island, Dixie Island and Maher Island, and even the nearest Easter Island and Dixie Island are 2688 kilometers away. The fastest speed at which humans reached Nemo point was 15 days, 10 hours and 37 minutes by boat. Because it is so far from land, there is almost no human activity at Nemo Point.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

If there is a place closest to Nemo Point where humans appear, it is the International Space Station at an altitude of 400 kilometers.

Not only are there few human patronage, but even signs of life such as flora and fauna are few, and only some of the seafloor bacteria can survive in the nearby Eastern Pacific Seamounts. This has a lot to do with its harsh environment. First of all, Nemo Point is located at the fault between continental plates, geological activity is very frequent, and seismic phenomena occur from time to time.

More coincidentally, the sea near Nemo Point has no ocean currents passing through, and is surrounded by the South Pacific circulation in the middle of the sea, resulting in the abundant nutrients brought by the mainland being ruthlessly blocked and difficult to enter. The melting ice and snow water rich in large amounts of organic matter in the Arctic and Antarctic is also difficult to reach, making Nemo Point "isolated" and unable to form a deep-sea ecosystem.

Thus, Nemo Point, which has no biological offerings, becomes a "life blank area."

Although life could not exist, Nemo Point made a significant contribution to the development of the space field.

Recently, the timing of space debris has been raging throughout the space community and the United Nations, beginning with a resolution on 6 November that the United Nations showed that

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

According to article II of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, signed by States in 1971, states:

The launching State shall be absolutely liable for compensation for damage caused by its outer space objects on the surface of the Earth and to aircraft in flight.

To put it simply, whether it is a spacecraft, satellite, or space shuttle, any country must be responsible for the spacecraft launched by itself for life, and it is not possible to ignore the launch, and the debris generated hits the spacecraft of other countries and needs to be liable for compensation.

For example, SpaceX's "Starlink" satellite may launch 20,000 to 40,000 space-based Internet satellites and 40,000 satellites in the future.

To this end, humans have developed or are developing numerous space junk removal technologies, such as tools such as "harpoon" traps, magnets and large nets.

But in fact, there is another lowest-cost solution to destroy spacecraft with expired life, that is, to actively let the spacecraft fall, enter the atmosphere, and rely on air friction to produce high temperatures to destroy it.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

Of course, the atmosphere is not omnipotent, and some large spacecraft will still have the remaining debris falling back to the earth's surface. At this time, Nemo point is a very good landing point.

Here, NASA doesn't have to worry about the spacecraft wreck hitting buildings or humans, and it also saves a lot of recycling costs. At the same time, because there is no influence from ocean currents, organic matter cannot enter, and it is also difficult for material in the sea near Nemo Point to flow out. As a result, the radiation and harmful substances in the spacecraft wrecks do not contaminate other places.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

50 years ago, when the former Soviet Union was looking for a landing point for an abandoned spacecraft, it discovered nemo point, which is the perfect home. Most of the spacecraft that left their last footprints here belong to Russia, in addition to China's Tiangong-1, Tiangong-2 space laboratory, SpaceX rockets, European Space Agency cargo spacecraft and Japan's HTV cargo spacecraft.

From 1971 to 2016, at least 260 spacecraft crashed here, and Nemo Point became a veritable "spacecraft graveyard".

In addition, because this place is inaccessible, there are very few public videos and images.

Nemo point has become a topic that some "mystics" are keen to hype.

In 1997, the discovery of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NNOA made Nemo Point a successful hit.

The NNOA's system near the equator accidentally detected a strange sound that was considered very mysterious at the time, a type of infrasound wave similar to a whale, but too loud and strong beyond the sound limits of the blue whale, the world's largest animal.

A clip of this sound was also released at the time.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

NNOA didn't figure out where the sound came from for a moment and a half, so it gave it a special name— "Bloop."

Subsequently, some media that looked lively and did not think that it was a big deal began to hype: Is it the existence of strange life in this magical sea? Or the super-giant marine life that humans haven't discovered yet? Underwater testing?

Since this news reached China, it has been changed into various versions, one more outrageous than the other, and has been circulated until now.

The "occultists" don't care about the truth, but we do!

In fact, NNOA found the truth as early as 2005.

The so-called "Bloop" is not a sound from nemo point at all, but was biased at that time due to technical limitations and measurement errors. This sound is actually the sound of Antarctica's glaciers breaking and iceberg movements.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

With global warming, more and more glacier breaks and iceberg movements occur every year, and it is not surprising that such sounds are heard in the scientific community.

Today, in addition to the 10,000-foot deep sea and the occasional visit of scientists and spacecraft, the most lively time at Nemo Point is probably the 2014-15 Volvo Ocean Race, in which the seven participating teams sailed past the Nemo Pole. The participating sailors explored this remote location that was inaccessible to ordinary people, and due to the special location, these sailing events became one of the longest and most arduous sports competitions in the world.

The loneliest place in the world is a no-man's land, and it is also the landing point of the spacecraft after completing its mission

As human exploration of the unknown realm gradually deepens, we will discover more and more untold secrets on Earth and even in the universe and unveil their mysteries.

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