
The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

author:Mu Xianzhai

The children of the Han family are full of mothers, and the autumn of troubles is busy and uncertain. Birthday ceremonies are high, ships are dismantled to repair the walls; the anointing is exhausted, and the Wenwu Qi is desolate. What a question, Kyushu is full of holes! Lonely and angry king, lost peace will, can you fight for a short time?

The wind is also desolate, the rain is also desolate, the DPRK has given way, the Beiyang has been lost, and the Liaodong Division has died again. On the mountain, there are national martyrs; in the deserted mounds, buried in the intestines. Although the body is dead, the name is not revealed; the hatred of the ages, the vicissitudes of the world!

- "There is a Song in the Autumn of the Qing Dynasty"


The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

Battle of Dadonggou in the Yellow Sea

Around the first lunar month of the twenty-first year of Guangxu (1895), the night in beijing became even colder in a mournful cry. Within a radius of more than 50 square kilometers on both sides of the Forbidden City, known as the East City and the West City, the East And West are filled with the residences of Qing Dynasty officials and eunuchs. The suppressed cries of women came out of such alleys and alleys, poignantly and bitterly, and connected into one piece.

Since the sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Naval Battle began last year, this boudoir grief has been whimpering for months. News from Shandong said that their husbands, the generals of the Beiyang Marine Division who had returned from Britain, France and other countries, and the young talents who had been trained by the West as gentlemen and officers, were either killed or disappeared in the naval battle against Japan.

The same news finally reached langzhong village in Gaolin Township, Chao County, Anhui Province (now Wang Langzhong Village, Gaolin Town, Juchao District, Chaohu City, Anhui Province). Two months after the Sino-Japanese Battle of the Yellow Sea, the bones of all the soldiers in the village were recovered here, and their widows were all martyred overnight.

The sun is away, how can it be long? There is no sea in the cangshan mountains, and the remnants of the sun are weeping blood.

On the hillside behind the village of Wang Lang Zhongcun today, there is a group of tombstones in the wild grass. In this cemetery where husband and wife are buried together, the men on each tombstone are celebrated on August 18, 1894 (September 17, 1894), all of whom died in bloody battles, and the day of each wife's death is two months later. These Beiyang soldiers who died in the Battle of Dadonggou in the Yellow Sea were all descendants of Ding Ruchang's hometown.

Ding Ruchang was originally from Fengyang County, Anhui Province, and his ancestors joined the army in the early Ming Dynasty, and later became a Wei nationality and settled in Shizuitu, Beixiang, Lujiang County. In the last year of Xianfeng, the Ding family moved to Langzhong Village, Gaolin Township, Chao County. After Ding Ruchang became the admiral of the Beiyang Marine Division, many of the village's sons joined the army. In the Sino-Japanese War, when the whole village surrendered to Ding Junmen two months after the death of the men, the news reached their hometowns, and the wives of these junior officers and men of the Beiyang Navy all chose the same path - self-determination martyrdom.

Just as Ding Ruchang's hometown was mired in the grief of the whole clan, Fuzhou, where the Mawei Ship Politics School, which trained many non-commissioned officers in the Beiyang Navy and one of the important towns of China's sailors, became a martyr after the Sino-Japanese War, and this sadness made the young girl Xie Wanying (that is, Bingxin) unforgettable. She later wrote an article about the street where their family lived in Fuzhou, and after noon, the family hung up filial piety, and her mother also prepared opium at that time, preparing to commit suicide and martyrdom if she heard the news of her husband's martyrdom. It seems that in the past, some women in China were more responsible than men, not only running their homes alone, but also destroying their families and relieving the country. It can be said that "if the country dies and cannot be remedied, then both the puppet and the woman are guilty." And the kingdom will be healed by the dead, then the husband and the woman, both with the responsibility. (Declaration of the Society for Women studying in Japan)

Chaohu Lake and Fuzhou, from the geographical point of view, one in the interior and one on the coast, the gap between rich and poor. Hui women have always been more traditional, so they have chosen martyrdom; Fuzhou, as one of the earliest treaty ports, is relatively open, and although the widows of the navy are not generally martyred, they also choose widows. I really don't want to, let alone bear to look at them with the eyes of today's hindsight, thinking that they are ignorant of etiquette. In that era when men were at the center of the family and society, and husbands died in a war of unprecedented humiliation, how could they bear all kinds of pressures that can be experienced by today's people?

At that time, most people only paid attention to Ding Ruchang, who had been restored to death( Huang Zunxian's "Song of the Descending General") - just as Deng Shichang, who was concerned about "having a strong naval might" (Guangxu Emperor's poem of Deng Shichang), as for their subordinates, it seems that they can be ignored, let alone their wives and children. As a result, Li Hongzhang was finally defeated under internal and external difficulties, and no matter how bravely so many Elite Chinese naval elites in the naval battle fought with Zuo Gui, Song Qing, Nie Shicheng, Ma Yukun and other troops in the land war, the Huai army would be nailed to the pillar of shame -- Li's political enemies would still have to rejoice in this national disaster (the harm caused by the Xiao Wall was always more severe than that of the foreign jackals)! Therefore, Ding Ruchang's suicide after being defeated and forced to surrender naturally humiliated the villagers. From this, we can imagine that the wives of Ding's hometown disciples and soldiers can only go "from the husband to the underground". They and their husbands were the payers of how the Qing Dynasty maintained the Heavenly Dynasty and was forced to "pay tuition fees"!

However, if we put aside this rational analysis of posterity with a certain ideology, emotionally I would prefer to think that these Beiyang soldiers and their wives are undoubtedly heroic patriots, and they martyred not the Qing court and men, but their own nation! As Zhou Gong said: "We love our nation, which is the source of our self-confidence." "Their sacrifice is the return of the leaf to the roots, although it is a hateful gaze at the motherland. The ending song of the TV series "A Hundred Years of vicissitudes" sings: "People only have such a lifetime, how can a cloudy day be an excuse to retreat?" "In this most tragic autumn in China's modern history, there are still some stories that make people stubbornly tell us: the leaves have fallen, the trees are still there; the trees are withered, and the earth is still there. As long as the earth that carries the Chinese civilization is still there, there will be roots, and hope will always exist - the children she has nurtured will surely return her with infinite water, making it deeply rooted and leafy. Even the love of life and death may not be able to persist until the sea is dry and rotten, but the patriotism of the sons and daughters of China will certainly be able to!

When the night is quiet, listen to the distant flute to mourn the autumn; sit alone in the early night, smell more and cry the rain. These departed souls are not so much martyrdom as another form of death.

Poetry Cloud:

Smoke in the Yellow Sea, dry Ge Sheng, A noon sad cloud suppressed the forbidden city. The children destroyed the family and relieved the country's difficulties, and the corpses whimpered.


The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

Map of the situation of the Sino-Japanese War

There is no shortage of people in stark contrast to the martyrs above. Instead of encouraging their husbands to kill enemies for their country, they want to drag them back or let them do whatever they want.

After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, Wei Rugui, the commander of the Huai Army under Li Hongzhang's command, led more than 6,000 people from the 13th Battalion of the Sheng Army to reinforce Pyongyang from the small station station. Before leaving, Li Hongzhang "admonished him to take a private view and strictly enforce military discipline." However, the Sheng army under Wei Rugui's command was particularly poorly disciplined, "When a thief is encountered, it will collapse, and when it encounters something, it will be taken captive, and there will be no scruples." On the way to North Korea, "harassment along the way has led to a bad reputation, especially in Korea." "When the garrison was in Pyongyang, the soldiers forcibly occupied people's houses, destroyed utensils, and seized property, and "the Han people complained deeply." What's more, Wei Rugui turned a deaf ear to Li Zhongtang's words, but obeyed his wife's "teachings" and remitted one-third of the 240,000 taels of silver to his home before leaving. What's more, his wife also wrote to him and explained: "The king started the family and acted, to the commander-in-chief, the family is spared by wealth, it is advisable to raise itself, and the spring and autumn are high, and the hope is good for oneself, do not face the enemy..." The thickness of this woman's face rivaled that of the Nara clan of the Ugly.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is full of buildings, and the Wunu are worried; the family letter is reworked into a golden plan, and Mo Dao is cool and autumn! After that, Wei Ru Guiguo lived up to his wife's expectations. On August 15 (September 14), the Qing Dynasty and its vassal state of Korea were doomed to no longer be able to spend the festival in peace. On that day, the battle of Pyongyang began, and the Qing army was defeated. Wei Rugui and Ye Zhichao abandoned the city and fled, running wildly for hundreds of miles in the pouring rain, and at one point they fled without knowing where to go, and only after seven or eight days did they find the Qing army brigade. When the Japanese saw the letter, they regarded it as an odd story, and as a trophy, they once put it in their own textbooks to warn the Chinese people.

On January 16 of the following year, the Qing government issued an edict saying: "Wei Rugui treats the soldiers with meanness and unconstrainedness on weekdays, and this time he leads the Sheng army, retreats in the face of the enemy, misses the overall situation, and deducts military salaries, and the arsonists rob the situation, and the crime is very serious." If we do not punish them severely, why should we follow the example of the military law? Wei Rugui wrote according to the law, that is, execution. Wei Rugui was immediately beheaded at the mouth of the Beijing Caishikou. This Grand Commander of the Lower Wei Dynasty could only "raise heavenly years" in the Yin Cao Prefecture, and he did not know whether his wife could know whether it was too late to repent. "Easy" Cloud: Don't use the villain, it will be chaotic. Li Hongzhang used Wei Rugui and so on! "Mu Ji Si Chen, only the family's rope" is actually the ancient people's disagreement, but the Wei Woman wants to confirm it! Zi Yue: Only women and villains are difficult to raise. This is probably referring to Wei Rugui and his wife. (Note: Some historians believe that the Wei Rugui case may have been an unjust case.) )

Wei Rugui's death was more than enough, but Gong Zhaojie, who had accompanied him, was lucky to avoid death. After the defeat of jiawu and the humiliation of the country, the generals of the Huai army, Ye Zhichao, Gong Zhaoxi, and other generals, were handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for punishment, and one was beheaded (Ye Chu was sentenced to be beheaded and imprisoned, and then pardoned and returned to his hometown), and one was imprisoned. Until the Gengzi coalition army entered Beijing, they fled by chaos. The jailer Yan Gong was in prison, indulging in evil and wickedness, which was appalling. When he first entered prison, he bribed more than 10,000 gold in prison, and he became a grateful confidant below the middle and lower levels of the self-managed prison man. Eight concubines in the family took turns to go to the prison for the night, and when they were slightly unsatisfactory, they were whipped, and all were divided into three grades, and the lightest one took the whip and tarted it, and the heavier one took off his clothes and flogged his buttocks; the heaviest one, naked and reversed, made the horse whipped by horse. Every time the prisoner heard the woman's crying, he said, "Lord Gong is angry and beats his aunt and wife." ”

This is reminiscent of the english Mary Wolststonecraft's analogy in "Defending Feminism": "She was born a rattle for men, and at any time, as long as a man abandons reason and wants to dispel his depression, it must ring in his ears." If Gong's concubines are compared to Cixi, it can also be seen that as Madam Mary said: "A woman, either a slave or an empress, will be immediately insulted when she is not worshipped." China's Jin Tianfei also said in the "Women's Bell": "The dignity of Chinese women is like an emperor, and the lowliness is no different from a prisoner." "If Gong Zhaoyi is imprisoned, his concubines can endure humiliation and burden to serve this notorious person in prison, and the husband is shameless, and the woman is not ashamed? Or marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog, and they have to confess their fate. However, how did the ancient Female Filial Piety Sutra teach women? Among them, the women asked, "Dare to ask the order of the woman's husband, can it be said that she is virtuous?" Everyone replied, "If a husband has a wife, he will not fall into the wrong way." (The Book of Female Filial Piety, Chapter 15 of the Book of Criticism) What about the Wei women and the Gong women? We should not have demanded that they must also be martyred, and at that time, no woman could question Qian Qianyi like Liu, compare the two, and make a judgment. For example, Wang Minyun's criticism of his daughter's secret letter complaining about her husband's unscrupulousness: "If you have a son-in-law like this, it is better to be a prostitute!" ”

However, even if it is a prostitute, there is no shortage of people with backbones. After the Gengzi coalition army entered Beijing, there were warriors of a certain country who recruited prostitutes and served wine. Yue Yiji, and the translator to pass on the word, want to stay overnight, do not stingy head money. Ji Ji said, "Although I am a prostitute, I will never lose myself to an outsider." The translator complained, and the warrior angrily said, "Those who do not obey die." So he drew his knife and put it on the case. Ji Angrily grabbed the sword in his hand and said, "One person will die today!" The warrior was terrified, so he sent him back and said to himself, "I saw that there were many officials in China, but I didn't mean that there was such a prostitute." "This can still be seen that our people can be killed but not disgraced, fortunately. Moreover, when Yuan Shikai accepted Japan's "Twenty-One Articles" proposed to divide China in order to become emperor, many Qinglou women also aroused patriotic enthusiasm and responded one after another, not only consciously boycotting Japanese goods, but also donating money as a national salvation reserve. There is a prostitute in the Tibetan Spring Pavilion along the road in Qinghefang, Shanghai, who sent a letter to the newspaper to indicate her heart: "Concubines are not born, and the side is born in the Courtyard, but although it belongs to the Qinglou, there is a home at the end." To have a family must have a country, so life should be based on serving the country. After every song and drunkenness, I heard the words of the guests: There is a certain country that demands harsh examples, and really wants to make China the second in India and Goryeo. Although the concubines were prostitutes, they were also part of the nation, and when they heard about it, they were particularly distressed. Cover our country can not speak of war, really lack of wealth, fortunately there are patriots, advocating the act of saving the national reserve, the concubine is ashamed to follow, willing to use half of the daily church income, as the national reserve fund..." Every time I read this, I know that China cannot die in the end, it will not die, although the iron-blooded boy is also full of tears!

During the previous Opium War, Guan Tianpei had sent someone to send a wooden box and a family letter to his octogenarian mother before the war, and when he was martyred, the old mother opened the wooden box in grief, but only saw a few of her son's teeth and a few old clothes. The old lady stopped mourning and said only four words: "I have a son!" "The mother of such a child, the daughter of such a woman and a man are the true backbone of the Chinese nation!" As for Wei and Gong, the thieves of the wrong country, they are not worthy of being sons of man, and Ande is called husband? However, his wife is either in cahoots with it, or still blindly obeys, compared with the mother and son of the family, when ashamed to die.

In her letter to the former Bishop of Orton, Talerand Perrigo, Ms. Mary stated: "If a pure patriotic flame burns in their chests, they will not despise them, but will strive to improve the morality of their fellow citizens." Men are taught not only to respect the dignity and virtuousness of women, but also to be humble and prudent in order to gain their respect. Unfortunately, such well-intentioned admonitions are still anachronistic even in Today's China – both for women and men. And today, equally out of place, there are the above-mentioned acts of prostitutes and mothers. What are the noble sentiments displayed by these women of old China? It is the great "righteousness" in traditional Chinese culture that is scorned by many Chinese people today! They also proved that this is by no means just a man's patent. As for the Wei Women and the Gong Women, they are nothing more than taking small profits and sacrificing the true sages from the fools. It must be known that China cannot die in the immortality of the human heart, and China must not die in the immortality of culture; however, there must be the immortality of culture first, and then the immortality of the people's hearts, so that China will not die, and it will never die. The success or failure of the inspection of the past generations is based on this. Whoever underestimates or even wants to eliminate Chinese culture can only humiliate themselves. Of course, this truth, for those who equate imperial culture with Chinese culture, we really can't play the piano to the cow.

Back to the point. For women under the oppression of male power, we are like Mr. Lu Xun who "mourns their misfortune and angers them", but we do not expect them to fight occasionally, which is a false public and private struggle!

Uchiko Yishu Chen Miaoce, how to go to the battlefield to plan the final clumsiness? The innocent slaves are dressed in rags, and the country hates as much as the scepter marks!


Wei Women lost their morality, Gong Women were pedantic, but they gave up on it, and Qing Ji was fortunate to have a wind and bone awe.5

Tan Si and his wife are delicate and respectful, and they read a lot of books, and Tan often sighs as a master. After the martyrdom of Tan Sitong, the lady entered the Xiangfu Office, knelt on her knees and wept bitterly, her sleeves came out of the blades, and the neck blood splashed Chen Youming's clothes and died.

This is a legend about Tan Sitong's wife Li Yan, and the more detailed content is:

Li Yan, the eldest daughter of Changsha Suru Li Huangxian (李闰), was good at reading the expo and was good at winning poetry rhymes, and was listed as the "Five Sons of Xiangzhong" in the late Qing Dynasty, and was married to the same in the spring of the ninth year of Guangxu, and was eighteen years old. At the beginning of the summer of Wushu, Tan Sitong was ordered to enter Beijing to participate in the change of law, and when Tan Sitong was killed at the execution ground, Li Yanzheng accompanied his father-in-law Tan Jixunnan to Liuyang Road. Hearing this heart-wrenching bad news, she immediately panicked, jumped into the Xiangshui From the bow of the ship, and was fortunately rescued. After waking up, he rushed to Changsha in a sedan to inspect the Yamen. At that time, the governor of Hunan was Chen Baozhen, who supported the change of law. Chen let Li Yan into the inner chamber, Fang wanted to forgive and persuade, Li Yan was already like a landslide, Er, and said sadly: "I first planned how to save Tan Jun, and now I only hope that the imperial court will quickly punish me and arrest me." In this way, then I and Tan Jun can meet underground. The words were still there, but when he saw the cold light flashing, Li Yan drew a sharp blade from his sleeve and wiped his neck to kill himself, and the blood splashed Chen Baozhen's body. Horrified, everyone in Yazhong hurriedly summoned a doctor, bandaged the wound, and carefully escorted Li Yan back to the Tan Mansion. The next morning, the family could only hear Li Yan's moaning and muttering, and YaHuan carefully discerned, and it turned out that she was asking over and over again, "Who is the prisoner who killed the husband at the execution site?" When he heard that the assistant university officer of the Department of Knowledge was resolute, Li Yanqiang, whose face was like paper, struggled to raise his head, climbed the edge of the bed with both hands, used all his strength, gritted his teeth and shouted the name of Fortitude, the neck wound burst in an instant, and the blood foam flew out of a long distance, and he died of despair! At this time, Tan Sitong was not yet in Beijing. Legend has it that when Li Yan was buried in the coffin, people found that the deceased was still clutching his fists with both hands, tight and incomprehensible, full of silver teeth had been crushed, and the blood between his necks had accumulated on his chest, and he condensed into a bowl of mouth-sized "knife" characters...

Although the above is not a historical fact, it also reflects the heroic spirit of Li Shi.

The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

Portrait of Li Yan

The real situation is as follows.

Li Yan is the daughter of Li Huangxian in Wangcheng County, Changsha. Li Huangxian was a six-year jinshi of Xianfeng, the head of the household department, and the poetry of GongleFu. Li Yan grew up in a family of poetry books and knew the books. Tan Sitong has ice and snow sentiments, and clearly advocates equal rights for men and women, opposes concubines in his life, and strictly disciplines himself. Their only son, Lan Sheng, died at an early age, but the couple still respected each other and had a deep affection. On the eve of Tan Sitong's trip to Beijing, it is said that the couple talked on the night before the lamp, and once played tan's own "Lei Remnant Qin" and "Crashing Thunder Qin". After the river and lake were full of winds and waves, the road was afraid of accidents, and after he went north, Li Yan, who was worried about his stomach, once burned incense on the moon and prayed for the smooth and safe life of her husband who was traveling far away, "If there is bad luck, the woman Li Yan is willing to die." "A piece of true love is revealed, and jun can die concubine He You!" And Tan wrote a letter to Li Yan in Changsha, with the title of "Lady Rumi", with the encouragement of "seeing glory as a dream, and regarding death and humiliation as a common thing", which seemed to have a premonition, and intended to make her mentally prepared, so the other verses cited were more precious and entrusted.

"Easy" Cloud: As for august, there is a murder, and it will not be long before it is gone. It is a pity that the reform and change method of "gentlemen with infinite teachings and thinking, and tolerant of the people without boundaries" has finally failed for many reasons. Shortly before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Tan Sitong heroically volunteered at Caishikou. When the bad news came, Li Yan was pained and lost his good people, and washed his face with tears all day long. She mourned the death of her husband every year on the day of her death, and once had a volume of poems left in the Ancestral House of the Tan Family in Liuyang Courtyard, but unfortunately only one of the seven laws "Mourning death" has been handed down to this day, and the heart of reading is broken:

Xu Heng Yu Gong did his best to do the thorn hazel, and the enemy of the country and the family cried new.

Drink and hate the trombone mourning concubines, singing and sighing short and composing loyal subjects.

There is no longer a grand ambition to reward the Lord, and there is nothing left to do.

The bleak and deep sorrow of the night is eternal, and the undead are sad in front of the lamp!

After Tan Sitong was martyred, Li Yan called himself "Shengsheng" to show that he was sad and humiliated and temporarily lived. In order to respect and commemorate the martyrs, she moved out of their original bedrooms and lived in a room opposite the patio of her father-in-law Tan Jixuan's bedroom. Li Yan raised his nephew (Tan Sitong was childless before his death, and the Tan family used his nephew Tan Wei as a "concurrent ancestor" to inherit the incense for him), which was bitter and bitter. She is also a girlfriend of Qiu Jin, a female heroine of Jianhu Lake, who is enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings, has actively responded to and supported the anti-foot binding movement, and founded Liuyang Girls' Normal School. In the twenty-third year of Guangxu (1897), when the idea of restoration was popular, she also founded the Chinese Women's Society in Shanghai with Kang Guangren and his wife Huang Jinyu, one of the six gentlemen of Wushu, and assisted Jing Yuanshan in founding the first girls' school in modern Chinese history in Guishu, Gaochang Township, south of Shanghai. In 1925, Li Yan died at the age of sixty. There was originally a plaque hanging in the hall of the doctor, which was jointly presented by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao to congratulate her on her sixtieth birthday. Li Yan also carefully sealed and stored Tan Sitong's various relics in the attic, and he did not know the end, which was frustrating.

The plantains outside the window are empty to be poured, and when will the long hatred in the boudoir disappear? Similar to Li Yan's situation, there was Also Shen Queying, the wife of Lin Xu among the Six Gentlemen of Wu Shu.

The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

Shen Que should be small statue

Shen Queying character Meng Ya, a modern female lyricist, is the eldest daughter of Shen Yuqing, the second son of Shen Baozhen, a famous minister of Zhongxing, and the mother of Lady Zheng is lin Zexu's daughter Lin Jinluan and Zheng Baozhong, with a handsome appearance and intelligent talent, at the age of eleven, she was employed by Chen Yan, a giant of Poetry of the Same Light Body, and married Lin Xu at the age of sixteen. The Shen family is the leading rich family in Fuzhou, Lin Xu was born in a poor and broken family, his grandfather had done a county order, but his parents died early, and he only relied on his uncle to help him. But he was particularly contentious and was known as a prodigy since childhood. In the seventeenth year of Guangxu, Shen Yuqing, who was the general manager of the Jiangnan Water Teacher's School, returned to his hometown to the provincial tomb and obtained Lin Xuwen from the master of the school, and he was different from his bo zhan, that is, he was a female wife. The two became intimate in the eighteenth year of Guangxu and were very compatible after marriage. The following year, Lin Xu returned to Minxiang to take the test and won Xie Yuan, only eighteen years old. However, the next two examinations fell behind, but fortunately, the Shen family traveled widely, and was able to meet celebrities everywhere, and once entered the Ronglu shogunate. In the year of Wu Shu, Kang Youwei organized the second bus to write a letter, and Lin Xu mobilized more than 300 people from Fujian to take the lead in responding. Later, he was summoned by the Guangxu Emperor and appointed as a military machine Zhang Jing to participate in the New Deal. After the coup d'état, he was inaugurated at the age of twenty-four.

Shen Que should have learned the bad news, originally wanted to enter the capital to collect the body of her husband, but was dissuaded by his family, and spent all day alone in an empty boudoir, washing his face with tears. She even martyred herself by means of medicine and hanging herself, and personally made a connection: "Yi Who? Who am I? It is all made up of six rites, which will cause troubles in this dynasty; life will not be seen, death will not be seen, but I hope that the three lives will be lucky, and then they will be married in the next life. And there is a "LangTaosha Mourning Evening Cui" (Lin Xu No. Evening Cui) circulated for a while:

It is difficult to repay the country, and the blue blood is collected. The manuscript is from Chiaki. The intestines are broken to summon the soul, and the clouds are dark and the river is head.

Embroidered Buddha old makeup building, I have been rested. Thousands of regrets are even more so. Fight to get endless tears in your eyes, and the water will flow for a long time.

This word is condensed with the blood and tears of the undead, without a little whitewashing, which is both tortuous and gentle, but also simple and touching. There is no such word in the mourning of women in the past generations, but the above-mentioned poems of li yan's mourning are almost comparable.

What is lamentable is that after Lin Xu's body was sewn together and transported back to Fuzhou, according to custom, he could not enter the Langguan Lane where he lived, and the coffin could only be sent to the Jizo Temple at the foot of Jinji Mountain, and the local conservatives hated his law-changing behavior to the bone, even the corpse, and even used an iron shovel to burn red in the fire, and then pierced the coffin. Shen Que should be even more saddened by this, and eventually died due to excessive mourning.

Haruka remembered that in the lane of Langguan, the love of the Langguan Lane was thick, and the country was broken and the family died to see the truth; where to find, a pair of talented and beautiful people walked side by side through the narrow laneway, the style was unique, and the affectionate money was exquisite. Today, the wind is flowing!

"Yi" Yun: "Kun to soft and moving is also rigid, to quiet and German." "Zheng Li Yan and Shen Que should prove it, sincerely!


The background of the three fragments of this article is related to September, the Battle of Dadonggou in the Yellow Sea was held on September 17, 1894, the Battle of Pyongyang was held on September 15, 1894, and Tan Sitong and Lin Xu and other six gentlemen were killed on September 28, 1898. It can be said that the autumn rain and autumn wind are sad. The order of writing is to follow the unnamed, husband-verifiable, and name-verifiable women who have long been ignored. Then there is the first and second parts of the jia wu, and the third part writes about the wu shu, and the peng shu change method is the follow-up reaction to the Sino-Japanese war.

The women behind the storm of Jia Wu and Wu Shu

Qing court officials and foreigners during the Penghu Reformation

The author once summed it up: "We can see that most of the women who can remain famous to this day are not in the palace, that is, in prostitution, or they are characters in the palace struggle--there are a few people in Cao Daban Zhao, who have the honor of inheriting their brother's business and cultivating history, or they are famous prostitutes who have fallen into the dust--the non-fireworks women who have left their names because of "Women's Collection" can only be counted as individual cases, or they are martyrs and widows who keep chastity festivals - how many blood and tears are hidden in the chastity archways! Occasionally, a Mulan also has to dress as a man, and then there are Liang Hongyu, Lady Wash, Princess Pingyang, Xie Daoyun, Lady Wei, etc., which are more or less leaning on the potential of their families or men. Most of the women in this article do not fall out of the above scope, and only Wei Nu and Shen Que should be appended a sentence in the biography of their husbands in the "Qing History Draft". As for the vast twenty-five histories, only the editors of the "History of Liao" had a sympathetic vision of women. He wrote in the Preface to the Biography of the Daughters of the Column: "Men and women are in the same room, and the great lun of man is not as good as a virtuous woman than a martyr' daughter." The world has the name of a martyr, but it is not fortunate to be... According to the north of the Liao, the weathering regards Middle-earth as sparse, and in the final Liao world, there are two virtuous women and three martyrs, so as to see the human heart and the heavenly reason, and there are those who do not survive with the world. "Happy talk! For example, Li Yan and Shen Queying, the title of virtuous woman, are well deserved - but it is worth pointing out that at least they are all "knowledgeable" women.

To be sure, if women and men are educated equally, so that they can also be heard of state affairs, society cannot be perfected, and the world is still good and evil, "there are women who start a family, and there are also those who are bad at home" (The Female Filial Piety Sutra, Chapter 18 of the Evil Chapter) - such as the comparison of women in verses 1 and 3 and 2. However, if women were allowed to receive more and more comprehensive knowledge, the effect should be much better, at least in the case of the mother and queen of the country like Cixi, there would be no more than twenty typos in the upper edict (see Cixi's edict reprimanding Prince Gong in the name of the Tongzhi Emperor), and why as Yan Fu pointed out bitterly at that time: "There are four hundred trillion people in China, and women are half of them." Women are illiterate in ninth in ten. Even if there are occasionally one or two people who know the book, they will not use the rest of the force to roughly interpret the words. And Ms. Mary broke the heavens even before Yan Fu: "Men either sharply ridicule women's willful and indulgent lusts and subservient vices, or complain with full reason about women's stupidity and fickleness." My answer is: these are the natural consequences of ignorance! ...... Ignorance is the fragile foundation of virtue. ”

It is a pity that China's traditional rulers have pursued a policy of ignorance of the people while continuing their authoritarian rule under the pretext of sophistry such as "the wisdom of the people is not enlightened" – and men have also complied with women at home. Therefore, the affairs of the homeland are all at their mercy, they can fight when they want to fight, they want peace and peace, and what do the people say to me? As Yan Fu pointed out, the rulers tried their best to think of barbaric books and rituals, and used some barbaric means of repression to bind and fool women, firmly imprisoning women in the position of slaves, and mercilessly mutilation. His fools are fierce and ignorant and have no reason to recover (such as the guardian woman), and those who are wise eat with their bare hands and are imprisoned for life. As stated in "The Theory of Reviving Women's Rights in The Study of Women's Rights": "The loss of power of women in our country has also been thousands of years." Yu Ziyi pierced his ears and feet, did not go out of the house, did not read poetry, saw and heard shallow things, but knew that slaves were on their knees, and dependent on others (such as Gong Women)..."

But paradoxically, from time to time, there will be a few people who are afraid of their wives and who listen to their wives and do stupid things, thus giving testimony to the "long hair of women and short knowledge"—in fact, it is not the ignorance caused by the inability to receive education (women are virtuous), or as Ms. Mary pointed out, "because women's intellect is now unsound, they can only acquire a harmful knowledge." "Poor thing, he wants to call Xiufa to be a scapegoat!" Again, the brave Lady Mary, who pointedly pointed out: "I have repeatedly argued, and have made indisputable arguments which seem to me to be derived from facts to prove my claim that women cannot be compelled to confine themselves to housework, because they interfere in more important matters, no matter how ignorant they are." They neglect their personal duties in order to use cunning means to disrupt orderly and reasonable plans that they cannot understand. She added: "If women are not allowed to enjoy their legal rights, they will make men and themselves evil in order to obtain illegal privileges." "In this regard, we must find the right number in China, the big one is Empress Dowager Cixi, and the small one is Mrs. Wei.

Under the influence of western learning and eastern learning, many people of insight in modern China have also reflected on and analyzed women's issues. Yan Fu said: "Women have no knowledge, and they have always been the work of women's lives, but they are just wrapped in powder and wrapped around their feet, and they just sit and eat and wait for death." A family of several people, the bully man thinks that it is raised, and the woman has no reason to divide the duties. It is true that a woman "cannot feed herself, but must eat to others; she cannot clothe herself, but she must clothe others", so as Liang Qichao said in "On Women's Studies", "but she cannot feed herself and wait for others, so men use dogs and horses to enslave animals." Ms. Mary was even more eloquent: "What is most lacking in the world is fairness and justice, not charity and charity!" I think the word "charitable alms" here should be in big quotation marks in China. Even so, Lord Gong's concubines seemed to be forgivable for their husbands, who were thieves of the state, to be able to swallow their husbands and "obey their husbands" with patience. In the rise and fall of the state in the patriarchal society, they are "unproductive". Although Li Yan and Shen Queying strictly adhered to etiquette, they also supported Tan Sitong and Lin Xu and others to change the law and restore the new law because of their husbands, thus indirectly participating in saving the fate of the country, and proved that Yan Fuzhi's insight was clear: "Everyone's women do not know books, so they cannot wait with men and so on, and do not read the world." Ms. Mary also said: "I have always believed that the main source of women's stupidity and evil deeds is their narrow-mindedness, and that the rules and regulations of civil government set up almost insurmountable obstacles on the road to cultivating women's sanity; but virtue cannot be based on other foundations." "Is this still the case with the civil government of England, let alone the autocratic Qing government?" And some of the women listed in this article have made a difference in their time, which cannot but be said to be a kind of progress. It can also be seen that what Li Zhen said is true, he once listed the deeds of outstanding women in history, saying that if women also have the opportunity to learn knowledge and hear widely, "I am afraid that the men of the world should be ashamed and sweaty, and dare not speak out." (Li Zhen's "Burning Books: Answering women's Learning to See Short Books" in the first volume)

Li Yan's words were confirmed in the Jianhu Woman. Only when it comes to Qiu Jin can Chinese women independently come to the front desk from behind. Although she "walked the ancient path in the times, held up the hot intestines in the cold, knew the rare encounters of the sound, and was more homophonous and no one", she bravely stood up against feudal despotism and its ideas, and joined the tide of the democratic revolution to save China and save women compatriots. This is already after the Gengzi Incident, but it is undoubtedly the first to be affected by Jia Wu and Wu Shu.

Here, mr. Lu Xun's wish will be repeated: "We mourn those who have passed away, and we must also make a wish: we and others will be pure, intelligent, courageous and upward." To remove the face of hypocrisy. We must get rid of the coma and rape of others in the world. We mourn those who passed away, and we also make a wish: to get rid of the meaningless pain of life. Get rid of the coma and rape that create and enjoy the pain of others. We also want to make a wish: that all human beings will be justly happy. "I hope that people today can also make a wish: we can abandon the world for love, but we cannot abandon our suffering compatriots, and we cannot leave the border guard called human beings.

I hope that these vows will not take another hundred years to be realized!

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