
Comparison of the ranks of officials in ancient times and those of officials in modern times

author:The wind blows the blue sky

A reference for the ranks of ancient officials and the grades of present officials

For reference only

Text/Li Huaming


Comparison of the ranks of officials in ancient times and those of officials in modern times

China's ancient official system has been divided into nine pins and eighteen grades since the Wei and Jin dynasties, that is, the nine pins zhongzheng system. From the Sui and Tang dynasties onwards, this official system was very perfect, and from then on until the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was firmly fixed on the nine pins and eighteenth grades. That is, from one product to nine products, each grade is divided into positive and from two levels, such as positive one product and from one product and so on to positive nine products and from nine products.

Comparison of the ranks of officials in ancient times and those of officials in modern times

Positive one product and from one product

Generally speaking, honorary ranks are rarely awarded to officials with real positions, and more commonly to virtual officials such as Taishi.

Comparison of the ranks of officials in ancient times and those of officials in modern times

Positive two products and from two products

It is generally conferred on officials at the level of prime minister,

For example, the governors of the three provinces of the Sui and Tang dynasties were the governors of Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province, and Shangshu Province.

From two to three products from three products

It is generally awarded to the Six Shoshu and the Governor of the Imperial Household.

The deputy commanders of the six ministries, namely the waiters, are generally from the grade of three pins, and some are from the grade of four pins.

Grade of five products

They are generally middle and senior officials of various ministries, such as the foreign officials of each ministry.

Around the six pins are the langzhong of each department.

Six to seven products

It is the clerks of each ministry, that is, the posts assigned to the ministries Here I would like to say that although the imperial history of the Imperial History Terrace is only a minor official of the Seven Pins, because he has the privilege of playing the wind and music, the energy in the imperial court cannot be underestimated.

The ranks among local officials are as follows:

A state too shou or a state prefect

Generally five products or less,

The head of a county is the county order

Generally it is a positive seven products

Although the county order rank is small, but it holds all the powerful parent officials in a county, these seven small officials are said.

Comparison of the ranks of officials in ancient times and those of officials in modern times

Seven pins below are basically sesame officers

Note: What is Wind Wind Playing?

Wind wind playing is a kind of work privilege given by the ancient imperial court to the imperial history, the imperial history is the supervision of officials, the duty is to picket hundreds of officials, the so-called wind and wind playing is not to use any tangible evidence, as long as you hear a little wind sound Imperial History can impeach the officials, so it is known that the wind and wind play

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, due to the establishment of provincial-level local institutions, the highest official rank could generally reach the third grade and even reach the second or second product, such as the ming dynasty inspector or the qing dynasty governor and other officials, and the envoy in charge of a province's civil affairs was the three-pin official.

Although the grades of Chinese officials cannot be compared with those of ancient officials, they can be roughly referred to.

Positive two products

Chairman of the National People's Congress

Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference And Premier of the State

From Erpin Vice Premier of the State Council, State Councilor


Ministers of ministries, governors of provinces, mayors of municipalities directly under the Central Government

From the three products of the previous item deputy post

Sipin ~ From Sipin The director of the main ministries and commissions

Five pins to six pins The chief officer of each province and prefecture-level city

Seven pins County-level chief officers ~ officials at the level of various ministries and commissions

Eight pins ~ from the eight pins section level, deputy section level petty officials such as the street office master

Nine-pin clerk at the unit level and deputy unit level

Note: Municipalities directly under the central government and provinces are the same