
Challenges and opportunities coexist in the new economic era The importance of joining the beauty industry is to choose the right brand

author:Kyoto Vivi Group

With the continuous progress of social economy, the competition in the beauty industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and major chain beauty institutions have laid out the domestic market and increased their market share. The huge market space of the beauty industry has made more and more entrepreneurs and investors start to pay attention to this industry, and they all want to join the brand to join it and open the gold digging model.

However, there are many uneven brands in the market, and if you do not make a hasty decision on screening, it is easy to fall into the trap. So, for investors, when choosing a beauty brand to join, what aspects should be focused on?

When xiaobian visited the beauty chain brand, the memory of the Kyoto Weiwei brand is particularly deep, especially as the first beauty brand in China to take the lead in developing franchises, after 26 years, it has not only become a leader in the field of professional breast beauty, leading women's cognition of their own health and beauty, but also witnessing the change of the development of the domestic beauty industry in the past 26 years.

In the wave of market changes, the main position of the beauty industry market is also gradually migrating, the rise of new first-tier cities, will also rise a group of new beauty industry people's venture capital storm, how to choose a brand to join, to achieve their own beautiful dreams?

A new crown epidemic, many brand enterprises have been hit hard, but the franchise brand with its unique operating mechanism advantages, costs and risks have been shared, so that its ability to resist risks is also stronger.

After the appointment, Xiaobian met with Ms. Pan Jing, deputy general manager of Kyoto Weiwei Market Operation Center, who shared with us the operational advantages of chain brands and some suggestions on how to choose brands to join.

Challenges and opportunities coexist in the new economic era The importance of joining the beauty industry is to choose the right brand

Pan Jing, Deputy General Manager of Kyoto Vivi Market Operation Center

Mr. Pan introduced that the beauty industry has developed rapidly and has changed greatly. Initially, it was only a technical industry, but after the rapid demand of market changes and development, the current beauty industry has formed a networked operation scale, which requires brand enterprises to have a more comprehensive strength. Whether it is the location of the store, the recruitment of personnel and the project operation in the store, there must be a set of perfect management system unique to the brand, which must be systematic, process-oriented, and most importantly, it can be quickly copied.

Modern people need to have a good platform for entrepreneurship, and chain brands are the most ideal choice. Chain operation is a virtuous circle of business model, the more powerful brand endorsement advantages, the more able to attract more professional and excellent talents to join, in the long run, for the operation of brand enterprises also have a good role in promoting and promoting.

When choosing a brand to join, it is necessary to systematically understand and evaluate the selected brand:

First, we must understand the development history of the brand, as well as the business planning of the brand

If a brand wants to develop healthily for a long time, it is inseparable from the strategic thinking of branding. Long-term brand market planning is the driving force base point for the continuous progress of enterprise operation and development, and the depth and breadth of the brand determine the height of enterprise operation and the lasting endurance in the industry field.

Second, we must see the response of the brand in the market

Brands and businesses are inseparable, supporting each other and achieving each other. Brand empowerment management, management achievement brand. For the market and consumers, only brands that are highly satisfied and recognized, and whose sense of experience continues to rise, can they be called the leaders of the industry and go further.

Third, it is necessary to look at the ability of the market to operate

Mature chain brands in the store operation, brand management and other aspects, the brand headquarters will have a professional team to provide them with systematic marketing system tools and the service system of full management and supervision. Ensure that stores in different regions have a set of targeted development and operation plans. Help operators open up markets in local areas, and provide long-term fixed and systematic training support for operators, and provide training on store operation capabilities to improve stores' ability to carry business activities, brand marketing capabilities, team management capabilities, and industry competitive channel expansion capabilities, etc., and promote the continuous improvement of store performance.

Mr. Pan then shared that when venture capitalists choose chain brands, they should also systematically investigate brand enterprises:

First, the strength of the enterprise inspection

The comprehensive strength of the enterprise determines whether the franchised brand can continue to develop, and can be comprehensively analyzed from the aspects of company qualifications, scale, development history, market reputation, etc., in-depth understanding of the market and consumers' views and evaluations of the enterprise, and comprehensive selection of the best to join.

For most entrepreneurs and investors who want to engage in the beauty industry, choosing a strong brand to join can make you more effective on the road of operation. Mature brands can protect themselves calmly in the face of crisis and give their partners the greatest support. Fragile brands, by contrast, are likely to be swallowed up by the crisis.

Second, product project inspection

At present, the products of many franchised brands are seriously homogenized and lack competitive advantages. When choosing a brand to join, products and items need to be focused on. The consumer group is younger, and the safe, fast and effective beauty products are more easily accepted by the new consumer groups, and a good product is enough to achieve a profit model of light operation and high repurchase.

III. Investigation of supportive policies

For many investors who have no industry experience or entrepreneurial experience, if you want to quickly achieve store operations, you must look at the brand's support policy. Comprehensive and systematic support policies can help solve the problems that arise in the process of opening a store and reduce detours.

Challenges and opportunities coexist in the new economic era The importance of joining the beauty industry is to choose the right brand

The new economic era has long arrived, and if you want to survive in a market with such fierce competition and such serious internal involvement, choosing "joining" and "cooperation" is obviously a smart move to do more with less and safe and efficient.

Kyoto Weiwei, the leading brand in China's beauty industry. 26 years of brand history, empowering every entrepreneur who has a dream of the beauty industry; 26 years of brand strength, we will work together with people with lofty ideals to "conspire" the dream of wealth.