
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

author:Basketball spit jun

今日‬篮网主场以115-113险胜魔术。 In this campaign, James Harden played 41 minutes, 7 of 25, 3 of 13 from three-point range, 19 of 20 from the free throw line, and scored 36 points, 10 boards and 8 assists.

The Magic took a 19-point lead in the first half, but the Nets came across the curve. Durant is in this game of suspension, in terms of statistics, Harden 36 points, 10 rebounds, 8 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks, Mills 22 points, James Johnson 17 points and 10 rebounds, Aldridge 15 points. For the Magic, Sargas scored 21 points, Franz Wagner 17, Okeeki 17 and Cole Anthony had 16 points and nine assists. With this win, the Nets also topped the First Place in the East.

According to statistics, Harden's 20 free throws and 19 of today's free throws have set a new high in his Nets career.

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Harden shot straight from the basket

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Harden fed the ball to his teammates straight under the basket


Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry


今天NBA常规赛勇士客场对阵活塞的比赛已经‬结束。 At the end of the game, the Warriors defeated the Pistons 105-102. In this game, Warriors player Jordan Poole played 37 minutes, shooting 13-of-22, including 4-of-8 from three-point range and 2-of-2 from the free throw line, with 32 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists. 其他‬球员‬方面,‬维金斯27分5篮板,安德森2分6篮板9助攻,库里和格林缺阵;活塞队无缘连胜,弗兰克-杰克逊替补登场贡献27分,坎宁安19分6篮板6助攻3抢断2封盖,格兰特19分2抢断3封盖。

Excluding this game, Jordan Poole averaged 28.6 minutes per game in the regular season, with 16.5 points, 2.7 rebounds, 3.2 assists, 1.3 steals and 0.3 blocks.

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Pu'er strong burst under the basket

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Cunningham big hat Pu'er



Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Recently, Wu Minghua, the wife of Nets owner Cai Chongxin, was interviewed by reporters. Speaking about Kyrie Owen, Wu Minghua said: "First of all, I would like to say that Owen has done a lot of public welfare work, and he cares about human rights. I've talked with him many times about philanthropy, such as social equity, women's rights, the WNBA, and so on. We have a deep connection. ”

'Seriously, I really miss Owen on the pitch and I'm really looking forward to his return to the team.'

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

Wu Minghua was interviewed by reporters


Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry


Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

The Lakers lost 108-130 to the Celtics and suffered a three-game losing streak. After the game, Lakers forward LeBron James was interviewed.

Asked if he was worried about the team's record with 65 games left, James said: "No, the situation has never been that we still have 65 games left, we definitely need to play better, no matter who is in our squad. We need to adapt quickly to our system and we need to do better until we can play at a high level whoever is on the pitch. The idea should never be, 'We have 65 games left, we'll fix it later.' We didn't panic, but we should have a sense of urgency whenever we came out. I think in tonight's game, we had a sense of urgency in some of the periods and not at others. We have to figure out how we can try to keep the sense of urgency close to 48 minutes compared to our opponents. ”

In this game, James played 32 minutes and had 23 points, 6 rebounds and 2 assists on 10-of-16 shooting.

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry


Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry

网友‬@一楼听风雨‬:威少‬曾经‬说过‬我们‬有‬一个‬赛季‬可以‬调整‬。 [See]

The Celtics beat the Lakers 130-108 at home, and greenshirts guard Dennis Schroeder played well and scored 21 points.

Throughout the game, Schroeder started 34 minutes, shooting 8-of-14 from the field, 1-of-4 from three-point range and 4-of-4 from the free throw line for 21 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists.

Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry



Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry
Ou Shenxian is coming back soon! Harden successfully cracked the new rules! A break in a curry and another curry


There are all kinds of information and gossip about the NBA and basketball

Issue 3