
The secret of the Qing dynasty general Nian Tangyao

author:Runaway History Exchange Cabinet

今天和‬大家谈的‬是历史‬知识‬,这些‬大家都喜欢吧‬。 大家都‬知道年羹尧‬是‬雍正‬的‬大将军‬,

What everyone doesn't know is that Nian Qianyao is Yongzheng's brother-in-law,

The secret of the Qing dynasty general Nian Tangyao
The secret of the Qing dynasty general Nian Tangyao

His sister was The Yongzheng Emperor's concubine NianFei (年秋), whose name was Nian Qiu

month. In fact, Nian is a foreign relative, and it is also a veritable foreign

relative. Everyone just knows that Nian is domineering, arrogant, and has no emperor, but they don't know that Nian is actually relying on his sister to be a noble concubine of the Yongzheng Emperor.

我的猜测‬~如果‬年羹尧‬低调‬,不要太‬蛮横‬,他‬曾经‬让‬蒙古‬郡王‬阿‬宝‬在他面前‬磕头‬,这是‬明显的‬逾权‬,郡王‬只能在‬皇帝‬面前‬磕头‬,这些‬事情‬给‬雍正知道‬了‬,雍正又是‬一个‬多‬疑‬的人‬,自然‬不会‬放过‬年羹尧‬。 而且‬,年羹尧‬第二次‬平‬叛‬成功‬入‬京‬,文武百官‬出‬城门‬迎接他‬,年‬竟然‬仅仅‬是‬点头‬而已‬。 你们看‬,这就是‬太过于‬骄横‬了‬,难怪‬雍正‬要‬治他‬的‬罪‬啊‬。 年羹尧‬手底下‬有个‬谋士‬叫‬汪‬景‬琪‬,他自己‬写的‬文章‬竟然说‬年羹尧是‬古今中外‬宇宙‬第一大‬能人‬。 ‬你们看这是‬多大的‬吹捧啊‬,简直就是‬放‬卫星在‬吹捧‬年的‬丰功伟绩‬。 这样的行为‬,其实‬是‬更加‬的‬纵容了‬年羹尧的‬行为‬。 也就为‬雍正皇帝‬后来‬赐‬死‬年羹尧‬提供了‬把柄‬,可见‬,年羹尧‬的‬悲剧‬人生‬有‬很大‬程度‬是‬因为‬自己‬平时‬不注意‬说话‬,以及‬过于‬狂妄‬导致‬,这一点‬我‬下次‬还要‬专门说一说‬。 谢谢‬大家支持‬。


Nian Qianyao (1679 – January 13, 1726), courtesy name Lianggong, was a native of Huaiyuan, Fengyang Province, Anhui (present-day Huaiyuan County, Anhui Province), and later changed the Yellow Banner of the Han Army.

In the 39th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1700), he was promoted to the rank of Governor of Sichuan, Viceroy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and General of Fuyuan, and was given the title of Taibao (太保) and Duke of the First Rank.

He planned and led the Qing army to pacify Qinghai Lobzang Danjin and made great contributions.

In the second year of Yongzheng (1724), he entered the capital and received special favors from the Yongzheng Emperor, but in December of the following year, he was stripped of his official title by the Yongzheng Emperor

Ninety-two great sins are listed, and the order is given to commit suicide.

(The picture comes from the network, intrusion and deletion.) )

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