
Reflections triggered by the reduction of the demographic dividend

author:Hoffman Medical And Wellness Studio

1. Whose demographic dividend is it?

2. The fertility rate has fallen below one percent, why can't young people live?

3. Europe and the United States do not advocate 996, working hours are shorter than in China, how to maintain their job competitiveness and not lose quickly?

Three seemingly unrelated questions, the depths behind which all point to Chinese.

Before talking about these three issues, we must first have a foundation: that is, our country is the country with the best labor force and population resources in the world, including the number of people and the quality of the population. Of course, this fact is also recognized.

First of all, the third question, this sentence is simply asked the opposite, it should be asked by Westerners:

How did China use 996, an inefficient management method that wastes productivity, wastes manpower, and destroys its economic foundations, to achieve its current economic achievements?

To answer this question, we must mention our cheapest and most abundant labor. Things are scarce and expensive, what is worth it when the streets are full of money? China's managers, to be precise, should be the bosses, or the owners of cheap processing plants (most of the companies here can be included, including but not limited to Fu bao factory, goose factory, chrysanthemum factory, etc.) can be said to be cultivating on the most "fertile" land.

This fertile "land" is China's natural labor force with basic education level, obedience, organization and the world's first, and at the same time the most fighting spirit. In this group, whether it is a general worker who has graduated from primary school or a scientific researcher who has graduated with a doctorate, it can be called "fertile". This kind of labor force, in the eyes of Western capitalists, is simply the "chosen place".

Therefore, China's rapid development in the past few decades can basically be said to be planted on this fertile land.

Therefore, Chinese managers not only do not want to learn more advanced "agricultural knowledge", but because their output is not bad, resulting in more and more conceit, more and more path dependence, feel that their management ability hangs on their counterparts in developed countries.

Presumably seeing this, you can also understand that the fundamental reason why the general use of the 996 management method can still achieve the existing results is that China's labor resources are too rich, and the quantity and quality are too enviable.

It's as if the king of Saudi Arabia can make a fortune, and their ability to see has nothing to do with their ability to see, and a hole in the ground will be oily, and whoever goes can make a fortune.

Western managers are unimaginable, 3,000 fast a month, 14 hours a day, two or three days of rest a month, live in a dormitory for more than a dozen people (the conditions are not as good as Western prisons), no air conditioning in the summer and no heating in winter, nominally manage meals and actually eat things that are not as good as dog food, just like this, you can actually do a job posting, and hundreds of people apply in an instant. Moreover, these applicants are not illiterate, but actually obey management and can abide by all reasonable and unreasonable so-called factory disciplines.

In essence, this is no different from Saudi Arabia, which has dug a pit in the ground and is spewing oil out.

There is no essential difference between our demographic dividend and Saudi Arabia's oil dividend.

The excessive abundance of human resources has led many managers in China to have a kind of honey confidence, that is, to look at the revenue and profits, they are almost the same as their Western counterparts, and they feel that their management level is comparable to that of their Western counterparts, and even have a hidden sense of superiority.

It's as if Saudi Aramco feels that because of its high profits, its scientific research strength is also higher than Lockheed Martin.

Manpower is the same, and when there are human resources, do not want to improve the management level, efficient use of manpower to increase output, only understand a management method is to squeeze the labor force, once the human resources are gone, instantly exposed to the fact that they have been swimming naked in the ocean of manpower for so many years.

The difference is that natural resources such as oil and minerals, no matter how ignorant people understand that this is called non-renewable resources, sooner or later will be gone. So more or less there will be some precautionary plans. At least the UAE knows that it can't just rely on oil to survive, but to invest in some financial and tourism to prepare for future energy depletion.

And human resources are classified as "renewable resources", and many people really feel that no matter how they are squeezed, human resources will be there.

After all, "the last thing we lack is people", which we have been saying for decades.

What I never expected was that the "laborers" who always practiced the practice of having many children and many blessings actually stopped having children. At this time, managers realized that the original human resources would also be exhausted.

Dig a shovel down, shouldn't it flow out oil? How can there be only sand? I'm going to fall into an oil shortage.

Post a recruitment revelation, even if 997 is 4,000 yuan a month, shouldn't 1,000 people apply in an instant? Why didn't anyone come? I'm going to be in a labor shortage.

Surprised? Surprised?

At this time, as long as you are not stupid enough to go home, you should know that the resources are going to dry up, we should improve the level of science and technology, really wait until there is no drop of oil, you want to improve and have no capital.

But there are still some people who feel that resources will not be exhausted, the oil will become less temporary, and the oil will grow on its own in the future, so just dig it. We can't learn from the Western scientific method, which will make us lose our competitiveness.

When the labor force is reduced at a rate of 20 million per year, these people will understand that the original oil will really be dug up.

At this point, the third question is clearly answered; of course, the first question is also very clear: the demographic dividend is certainly not the dividend of ordinary workers, and it is clear who it is.

Let's talk about the second question. Before talking about this topic, let's sort out the logical relationship: the abundance and quality of the population has led to a great waste of human resources, managers have no motivation to pursue innovation (institutional reform, industrial structure optimization and upgrading, scientific and technological research and development, human resource management, etc.), a generation of leeks working in an environment that is not respected and guaranteed, and new young people under the pressure of high housing prices, high medical care, and high financial gifts, who choose only to say inward volumes, lie flat and not marry and be infertile.

So far, the cause of the third question has been clearly understood.

Description: Some of the content originates from: EULER

Source: Zhihu