
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

author:Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

This morning there was foggy weather in Jiangxi

Local visibility is less than 100 meters

During the morning rush hour

It has brought a certain impact on travel

Foggy weather Nanchang is like a "fairyland"

The fog cleared

The sun clocks in and out every day

These two days were sunny

It's so comfortable it feels good

The previous cold wave seemed like a dream

0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

Everyone has a feeling of wanting to put down jackets, thick clothes

The urge to tuck it back into the closet?

Don't! Because......

The cold snap is coming again!

Sunday's cold wave affected Jiangxi

Affected by the cold wave weather, it is expected that there will be a strong cooling, strong wind, precipitation and other weather processes in the province on the 21st and 22nd.

The cooling range is large. The temperature in the province will drop rapidly, the average temperature can drop by 8 to 10 °C, and the local area can reach 12 °C; on the morning of the 23rd, the minimum temperature in most parts of the province will drop to 2 to 5 °C, and the local mountainous areas in northern Ganbei will be about 0 °C.

Strong north winds. Northerly winds across the province will increase from north to south to 4 to 5. Among them, the water surface of the rivers and lakes, the plain valleys and the high-altitude mountain gusts can reach about 8 levels.

The cumulative rainfall in most parts of the province can reach 10 to 25 mm.

On the evening of the 20th, there was light rain on the cloudy day in Ganbei and Gannan;

On the 21st, the province was cloudy with light to moderate rain and local heavy rain;

On the 22nd, the cloudy days in northern Ganbei and northern Ganzhong turned sunny, and the rain in southern Ganzhong and southern Gannan stopped turning cloudy;

After the 23rd, there was a period of sunny weather in the province.

0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

By November 22

Lowest temperature in Lushan

Even only -4°C!

0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

Nanchang tomorrow

The temperature is still relatively comfortable

The maximum temperature is maintained at about 18 °C

But from this week

The weather will be reversed!!

Temperatures slid all the way down

Next Monday, accompanied by rain

The maximum temperature in Nanchang is only 12 °C!

Next Tuesday, the lowest temperature drops to 4°C!

0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

Just one week

Wave after wave of cold air

The warmth that has accumulated suddenly

Beaten back to its original form

Get ready to wrap tightly in a small cotton jacket!

Seven-day forecast for major cities and scenic spots in Jiangxi

0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon
0℃! Level 8 winds! The cold snap is coming soon

This time the cold air is a "power faction"

It just so happens that next Monday ushered in the "light snow" festival

It can be said that it is "overnight quick freeze"

Everyone must pay attention to it

Everyone must prepare their winter clothes in advance

Take care to keep warm and cold

Five types of people, frozen!

Mainly engaged in pacing and electrophysiological interventional therapy, clinical and basic research on hypertension, especially good at arrhythmia interventional diagnosis and treatment technology, Chen Qi, chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, reminded that these 5 types of people cannot freeze:


Patients with chronic lung disease

The so-called "autumn freeze" is also conditional. Under normal circumstances, when the sunshine temperature is 15 ° C ~ 20 ° C, people can appropriately reduce clothing, but when it is really close to the beginning of winter, it is necessary to add clothes in time. For patients with chronic lung disease, "autumn freeze" must not be "autumn freeze". Such patients, the body is weak, cold and evil are easy to take advantage of the weakness, causing spasm of the trachea, bronchi, etc., thus inducing the onset or aggravation of tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.


Patients with cardiovascular diseases

Patients with cardiovascular diseases should pay special attention to cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, coronary heart disease and heart failure. Heart blood veins, heart diseases are mostly related to the poor operation of jin and blood in the body. Because the temperature of the jin and blood is "warm, and the cold is coagulated", the running state of the jin and blood is greatly affected by the external temperature. Cold induction, cold blood veins, then qi and blood coagulation, blood vein contracture, heart pulse loss, thus triggering fluctuations in blood pressure and ischemic cardiovascular events.


Patients with gastrointestinal diseases

For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, including chronic gastritis, chronic enteritis, peptic ulcer, etc., autumn frost should also be treated carefully. For example, patients with peptic ulcer have many periodic attacks, especially in duodenal ulcer patients. Generally from autumn to early spring of the following year, it is the season of ulcer-proneness.

Such patients lack of righteous qi, the defense function of the guard outside the body declines, and many people are usually tepid and easy to catch a cold. The stomach is a intestine with more qi and more blood, and the cold is introduced, and if the qi and blood do not run smoothly after the cold, it will swarm, or vomit or discharge, or swell or pain. Therefore, if the autumn wind is strong, it is still necessary to add clothes in time, and cannot be too "autumn freezing".


Patients with arthropathy

"Autumn freezing" should be moderate, not frozen casually, especially for important parts of the human body to strengthen protection, such as the head, chest, abdomen, feet, neck, shoulders, waist, knee joints and so on. If the patient still cannot relieve the pain after adding clothes, he should seek medical treatment in time, find out the cause of pain and discomfort, and treat it as soon as possible.



Diabetics should not be "autumn freeze", one is because "autumn freeze" is easy to catch a cold. Long-term or irregular high blood sugar reduces the phagocytic ability of human white blood cells, resulting in a decrease in the body's resistance, so it is easy to catch a cold when the seasons change and when it is hot and cold. The second is to prevent patient vasospasm. When the blood vessels of sugar friends are suddenly stimulated by cold air, vasospasm occurs, which further reduces blood flow, and it is often combined with peripheral vascular neuropathy, which can lead to microcirculation disorders, which can easily cause tissue necrosis and diabetic foot.

Recently, cold air has been more frequent

Everyone should pay attention to meteorological information in a timely manner

Scientific dressing, beware of freezing!

Source: Comprehensive Jiangxi Weather, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University

Editor on duty: Fan Junjie

Duty Director: Jin Luyao

Duty Editorial Board: Huang Ming

Gangnam Metropolis Daily

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