
What is a Financial Analyst? What do you test?

author:Gordon CFA Education

Many people want to see the rapid development of the financial industry, want to engage in the financial industry in the future, then there is a big question, what is a financial analyst? What kind of job can I find in the future? Sister Gordon came to give you an answer today, hoping to make you gain something.

1. What is a financial analyst?

Financial analysts exist in a wide variety of industries and companies, and the content of their work varies. Many analysts work in insurance companies, regional or local banks, pension funds, independent fund managers, or in specific industries such as energy, construction or real estate companies.

2. What kind of work can a person who has taken the financial analyst exam do?

(1) Stock analysts look at stock or market data and try to find trends, providing investment advice and information to companies.

In China, foreign exchange analysts pay more attention to macro aspects such as the economic conditions of major currency countries and monetary policy, while studying technical analysis to provide investment references to their customers or trainees.

(2) The buy-side analyst reports to the fund manager and identifies potential investment opportunities. They collect financial statements and other market data to predict which companies in the market are the best investment opportunities. Their reports quantify the analysis of the data to support the conclusions reached.

(3) Sell-side analysts help investment banks decide which companies are suitable for listing.

What is a Financial Analyst? What do you test?

3. What is the question type of financial analyst?

The question types of financial analysts are mainly divided into two types, one is a multiple choice question, and the other is a writing question. Depending on the level of the CFA test, the question type has also changed.

In 2021, the CFA exam has become a "computer-based test", and the test question types of the CFA three-level exam have also been changed, which are roughly as follows:

CFA Level 1 Exam (180 multiple choice questions in total)

CFA Level 2 Exam (88 multiple-choice questions in total)

CFA Level 3 Exam (Case-Based Multiple Choice and Writing Questions)

【Level 1 Exam】

First exam (2 hours and 15 minutes): 90 multiple choice questions covering 4 subjects: Ethics and Professional Code of Conduct, Quantitative Methods, Economics, Financial Statement Analysis.

Exam 2 (2 hours and 15 minutes): 90 multiple choice questions covering 6 subjects: Corporate Issuers, Equity Investments, Fixed Income, Derivatives, Alternative Investments and Portfolio Management.

【Level 2 Exam】

The question type is a case question, which contains a case description and 4 or 6 multiple choice questions. The first exam (2 hours and 15 minutes) and the second exam (2 hours and 15 minutes) each have 44 multiple choice questions. Each question has the same score of 3 points.

【Level 3 Exam】

First exam (2 hours and 15 minutes): 8-11 essay questions, including multiple choice and writing questions.

(Multiple choice questions After choosing a portfolio in A, B, or C, the writing question explains the reasons for the choice).

Exam 2 (2 hours and 15 minutes): Case questions, each with 4 or 6 multiple choice questions, a total of 44 multiple choice questions, each with 3 points.

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