
Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

author:Meow eats entertainment

To say that before, everyone only knew Xie Mengwei's Gazi, did not know Xie Mengwei himself, and now after a period of speculation, Xie Mengwei's big name should be louder than Gazi, right?

Born as a child star, the image of a tough guy, coupled with a not outstanding appearance, let him in this era, not popular, in order to live, but also had to conform to the trend of the times, Xie Mengwei did live broadcast with goods.

With the role of "Gazi" played when he was a child, he also attracted a lot of passers-by, plus the single-digit price of a bottle of liquor, so that many greedy and cheap netizens became iron fans in his live broadcast room.

From child stars to Internet celebrities, and then from Internet celebrities to "rollover kings", Xie Mengwei has slipped quite badly this way.

Gazi is clever, three views and correct, let people feel that they can be trusted by the little partner, this Xie Mengwei can not look like him at all, can he still have a truth in his mouth?

Xie Mengwei first sold liquor, and the profit of liquor was too high.

Just look at Xie Mengwei's live broadcast room, a bottle of high-end wine with an "original price of 1299 yuan", the live broadcast room is only 398 yuan, and the top 300 are free of charge.

Such a big temptation, isn't this making people rush to buy?

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

As soon as it was on the shelves, it was empty in an instant, and I felt that I had picked up a big bargain.

But actually? Buy not sell fine.

The next day was pulled out, this so-called 1299 yuan high-end wine, the actual price of a bottle as long as 136 yuan, Xie Mengwei "activity price" also 398 yuan a bottle.

Directly earned three times the profit of fans, so that a live broadcast of light profits can enter the pocket of millions, right?

Seeing the profits of the drink, Xie Mengwei was out of control from then on, but he met his old enemy, Pan Changjiang.

After Pan Changjiang's persuasion to "penetrate the hearts of the people" and sweep away the practice of his competitor, Xie Mengwei decided not to sell wine and sell tea instead.

Still the same discussion, Xie Mengwei put the words on the tea leaves this time.

But this time he learned to be smart, not to mention the original price, easy to be pulled out, directly put the price of 49 yuan 5 cans of Zhengshan small seeds, but also opened the package for the audience to see.

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

This price is quite OK, but don't want to drink anything good, go to the platform to search, this price is basically equivalent to drinking a tea slag.

Xie Mengwei behaved like a big red robe for sale, and on this acting skill, he should put it on acting, and maybe he will get the movie emperor.

Xie Mengwei live broadcast, Pan Changjiang also live broadcast, Xie Mengwei sells wine, Pan Changjiang also sells wine, Xie Mengwei overturns, hey, Pan Changjiang is not willing to show weakness of the car, afraid of falling behind Xie Mengwei, in this regard, the similarity between the two people is really too high.

Xie Mengwei's side of the overturning thing, before the netizens finished, Pan Changjiang's live broadcast room made a joke again.

It is reasonable to say that he is such a retired old actor, although there is not much film contract, but comfortable to live an old age, or no problem, have to go to the muddy waters of live broadcasting, it is really not old.

This time, pan Changjiang live broadcast room sold, is a high-end wine, how high-end, look at Pan Changjiang's day's small suit can be seen.

Usually wear a sweatshirt to start the live broadcast, today dressed up like to participate in the program host.

This wine is taken out, and it is indeed blind, the whole bottle body is golden and brilliant, our people just like this golden shining thing, Pan Changjiang is really the right product.

According to him, the reason why this bottle is so flashy is because it is all gilded, and it also carves out the dragon of the entire bottle, which is too much in line with the appetite of our people.

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

Even if you don't drink, give someone away or put it at home, you feel that you have face when you look at it.

When the price was introduced, Pan Changjiang was swallowing, saying that this wine was too expensive, because it was expensive, so it could not sell much in a year.

It can also be seen that the bottle is gilded wine, and it cannot be expected to sell for a double-digit price.

But the price that Pan Changjiang said really shocked many people's jaws.

This bottle of wine, the original price of nearly 100,000 yuan?

Pan Changjiang is also too optimistic, his own ability to carry goods, right?

However, Pan Changjiang turned sharply and said that as long as everyone said, "Uncle Pan, I like this wine too much", Uncle Pan will help you cut the price.

How much can Uncle Pan cut in one sentence? Pan Changjiang direct quotation, 19800 yuan to take home.

A sentence Uncle Pan, cut the price of 80,000 yuan? There are sober-minded people who have begun to think about whether the profit of alcohol is too large, or Pan Changjiang has begun to brag again?

Pan Changjiang pointed to a diamond at the mouth of the bottle, "Just this diamond, worth millions, buy it back is absolutely worth the money." ”

Okay, this sub-determined, Pan Changjiang is bragging.

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

The operation on the side quickly reminded Pan Changjiang that he could not say so, although he knew that he was bragging, but someone had to buy the wine back, and the test was not worth the price.

Pan Changjiang also quickly changed his tone, "I'm joking with them, no one will take it seriously", and let him finish everything alone.

However, although there is no rhinestone worth millions, this bottle body, there are tens of thousands of wines, and some people really want to try.

I ordered five bottles in one go, bought home and opened a bottle and tasted it, isn't this just water?

Pan Changjiang sold wine this time, overturned the car again, caught up with the speed of Xie Mengwei's overturning, and the number of overturns between the two people was almost equal.

In order to catch up with Xie Mengwei's record of overturning the car, Pan Changjiang really "carefully" selected the goods, afraid that everyone would buy something really worth the money.

As far as this heart is concerned, it is worthy of being an "old artist" and worthy of panzi.

The friendship between Xie Mengwei and Pan Changjiang was also tightly tied together by netizens in the repeated overturning.

Before that, the two did not have any intersection, the friendship of gentlemen was as light as water, and what made them enter the eyes of netizens was a live connection.

At that time, Xie Mengwei was crying, crying that he had been pit by the manufacturer, he did not know that there were so many problems with wine, and he was encountering one of his biggest troughs.

Just suffering, a connection request popped up, Xie Mengwei looked, what can this Pan Changjiang do to find him?

Xie Mengwei is a junior, can not not accept the invitation of the elders, and then it is more than six minutes, Pan Changjiang unilaterally persuaded, Xie Mengwei was said, crying until the eyes can not open.

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

Netizens listened to what Pan Changjiang said, but also very moved, don't look at Pan Changjiang talking, turn over and over those few words, but it is really the elders for the younger generations.

There should be such an elder to guard for the junior.

Pan Changjiang may be afraid that Xie Mengwei will fall deeper and deeper, simply "test the risk", join the goods himself, and also rob Xie Mengwei of the channels with goods, and also start a live broadcast of selling wine.

After such a "Pan Ga friendship", the connection between Pan Changjiang and Xie Mengwei became closer and closer, and Xie Mengwei also changed from Uncle Pan's title to "intimately" to PanZi.

Pan Changjiang is indeed like he said, Xie Mengwei is young and has no experience, he Pan Changjiang is very experienced, and he just started to bring goods like a fish.

The words are too slippery, I don't know how long Pan Changjiang rehearsed for this passage, no wonder Pan Changjiang also recognized Simba as a dry son before, and the co-author is to anticipate this day, to prepare for this day, right?

After Pan Changjiang flipped over one after another, some netizens who watched the lively went to Xie Mengwei's live broadcast room and asked him to persuade Pan Changjiang, when he first advised you, now it is time for you to persuade him.

Xie Mengwei waved his hand and said that he could not persuade Pan Zi.

Gazi sells tea to overturn the car, Pan Changjiang sells 19800 luxury wine is questioned, worthy of "Pan Ga's friend"

Look at how good the feelings of these two people are, they all know the depth of the water, and they are willing to swim in, and they still want to fish each other up, such a deep water, they can swim alone.

So much money, one person earns, you can.

That's a real idea, isn't it?

One is a child actor, although there is not much achievement after growing up, but it will not smash his own reputation, one is an old artist, hard work in the spring evening, struggling for more than twenty years, in the acting career is from young, dry to retirement, the result is coming, made a late festival of reputation.

Pan Zi and Ga Zi, you two can grow snacks.

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