
For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

author:Real swimming cats

Couplets, commonly known as pairs, are treasures of traditional culture and are deeply loved by the people. However, due to the reasons of time, many good couplets have been buried in the long river of history.

I'm a real swimmer, a couplet reader. Today I looked for couplets in the old paper pile, and found 5 pairs of well-known couplets that were not famous, don't see the name, a look is very flavorful. If you like couplets, be sure to follow me.

Pair 1: This back has to be busy, fame and fortune, after all, confused to the end; this time it is very good, poetry debt and wine debt, he once lost whom.

Yunnan Daguanlou has a couplet, which is famous in the north and south of the great river, and has become a living business card of Daguanlou: "Five hundred miles of Dianchi Lake rush to the bottom of the eyes, draped on the shore, and the joy is vast and boundless." Look at the East Dragon, the West Spirit, the North Winding, the South Xiang Miao..."

For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

The author of daguanlou Changlian is Sun Qiweng of the Qing Dynasty. Although he did not have an official position, he was only clothed all his life, but he was erudite and very famous.

Unfortunately, ancient times are not like modern times, and fame cannot be eaten as a meal. Modern people can be Internet celebrities with fame, and even some people "black and red" have become money-making masters, and traffic is king.

However, although Sun Hair weng was famous, he could not exchange it for food, and he was poor and poor all his life, and his life was very difficult. According to the records, Sun Qiweng even had to make a living by divination and calculation for others, and the great literary style fell into such a way that people were very sad.

Although Sun's life is very poor, he is still more optimistic and more satisfied with his life.

Therefore, when Sun Qiweng was about to die, he wrote a couplet as a conclusion to his own coffin: "This is busy, fame and fortune, after all, confused to the end; this time it is very good, poetry debt and wine debt, he has lost whom." ”

Shanglian said that people live in the world, fame and fortune are false, I don't know how many people are confused to the end for these false fame and fortune.

Xialian said that he died calmly and calmly, and in his lifetime, he only owed some poetry debts and wine debts, but he did not owe a debt of human feelings, which can be described as unashamed.

The whole couplet is written in a humorous and funny tone, humor contains complaints and bitterness, and complaints contain open-mindedness and calmness. The couplet is not only neat and tidy, but also uses natural language, flashing with wisdom, making people feel the inner world of Sun Qiweng.

For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

2nd Vice-Admiral: I am a madman of Chu, and the Five Peaks seek immortals without quitting; the Earth Ju Zou Clan Yi, it is difficult for all sides to climb here.

The author of this couplet is Peng Yulin, a famous minister of the Qing Dynasty. Peng Yulin is both literate and martial, and is also a first-class master on the couplet. His couplet is a collection of sentences written about Tarzan's ascension.

Shanglian is from a verse from Li Bai's "Lushan Ballad Sending Lu Shi Yu Yu Xuan Zhou": "I am a madman of Chu, and Fengge laughs at Kong Qiu... The Five Peaks do not quit their lives to find immortals, and it is a good life to enter the famous mountain tour. ”

The lower united land of Zou Shiyi is from the poem of Li Longji of Tang Xuanzong's "Sighing through The Sacrifice of Confucius by Zou Lu": "The earth is the palace of the King of Lu. The difficulty of climbing this is from Du Fu's "Ascending": "Spending near a tall building hurts the hearts of guests, and it is difficult for all parties to climb here." ”

Tarzan is one of the Five Peaks, so the upper link is cleverly used. Taishan is in Ludi, and there is also a saying that "climbing Mount Tai and the world is small", so the lower link is also used accurately.

Although the whole couplet is in the form of a collection of sentences, it is cut and cut, expressing Peng Yulin's concern about the situation in the late Qing Dynasty, and also expressing Peng Yulin's admiration for the beauty of Mount Taishan, which can be described as ups and downs and desolate, using ancient poetry as if it were its own, the literary style is flying, and the magic is indescribable.

For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

The 3rd pair: the crown is covered with Beijing, and the Si people are lonely and haggard; the country and mountains are victorious, and my generation has returned to the ground.

This is also a pair of collection sentences, but it is a tour couplet written in Zhenjiang Jinshan. The beauty of the couplet is that it uses ancient words and phrases to write one's own mood, which is in line with the scenery and the humanities, which can be described as a divine product.

The upper link uses a verse from Du Fu's "Dream Li Bai": "The crown is covered with Beijing, and the Si people are lonely and haggard." The next link uses the verse of Meng Haoran's "Climbing the Mountain with the Sons": "The rivers and mountains have left traces of victory, and my generations have returned to the mountain." ”

For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

Some friends may be critical, saying that "haggard" and "landing" have different parts of speech, how can it be regarded as a neat battle?

In fact, this is a kind of self-pairing rule of couplets. That is to say, the confrontation of "haggard" is the structural confrontation between "haggard" and "haggard", and the confrontation of "deng" is the structural confrontation between "deng" and "pro".

This method of fighting abounded in ancient couplets and became a common couplet match rule, so there is no need to make a fuss about it.

4th Pair: Bear Bolong; Poodle.

It's a magical name for Ruthless right. Regarding the ruthless pair of personal names, everyone is more familiar with "Zhang Zhidong" and "Taoran Pavilion". There are also "Sun Xing" and "Zu Chongzhi". And the above couplet also belongs to the ruthless pair of the names of the people who are neat and tidy.

For the 4 pairs of unnamed couplets that are neatly organized, don't see the name, it is very flavorful at a glance

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