
The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

author:What to talk about today

Thirty-six practical applications (1)

Six six thirty-six, the number in the technique, the number in the operation. "Soldiers are not tired of deception" is a prominent feature of military struggle, and China has always paid great attention to the strategy of military struggle, and since ancient times there have been various books on the art of war. Among them, the "Thirty-Six Plans" was written in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which belongs to the later one, so it is a collection of dacheng ones. "Thirty-Six Plans" summarizes the military thoughts and experience of struggle in successive dynasties, and from this issue we will understand these thirty-six wonders.

The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

The first plan of the Thirty-Six Schemes, "Concealing the Sky and Crossing the Sea", originally meant "hiding from the heavens and smuggling into the sea", also acting under the eyes of the opponent, which is impossible under normal circumstances. Imagine that the sky is everywhere, there is a lack of shelter when crossing the sea, and it is of course impossible to hide from the heavens. However, one of the thirty-six counts goes too far — "Yin is within the yang, not in the yang." "The opponent's eyeliner is numerous and you don't know where, it is impossible for your action to hide from the opponent, but you can use the opponent's habitual paralysis to train the opponent to be "blind", so as to complete the task under the eyes of the opponent."

The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

The famous generals of ancient China were more adept at using this trick. In 589, the Sui Dynasty prepared to launch a large-scale attack on the State of Chen south of the Yangtze River, but a large-scale attack required a large-scale mobilization of troops, and the large-scale mobilization of troops was too big to conceal the State of Chen, which was bound to make the State of Chen prepared. With the technical conditions of ancient times, the Sui army was very difficult to cross the Yangtze River in the face of strong resistance, so the famous Sui Dynasty general He Ruobi adopted the strategy of "hiding the sky and crossing the sea". Before the war, He Ruobi frequently dispatched garrisons on the north bank of the Yangtze River, and stipulated that each defense transfer should be concentrated in Liyang (in present-day Anhui and County, which is the best place to cross the river), planting many flags and setting up many tents. At first, Chen Guo thought that the Sui army was going to attack, so he gathered elites to take precautions, but afterwards he learned that only the Sui army was transferring defenses, and then transferred the assembled army back. After that, the Sui army repeatedly adjusted its defenses three times, and Chen Guo's defenders along the river finally became paralyzed and relaxed in their thinking, became accustomed to it, and did not fortify. Then, the Sui army saw the opportunity and crossed the river in one fell swoop, almost without bloodshed, capturing The southern Xuzhou (present-day Zhenjiang, Jiangsu) of the Chen State.

The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

The famous Sui Dynasty general He Ruobi

"Concealing the sky and crossing the sea" is also often used in modern military, and with the advancement of information technology, this strategy will become more and more valuable in the case of increasing difficulty in concealing information. The "Mossad" is an Israeli intelligence organization that has organized many operations that have shaken the world and become a legend in the world, and is called the "world's four major intelligence agencies" together with the United States CIA, the Russian KGB and the British MI6. Among the many successful actions of the "Mossad", the brightest moment was "hiding from the sky and crossing the sea". In the 1960s, Israel did not yet have the ability to independently design and build missile boats, so it ordered eight missile boats from France. Because Israel was in hostile relations with neighboring Arab countries and Israel's navy was blank at the time, the new type of missile boat was marked by israel as a high-priority military development project. However, after delivering 3 missile boats, France refused to deliver the remaining 5 missile boats due to the breakdown of Franco-Israeli relations caused by the "Six-Day War". The Israeli authorities ordered the Mossad to find a way to retrieve the 5 missile boats that had been built. The Mossad first registered a company in Norway as a buyer of missile boats, and then Israeli agents disguised themselves as Norwegian businessmen to buy the missile boats from France. After a series of elaborate arrangements, the Mossad agents succeeded in convincing the French authorities and shipyard owners of their identity as "Norwegian merchants" and were able to board the ship before the formal transaction to familiarize themselves with the ship's equipment. However, the difficulties are always one after another, how to drive these 5 missile boats away from Cherbourg, France, and how to prevent the French police from noticing the huge noise when starting the engine?

The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

In 1969, the elaborate "Noah's Ark" operation began. The "Mossad" first took the form of ant moving houses to purchase a small amount of food and diesel every day, saving up for eight days' reserves, and then every night on the grounds that it was too cold in winter and needed to start the engine to power and heat, it regularly made noise to paralyze the Cherbourg police and surrounding residents, so that the French side was accustomed to it. At 2:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve 1969, when all government workers and residents of Cherbourg were asleep, Mossad agents suddenly started a missile boat and sped off into the open seas. It was not until the afternoon of the next day, when a reporter went to the port for a visit, that he found that all 5 missile boats had been "missing". The incident became the big news in the world at that time, and the "Mossad" successfully "concealed the sky and crossed the sea" and "stole" the missile boat from under the eyes of the French.

The Chinese Wisdom of Israel's "Mossad"

Blindness and commonness are common mistakes that people often make when observing various social phenomena, and "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" is a plan to cleverly use this illusion to cover up military operations.