
The best animals in the world

author:Faith Horizon – Life Circle
The best animals in the world

1. The world's longest-lived animal

The longest-lived animal in the world is the lighthouse jellyfish. The lighthouse jellyfish is a small jellyfish. The body is bell-shaped, about 4-5 mm in diameter, transparent, able to see the red digestive system, shaped like a lighthouse, hence the name. The lighthouse jellyfish stomach is huge and bright red, and the cross section is cross-shaped. It lives in tropical waters. It is carnivorous, feeding on plankton, small crustaceans, polychaetes and even small fish. Lighthouse jellyfish can reproduce asexually from the hydra body and are the only organisms known to be able to recover from the sexual maturity stage to the larval stage. It takes 25 to 30 days to reach the sexual maturity stage at a water temperature of 20 °C.

2. The highest dog breed in the world

The tallest dog breed in the world is the Irish Wolfhound. The English name of the Irish Wolfhound is: Irish Wolfhound. Originally from Ireland, it originated in 100 BC. It is a real giant dog, generally 71-90cm tall and weighing 40-55kg, making it the tallest dog in the world. The appearance is generally similar to that of the Lingti, its coat is very messy, the body structure is strong, and the muscles are very developed, thus showing an elegant posture. The structure is sturdy and shows strength, activity, courage and symmetry. The Irish Wolfhound has a smart and kind character, is a very trustworthy breed and is child-friendly. This dog has the same amount of activity as small dogs, and due to the breeder's desire to improve this breed into a larger wolfhound breed, it is possible that future breeds will be 81 to 86 cm.

3. The largest animal in the world

The largest animal in the world is the blue whale. The blue whale is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder Baleen whale. There are four subspecies. The blue whale is believed to be the largest known animal to survive on Earth, reaching up to 33 meters long and weighing 181 tons. Blue whales have long, thin bodies and a bluish-gray back, although they sometimes appear pale in the water. Like other baleen whales, blue whales feed mainly on small crustaceans (e.g., krill) with small fish, sometimes including squid. Usually blue whales need to forage at a depth of more than 100 meters during the day and can only feed on the surface at night. Blue whales begin mating in late autumn and continue until late winter, with females usually giving birth every 2-3 years, and after a gestation period of 10-12 months, they generally give birth to juveniles in early winter. It is found in all four oceans.

4. The most venomous snake in the world

The most venomous snake in the world is the Belcher Sea Snake. The Belcher sea snake (scientific name: Hydrophis belcheri) is a venomous sea snake in the genus Sea Snake of the suborder Cobra family, once one of the most venomous snakes in the world, living around the reefs of the Ashmore Islands in northwestern Australia. Belcher's scientific name is Hydrophis belcheri, Belcher is a transliteration of its scientific name, and the English name is belcheri sea snake.

5. The world's tallest land animal

The tallest land animal in the world is the giraffe. The giraffe is a ruminant cloven-hoofed animal that grows in Africa and means "leopard-printed camel" in Latin. They are the tallest extant terrestrial animals in the world. Standing from head to toe up to 6-8 meters, weighing about 700 kg, newborn pups are 1.5 meters tall; fur color patterns have spots and reticulated patterns, the forehead of the head is wide, the snout is pointed, the ears are large and erect, there is a pair of bony short horns on the top of the head, the horns cover the skin and fur; the neck is particularly long (about 2 meters), the back of the neck has 1 row of mane; the body is shorter; the limbs are tall and strong, the forelimbs are slightly longer than the hind limbs, the hooves are broad; the tail is short, and the tail end is black tufted. The teeth are primitive low-crowned teeth that cannot feed on grass, but only on leaves; the tongue is long and can be used for feeding; it has short horns, and the horns are covered with hairy skin.

6. The world's largest lizard

The largest lizard in the world is the Komodo dragon. The Komodo monitor lizard, scientific name Varanus komodoensis (Ouwens, 1912), is an animal of the genus Monitor Lizards of the family Monitor Lizard family. Also known as Komodo dragon, it is the largest known species of lizard in existence today. Komodo dragons are the largest known lizards, with an average body length of 2-3 meters; average weight: males 79-91 kg, females 68-73 kg, up to 3.13 m and weigh 166 kg (including undigested food), and are usually heavier in captivity than in the wild.

7. The fastest animal in the world to fly long distances

The fastest animal in the world to fly long distances is the sharp-tailed swift. Swift usually flies at a speed of 170 km/h; the fastest speed can reach 352.5 km/h, or 100 m/s. The sharp-tailed swift is a medium-sized aerial bird. It is generally smoked brown, but when flying in the sky, it seems to turn black. It has sickle-like wings and short feathers. It is found in the east and south of the UK.

8. The oldest creature in the world

The oldest creature in the world is the tongue-shaped shellfish. Lingula, commonly known as sea bean sprouts, is one of the longest-lived genera in the world and is a famous "living fossil" that lives in temperate and tropical waters. A haupe-free brachiopods with a shell-tongued or elongated ovate appearance. The shell consists of chitosan, the shell wall is brittle and thin, and chitosan and apatite are interlaced into layers. Includes a class of brachiopods of extant and ancient extinction types. Originally found in the Cambrian lineage, it is likely to have originated before the Cambrian period.

9. The world's largest bird

The largest bird in the world is the ostrich. The African ostrich is one of the largest birds in the ostrich family, with adults reaching 2.5 meters tall and male ostriches weighing up to 150 kg. The slender neck like a snake supports a small head with a short, flattened triangular mouth composed of several sheaths, the main feature is that the keel process is underdeveloped and flightless, and it is also the only two-toed bird in the world to survive, with dangerous toenails of about 7 centimeters long on each of its big toes on both feet, and the hind limbs are thick and powerful, suitable for running. Living in the desert grasslands and savannah areas of Africa, it is widely domesticated in many countries because of its high economic value in feathers, skin and meat, and has the advantages of fast growth, strong fertility, easy feeding and strong disease resistance.

10. The world's largest spider

The largest spider in the world is the tarantula. Tarantulas are a family of spiders. 8 eyes black, arranged in 3 columns (4-2-2). The foot is stout, prickly, and has 3 claws at the end. It is named for its ability to run, jump, be toxic, act quickly, and be fierce. Tarantulas have wolf-like fur on their backs and have eight eyes, some tarantulas are very poisonous, they can poison a sparrow, and large tarantulas can poison a person.

11. The longest hairy animal in the world

The longest-haired animal in the world is the musk ox. The musk ox (scientific name: Ovibos moschatus) has only two subspecies. Body length 180-230 cm, tail length 9-10 cm, shoulder height is generally 120-150 cm, weight 200-410 kg. The body is solid. Females are slightly smaller. The snout and nose are bare, and the forehead is tufted with tufts. The eyes are large and round, the pupils are purple-blue, and the lips and tip of the tongue are also purple-blue. Both small ears are also covered by hair. The body hair is long, full of villi, dark brown, with mane hairs from the back of the neck to the shoulders, more than 30 cm long, slightly curly hairs, drooping like a cape. It resembles cows in appearance, its horns are also similar to cows, and at the same time, the limbs do not have odor glands and the female has 4 nipples. It inhabits a rocky and barren area with a harsh climate, is gregarious, eats mainly grass and shrub branches, and digs snow to feed on mosses in winter. Brave in character, he does not retreat and flee under any circumstances; when predators such as wolves and bears appear, the group immediately forms a defensive formation, and the adult males stand at the forefront, surrounding the calves in the middle. Survival rates are low. Because of its excellent fur, it was hunted in large numbers and almost extinct; after protection, the population has recovered. It is distributed in the arctic regions such as northern North America and Greenland, and is the northernmost ungulate.

12, the world's largest fish

Whale sharks, sharks of the genus Cetacean in the family Cetaceae. With a large body and a total length of up to 20 meters, it is the largest fish in the world. The surface of the body is scattered with pale spots and crisscrossing pale bands, like a chessboard. The nostrils are located on either side of the upper lip and appear in the mouth. The teeth are numerous and small, arranged in rows. Usually the body length is 9-12 meters. The largest individual is 20 meters long and weighs up to 12,500 kg, making it the crown of fish. Although whale sharks have a huge body, they do not cause significant harm to humans. They are often used by scientists to educate the general public that not all sharks "eat people" . In fact, whale sharks have a fairly gentle personality and also play with divers.

13. The fastest running animal in the world

The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah. Cheetah, also known as Indian leopard, is an animal in the genus Cheetah in the family Cat family and the only species in the genus Cheetah. The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world to run on land, reaching speeds of up to 115 kilometers per hour. If the human sprint world champion and the cheetah compete in the 100-meter race, the cheetah can let the world champion run 60 meters first, and it is the cheetah who reaches the finish line, not the sprint world champion. Cheetahs have black spots all over their bodies. There is a black stripe from the corner of the mouth to the corner of the eye, a black ring at the end of the tail, and the hairs on the back of the neck are relatively long, like a very short mane, and the body is slender, long legs, and small head. Its natural habitats are temperate , tropical grasslands , deserts , and savannahs with sparse trees.

14, the world's most intelligent animals

The most intelligent animal in the world is the chimpanzee. Chimpanzees are the smallest species in the orangutan family, with a body length of 70–92.5 cm, heights of 1–1.7 m when standing, weight males 56–80 kg, females 45–68 kg; shorter body coat, black, usually 1 white spot on the buttocks, grey-brown face, gray hands and feet covered with sparse black hair; juvenile gorillas have flesh-colored noses, ears, hands, and feet; ears are extraordinarily large, protruding to the sides, deeply concave eye sockets, high eyebrow ridges, and hairs on the top of the head; hands are 24 cm long; canine teeth are developed, teeth are the same as those of humans; and no tail. Can distinguish between different colors and make 32 different meanings of the call. Capable of using simple tools, it is the most intelligent animal known after humans. Its behavior and social behavior are more similar to those of humans, which is of great significance in anthropological research.

15, the world's loudest animal

The loudest animal in the world is the sperm whale. Sperm whales can sing at 230 decibels, much more than other common animals. What is the concept of 230 dB? To know that the maximum sound produced by the engine of a jet is only 170 decibels, according to scientific research, the maximum decibel number that humans can withstand is 120-130 decibels, can you imagine the feeling of a sperm whale calling in your ear.

16, the world's highest flying animal

The tallest flying animal in the world is the black and white vulture. The black and white vulture is a large African vulture with a body length of 85–107 cm, a wingspan of 230–260 cm and a weight of 6.4–9 kg. Like other vultures, a distinctive silhouette is cut in flight, and they have broad wings and a short square tail. The head is bulging and the long neck folds and rolls into its body. The highest known bird can fly at an altitude of 11,000 meters.

17. The animal with the greatest bite in the world

The most biting animal in the world is the bay crocodile. The bay crocodile, also known as the estuarine crocodile, saltwater crocodile, And Malay crocodile, is a crocodile of the genus Crocodile family, located at the highest level of the wetland food chain, the largest of the 23 modern crocodile species, and the largest reptile in the world. Bay crocodiles feed on large fish, mud crabs, turtles, monitor lizards, birds, but also prey on wild deer, bison, wild boar, the bite force is super strong, the largest individual up to 4200 pounds, about 1905 kg, very amazing, can crush the turtle's hard armor and bison bones in one bite.

18, the most poisonous animal in the world

The most poisonous animal in the world is the Australian box jellyfish. Australian box jellyfish is also known as square jellyfish, don't look at its flowing appearance, this guy is the world's first poison. The square jellyfish is also known as the "sea wasp", and it can kill people. Although humans must be entangled in antennae at least 10 meters long to be injected with a lethal amount of venom, a square jellyfish has 60 antennae, and each antennae is 9 meters long, and its stingers are lined up on it, so once humans are stuck by its tentacles in the sea, they usually die.

19. The bird in the world that preys on the fastest swooping speed

The fastest bird in the world to prey on dive is the frigate bird. The frigate bird is a common name for five species of large seabirds in the family Cyprinidae, with extremely slender wings and a long, deep forked tail with a wingspan of about 2.3 meters. The warship bird has developed pectoral muscles and is good at flying, known as the "flying champion", and can dive at a speed of up to 418 kilometers per hour when it is preying. It can not only fly to an altitude of about 1200 meters, but also flexibly flip in the air, but also can constantly fly more than 1600 kilometers away from the nest, up to about 4000 kilometers at the farthest.

20, the world's largest terrestrial animal

The largest terrestrial animal in the world is the African elephant. Adult African males are taller than 3.5 meters and can reach a maximum height of 4.1 meters. The weight is about 4 to 5 tons, with the heaviest recorded 10 tons. Their tusks were recorded to weigh 102.7 kilograms, making them the largest mammals on land. They can live in a variety of natural environments in Africa, from sea level to 5,000 meters above sea level, including forests, open grasslands, meadows, thorn bushes and semi-arid jungles. Countless African elephants have been killed because of their tusks, listed as endangered by the U.S. Endangered Species Act and the IUCN, and listed in Appendix I by cites of the Washington Convention.

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