
Big Mom philanthropist has become a celebrity in the village ~ Big Mom at the gambling table is also crazy, and then remember Mei Yanfang

author:Emblem women for generations

Mei Yanfang died young at the age of 40, but Mei's mother is now living well, 98 years old this year, and she has not forgotten to fight for inheritance, and her daughter has not let go in heaven, shouting lack of money every year, and has been reported by the Hong Kong media many times for more than ten years.

Big Mom philanthropist has become a celebrity in the village ~ Big Mom at the gambling table is also crazy, and then remember Mei Yanfang

Recently, several of my relatives and friends have had their fathers died prematurely. Mother and son turned against each other, did not see each other or called for several years, and did not interact with each other. Is it true that the parent-child relationship is also unreliable?


At first glance, the vulnerable group is the mother, and it is the elderly widow mother, the outsider who does not understand, and the general belief that the son is wrong. In ancient times, there were "twenty-four filial pieties", famously said: There are no parents in the world. Gu Shiyun: The mother's hand is threaded, and the wanderer's shirt is clothed. How to say, it is not good for the son...

Chairman Mao said: Without investigation, there is no right to speak. Do you know? Nowadays, the land of Shenzhou has changed greatly, the mothers who once saved money and used to be thrifty are also changing, becoming generous, becoming indifferent to the inside, and the famous "philanthropists" ~ gambling at home, gambling friends are more important than relatives, playing mahjong every day, for many years, forcing their children's money every year, some even brothers and sisters, grandchildren, and nephews!

At present, the hemp 将️ table in the city and the countryside has the largest number of people gathered, especially the elderly in the countryside. A village is almost always full of old people, and if you don't play mahjong, you can hardly find anyone to talk to you.

Those who become mothers are often disrespectful to the old. Famous aunts in the local area: selling the old to the old, not keeping their duties, such as: not fulfilling their obligations to their children and grandchildren, not filial piety to their in-laws, gambling well, petty and selfish, delicious and lazy, eccentric, long-tongued women...

你‬家‬有‬“大‬妈‬慈善家‬”吗‬‬? ‬

Poor people must have something to be ashamed of! In real life, countless people are trapped and bound by family relationships, and they are miserable! Most of the relatives are involved in gambling. In order to give the old man money to spend, when the son steals money to the mother. The salary card is unwilling to pay the wife, the details of the bill do not dare to be open, and the time is long, which will inevitably lead to the discord between the husband and wife, and the serious is divorce.

Good intentions do bad things. You help them for a long time, so that they have developed a bad habit of getting something for nothing. If you are not careful, you have become a cash machine for your parents, brothers and sisters, tired of your relatives, not only harming yourself, but also harming those parasites and gamblers who will only rely on you and constantly reach out for it.


Whoever is contaminated with gambling words must be a person who speaks in a panic, and no one can quit when he speaks of abstinence. In the winter, rural people eat, live and gamble together, and they do not even return home, and if they lose money, they will find various reasons to force their children.

Is it worth it? Your kindness can't wake up the gambler! The money sent out by cutting down on food and clothing is always wasted and squandered by relatives. Maybe it becomes a gambling book on the mahjong table, a gold bracelet worn by a grandson, or buying electrical appliances, enjoying life, buying good wine and tobacco, eating and drinking... Unaffordable, not worth it!

The family has a "big mother philanthropist" type of gambler relatives, which is a big trap, and it will never help well!

Approaching Mei Yanfang and her mother

In the early 1950s, millions of refugees fled to Hong Kong. Among them was a ragged woman named Qin Meijin. She is Mei Yanfang's mother. 她‬的‬眼里只有钱。 The mother of a gambler, greedy for money, profligate, extravagant, ruthless and eccentric about her son. 她把女儿当成了摇钱树,‬香港演‬艺圈、‬明星圈‬人‬尽皆知,‬详情见网上的相关报道。

After Arriving in Hong Kong, Mama Mei lived with her family in a narrow and dark subdivided room like a coffin, so poor that she could only afford a bed. Soon after, at the age of 40, she became pregnant with her fourth child, but was unable to raise it. Before she was about to give birth, she said to her husband:

If you give birth to a boy, you can only grit your teeth and cultivate. What about baby girls? It is best to be quick and independent and earn money to support the family.

On October 10, 1963, this child was born, which was later Mei Yanfang.

Many years later, Mei Yanfang had to believe in such a thing as fate. Before people were born, their fate was already written.

After Mei Yanfang was born, her father left the port alone to support a family of six and became a seafarer in a fishing boat. At that time, the mortality rate of going to sea was extremely high, and every time I went out, I might never say goodbye. After going to sea a few times, my father contracted a vicious disease and died without good treatment.

After her father's death, Mei's mother always buried mei Yanfang as a "debt collector" in her life, and when she was four and a half years old, she drove her to the theater garden to sell and sing to make money.

Big Mom philanthropist has become a celebrity in the village ~ Big Mom at the gambling table is also crazy, and then remember Mei Yanfang

To this day, there are still old Hong Kong people who remember the scene of Mei Yanfang's "debut" in that year.

Thin and pretty, wearing a bright silk coat, wearing a fake jewelry phoenix crown, carrying a large teapot, walking around in the theater to pour tea for the guests, while pouring and asking: "Sir, miss, do you want to order a song?" ”

Among the people, there is a kind of person who is "born with a special thing". She may not have amazing beauty and talent, but it seems that she was born for the stage.

Just like the pearled Teresa Teng, a gentle sweet honey has influenced the aesthetics of a generation of Chinese. Mei Yanfang is also like this, the appearance does not have the so-called "autumn waves between the flow of the radiance of the world, so that the world's beautiful beauty eclipsed only like dung", the voice is not "kissed by God", and even the early years of selling for too long also led to vocal cords cocoons, never singing brightly.

But as long as she starts to perform, every smile is indescribably good, even the cheapest costume can't cover her charm, and even the simplest stage can't limit her charm.

For more than 20 years, she sang all the way from the Hong Kong Theater to the Hung Hom Stadium, breaking the record of 30 solo concerts in a row, and the venue was full, and since then the jianghu people have called "Mei Thirty". (The above content comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact me)

In 2001, Mei Yanfang was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and her sister Mei Aifang died three years ago.

Today, Mei Yanfang, who died at the age of 40, died in the arms of Andy Lau. She was born between 1963 and 2021, and if she were alive, she would be 58 years old.

Heaven is jealous of talents, and heaven is jealous of red faces. She is like a gift from heaven to the Hong Kong showbiz industry, and the time is also very right, the 1980s and 1990s were the most glorious period of the Hong Kong music and film industry.

Big Mom philanthropist has become a celebrity in the village ~ Big Mom at the gambling table is also crazy, and then remember Mei Yanfang

Remember Mei Yanfang again

This autumn the maple leaves are red again,

The soul of Hong Kong sister has drifted away;

The family has a philanthropist mother,

Far away from the restlessness of heaven...

At the end of the winding path,

How many past events go with the wind.

Mei Maqin is 98 years old and has a tough body. This is a poor and frightened woman with only money in her eyes. The mother of a gambler, greedy for money, profligate, extravagant, ruthless and eccentric about her son. She treated her daughter as a cash cow (see the relevant report on the Internet for details).

Is this still a loved one? A gambler who can't do without the gambling table and gambles for a long time, because he can't quit gambling, he is not a person for a long time. Mei's mother opened her mouth and closed her mouth to money, and she was tired of her two daughters, and her conniving son also became a parasite and a debt collector. Even after her daughter's death, there is no peace, and Mei Mama has been making trouble for money.

As soon as Mama Mei opened her mouth, she was 2 million, and Mama Mei's son borrowed money as soon as they met, only borrowing rogues who could not repay. This mother and son, like a bottomless pit, will never be filled.

Big Mom philanthropist has become a celebrity in the village ~ Big Mom at the gambling table is also crazy, and then remember Mei Yanfang

Are loved ones your ATMs? Is affection an unpaid debt? Those so-called relatives who kill people without knives, don't stop!

Life is born in autumn. Falling flowers and flowing water, heaven and earth. Are you still trapped by family affection? Please understand the truth immediately, break out, and learn to refuse!

醒醒吧,立即远离“大‬妈‬慈善家”赌‬鬼‬类型的,‬‬你‬不要再被老家亲友们‬绑架了。 ‬分‬清‬主次,‬照‬顾好自己的小家庭,珍惜身边人!

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