
The Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Console Edition update has been released on the PC patch will be released on the 19th

author:3DM Game Network
{"info":{"title":{"content":"《漫威银河护卫队》主机版更新已上线 PC补丁将在19日发布","en":"The Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy Console Edition update has been released on the PC patch will be released on the 19th"},"description":{"content":"今日(11月18日),Eidos工作室成员在Reddit平台发布《漫威银河护卫队》最新上线的主机版游戏补丁内容,其中包括...","en":"Today (November 18), Eidos Studios released the latest console version of Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy patch on the Reddit platform, including..."}},"items":[]}