
LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

author:Witty little snail number

The red carpet of the recent LV Spring/Summer Women's Show can be described as a horse catching scene! It's a big horse-catching series!

In the flow chart that appeared on the Internet, Zhu Yilong appeared as a brand ambassador before Zhou Dongyu and Liu Yifei's brand spokesperson, and then there was an accident scene of catching horses!

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

Before Zhou Dongyu appeared, it should have been Zhu Yilong's appearance time, but the Buddha-figure had not appeared. The winter rain appeared about four minutes apart. However, after more than 20 minutes of red carpet, there was an empty field!

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

After nearly 30 minutes, Liu Yifei appeared on the red carpet, because of the time reasons before the interview. (However, after playing a private interview with Liu Yifei) Then Zhu Yilong came on!

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

As we all know, the order of appearance on the red carpet has always been the ambassador in front and the spokesperson in the back.

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

Public opinion also unfolded, and before the flow chart was revealed, some people said that Liu Yifei played a big name and threw his face, and various doubts followed.

However the reversal was reversed after three days of commentary. Zhou Dongyu and Liu Yifei both became the people who saved the scene. Zhu Yilong also began to fall into public opinion.

In this public opinion, as Shu Qi praised liu Yifei, the official release article omitted Zhu Yilong to bring about a reversal; another reversal followed.

Shu Qi did not go online for two hours, but the likes were automatically canceled!

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

Fashion blogger Mr. Kira claimed to be at the scene and personally testified for Zhu Yilong, saying that Zhu Yilong had been waiting for the notice in the lounge, saying that he was afraid of the society and did not believe that he would play a big card. Subsequent comments said that it was because the changes in epidemic prevention and control during the period delayed the time. Before that, some fans said that it was because of the delay in the interview. Subsequently, Hu Jun, who did not attend the event, also praised zhu Yilong.

More fans have made calculations based on the time of the Oriental Pearl!

LV Spring/Summer Red Carpet: Saving the Field or Playing big?

In comparison, the remarks of witnesses on the scene are more convincing, but the 20 minutes interval and the remarks of fans that are different will be somewhat untrustworthy! I hope you can look at this matter rationally! After all, the final beneficiary is actually the brand side!

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