
The 5 kinds of bread with the most additives, do not buy

author:Shangguan News

People always say that there will be bread and there will be love. Love brings happiness, bread fills the stomach.

Bread can be used as a staple or as a dessert, convenient and delicious. Nowadays, the style of bread is more and more abundant, and bakeries are blooming in cities large and small.

Bread is very popular with everyone as a breakfast or daily snack, but although bread is tempting, there are many health risks. Because not every bread is suitable for daily diet, let's learn it with Xiaobian!

Bread is also divided into three, six, nine and so on

Bread can be easily divided into soft bread and hard bread in terms of taste.

1. Soft bread

What we often eat is generally soft bread (can be simply understood as a sweet filling, soft skin "soft bread"), mainly made of high gluten flour as raw material, soft taste, milky flavor, delicate tissue.

Although delicious, there are many adverse effects, such as:

The flour used (high gluten flour) is too fine

Too much sugar

Too much oil


Soft bread is soft and sweet because a lot of sugar, butter, etc. are added.

Some merchants in order to save the cost of these excipients, directly add cyclamate, creamer, artificial egg liquid and margarine to make bread, and some merchants added bread improvers and other additives to the bread, the price of sweet bread varies, the lower the price of the use of additives, so the higher the price is relatively better.

2. Hard bread

Hard bread generally refers to European bread, Europeans like to take bread as a staple food, the ingredients of hard bread are very simple, generally only wheat flour, water, salt and sugar, hard bread baking process is more important, because the formula is simple, so the process requirements are stricter.

Chinese most do not like the taste of hard bread, hard bang bang and no sweetness and milk flavor, in fact, hard bread pays more attention to the taste of wheat, although just eat a bite feels less delicious, but the more chewy the more fragrant, less oil and less sugar is healthier.

It is precisely because hard bread has fewer ingredients and less oil and less sugar that it will be healthier than soft bread.

Therefore, it is recommended that when buying bread, it is best to pick hard and not soft

Simply put, bread is divided into "soft" and "hard", there may still be many people do not understand, then Xiaobian will make an analysis of the bread that everyone often buys, so that everyone will be more clear!

Bread for purchase is not recommended

1. Danish bread

Such as: all kinds of croissants, torn bags, praise, all kinds of pastry, etc.

This type of bread is crispy and soft, very delicious, but the raw materials used contain a lot of saturated fatty acids and calories, and may also contain "trans fatty acids" that are very detrimental to cardiovascular health.

2. Colorful bread

Such as: a variety of chocolate bags, matcha bags, ham bags, all kinds of fruit canned bread, etc.

In order to increase the taste, this type of bread is often high in oil and sugar, and even adds a large number of flour modifiers, spices and other ingredients or additives.

3. Margarine bread

For a more fragrant taste and firmer shape, the grease in the bread is essential. But margarine/brioche bread, which contains trans fats, can induce obesity and harm heart and blood vessel health.

4. Particularly fluffy bread

This type of bread is very large and lightweight, and can be saved into small balls with a pinch of the hand. This often adds a large number of bread modifiers, which will make you fat when eaten for a long time, and may also harm the heart and blood vessels.

5. Fake meat wrap bread

The fluffy bread is wrapped in thick meat floss, which tastes both the sweetness of bread and the fresh aroma of meat floss, and many people think that meat floss bread is much more nutritious than other breads.

But this is not the case, the meat floss is generally made of pork, beef, chicken and other meat, a pound of fresh meat can produce up to 3 or two meat floss, it can be seen that the real meat floss price is not cheap, and many meat floss wrapped in a lot of meat floss, the price is only a few yuan. It is conceivable that the meat muffins in such a meat pine bread are not really meat pines.

In order to save costs, many bakeries will use "meat pine powder" instead of meat floss, don't look at the difference of only one word, but the price is very different.

Usually this kind of "meat pine powder" contains very little meat, but adds plant fiber (such as soybeans), but in order to increase the "meat flavor" of "meat pine powder", some flavors, pigments, etc. will be added, whether it tastes or looks more like meat floss, but eating more is not good for the body.

So when buying meat wrap bread, don't buy it if it's too cheap.

In addition, bread with a long shelf life (up to more than 1 month) should also be bought less.

Because bread as a kind of moisture, sugar and fat content are a lot of food, it is easy to breed bacteria, in order to extend the shelf life of bread, manufacturers need to add a lot of preservatives to prepackaged bread.

Although as long as the preservative is used within the dose specified by the state, there is no need to worry about safety, but it is useless to eat more.

Bread for purchase is recommended

1. Bread with a hard texture and a light taste

Such as: Great Leba, Bagu, etc. This type of bread is made of simple ingredients, has few additives or modifiers, and is lower in calories, so it is healthier than other fancy breads.

2. Whole wheat bread

Such as: whole wheat toast, rye toast, coarse fiber bread, etc. It is bread made with whole wheat flour that does not remove the outer bran and wheat embryo.

Dietary fiber and B vitamins are abundant, which is conducive to promoting intestinal health and preventing obesity, and the low glycemic index is a good source of staple food.

How to distinguish between true and fake whole wheat bread?

However, when buying whole wheat bread, you must pay attention to avoiding pits, because there are many "fake whole wheat breads". To avoid eating whole wheat bread as an IQ tax, you need to master the correct discrimination skills when buying.

1. Check the appearance of the bread

The color is brown, the tissue is dry and rough, and the most basic criteria are judged. After the whole wheat bread is sliced, the particles are clear, and you can still see the dots of bran inside.

2, look at the ingredient list and nutrients

According to the current relevant regulations in China, the larger the amount of raw materials added, the higher the ranking in the ingredient list. If whole wheat flour is written on the front, it means that the whole wheat content of this bread is higher.

If wheat flour is in the first place, and whole wheat flour is behind, this bread is undoubtedly "fake whole wheat".

If there is not even a shadow of the word "whole wheat" in the ingredient list, then congratulations, you can put down your wallet.

The 5 kinds of bread with the most additives, do not buy

A whole wheat brand ingredient list: whole wheat flour ranked first, and the amount of addition was clearly marked

Strictly speaking, bread made of whole wheat flour is called whole wheat bread, but it is expensive and has a rough taste, and many people do not like to eat it.

Therefore, many merchants will use "wheat flour" plus "bran" as the main ingredient, which mixes a little whole wheat flour meaning, although it reduces the cost of the business, but also to take care of the taste of customers, but such whole wheat bread, it is not healthy enough.

Only whole wheat bread made from 100% whole wheat flour is the healthiest.

Therefore, before you buy whole wheat bread next time, remember to look at the ingredient list more, or ask the clerk to determine the proportion of whole wheat before purchasing.

Friends in weight loss also need to pay special attention to the nutritional composition list: the lower the fat and sodium, the better, and the higher the dietary fiber, the better. If sugar, margarine, and other ingredients are added to the bread, resulting in a high overall calorie, whole wheat will not help.

3. Test the elasticity of bread

True whole wheat bread, less restorative, dry and hard, lack of elasticity. If you press the bread with your fingers, the bread Q bullet is fluffy, and it quickly returns to its original state, and it is most likely a fake whole wheat.

4, be wary of cheap "whole wheat bread"

In addition to the poor taste experience, another reason why 100% whole wheat bread is difficult to promote is the high cost of production.

Due to the perishable and long production cycle of whole wheat flour, in terms of cost, whole wheat flour is 50% more expensive than wheat flour, and the market price is twice that of ordinary wheat bread.

When you encounter the "low-priced whole wheat bread" sold by the store, it is necessary to keep an eye on it.

5. Try the taste of bread

When the high-content whole-wheat bread is bitten, you can taste the fine graininess. In order to take into account the taste buds of consumers, some manufacturers add flour, butter and other ingredients to the whole wheat bread to neutralize the original bitter taste.

Whole wheat bread, which is said to be both "slimming and delicious", does not exist.

Although healthy bread may taste a little worse, bread as one of our daily important food sources, or choose carefully!

If you are really hungry, the whole wheat is the mainstay, and the fancy bread is supplemented by the way to eat, it is also possible to eat~

Source: High Quality Of Life Home

Editor: Li Bingqian

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