
Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

author:Meter AI

According to the latest data from the "Report on the Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents (2020)", 600 million Chinese overweight and obese, and the proportion of adults in this group exceeds half for the first time!

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

Are you one in those 600 million?

For weight loss

People can be said to have done all kinds of tricks

Isn't that? Now weight loss has special tableware...

On the market

Most of the slimming tableware is inseparable from two characteristics

1. Sub-regional

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

2. Small size

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

It's obviously a reminder to diners: "You eat less, you can only eat so much." ”

It seems that this kind of tableware can play a role.

But from a psychological point of view, this so-called slimming tableware may make people have a certain degree of rejection and fear.

Because when we use this kind of tableware, we will feel that our diet is greatly limited, which will produce unpleasant associations and feelings psychologically.

You may be thinking, a tool for eating, where is so much impact?

Professional interpretation

According to the study of the effect of assessing tableware on the user's multi-sensory flavor perception: tableware affects the diner's desire to eat food and eating behavior, and these effects are transmitted through sensory factors such as sight, touch and hearing.

How much we eat and how much we eat to be full is actually largely affected by personal subjective consciousness.

That is, if people mentally think they are full, then they will stop eating, even though they are not actually eating enough food, otherwise, they will continue to eat.

Therefore, the sensory perception brought about by changing the tableware may affect the intake of food.

Using this principle, we can control people's expectations of food intake by changing the physical characteristics of tableware (shape, color, material, etc.), and help achieve the purpose of controlling appetite.

Pick a guide

Diet people choose tableware, you can refer to the following characteristics

01 Color

People's psychological perception of color is emotional, and different colors transmit different psychological feelings and emotions to people.

Color can affect how people feel about their psychological expectations of food.

Cool colors based on blue, purple, and black reduce appetite and food intake

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin
Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

Warm colors such as red and yellow increase appetite

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

Therefore, people who lose weight can choose tableware with low color purity, mainly cool colors, such as dark blue, purple, gray and black, which can effectively reduce appetite and improve satiety without negative emotions.

02 Styling

The overall shape of tableware should use soft and rounded visual effects, when the tableware is visually tall and wide, people often psychologically think that their volume capacity is larger.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

Food is placed in such a plate or bowl, and the food looks more, thus achieving the satisfaction of the weight loss population in terms of food quantity.

In addition, some tableware with a smaller actual capacity than it looks is also a good choice. For example, some plates or bowls have hump-like upward protrusions in the middle that can make food look more than it actually is.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

In terms of detail, rounded and irregularly curved tableware is better than square ones, because such tableware makes it more difficult to judge the amount of food through vision.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

The curved shape inside the tableware will also make it easy for diners to interact with the food in a circular motion trajectory, unconsciously slowing down the speed of eating, thereby reducing the probability of rapid overeating.

In addition, irregular or uneven cutlery at the bottom also helps to concentrate on eating.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

Because most people are accustomed to watching dramas and brushing their mobile phones when eating, they do not feel full and often eat too much. If the cutlery is difficult to secure on the table, it "forces" the diner to grasp it with their hands and thus focus on eating.

03 Weight

Part of the judgment of the dietary satisfaction and satiety of the dietary population also comes from the assessment of the "amount" of food, such as the weight of the food and the amount of food.

The weight of the cutlery can subconsciously help people control the amount of food they eat, and in fact eat less than the amount of food they perceive psychologically.

Therefore, it is possible to buy tableware with heavier weight.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

According to the principle of leverage, the farther the hand is from the food, the heavier the weight is felt. When we eat, we can consciously hold the hand behind.

Choose the right weight loss tableware, and unconsciously eat thin

During weight loss

Details are also important

Tableware is what we can't do without every day

Choose the cutlery

Lose weight with less!

Lose weight to upset you

Try a different set of utensils

Maybe unconsciously

Appetite decreased

The amount of food eaten has decreased

Naturally, I lost weight


Wang Yu. Tableware Design Strategy for Weight Loss Population[J]. Design, 2020, 33(21): 17-19. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0069.2020.21.006.

[2] Charles Spence,Vanessa Harrar,Betina Piqueras-Fiszman. Assessing the impact of the tableware and other contextual variables on multisensory flavour perception[J]. Flavour,2012.1doi:10.1186/2044-7248-1-7.

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