
The wisdom of Teacher Huineng


Huineng, who couldn't read big characters, became the ancestor of Zen Buddhism, which was incredible! Everything works, like a dream bubble! If dew is like electricity, it should be viewed as such! Contemplate the self and guanyin, and meditate! No self, no one, no sentient beings! Turn back and rely on your own inner enlightenment, rely on inner awareness, rely on inner non-pollution! All dharma comes from the heart! Whether the wind is moving or the sails are moving, it turns out that our hearts are moving! Are we happy in the moment? When we see everything as love and compassion, can we prove that we have attained enlightenment? All graces and grievances have karma, common karma, other karma, I am grateful for everything I have experienced in the past 20 years, thank you parents! Teacher Huineng has reached the realm of selflessness! I'm going to lose 170 pounds in a week, and now I'm 190 pounds, and I'm sure I can do it! Bodhi has no tree, Spiegel is not a platform, there is nothing originally, where to stir up dust! I was so persistent, I was wrong! Do a good job in the moment, thank you for your support and encouragement! May my fans be safe, healthy and auspicious!