
When choosing a residence, you should pay attention to the following points

author:Studious Der spiegel Y

(Source: Hongyi Culture / Residential Layout Consultant: Lin Shiyu)

Choose a house, the ming hall of the residence must be open and empty. The residence of the building, the Ming Hall is the living room and the balcony. It is best not to be obscured by other buildings, and the distance is 1.5 times the height of the house.

  The shape of the house is best square, residential environment, avoid all kinds of shooting.

The residential formation of missing angles, most of which are caused by the appearance of the building, can also be built other buildings to make up for it, and the additional part of the residential building can be used as a storage room.

In addition, the independent high-rise buildings that have nothing to rely on around, the higher the floor, the more lonely they are.

There is also a situation where you do not live in such a lonely high-rise building.

When buying a real estate, there are many feng shui problems to pay attention to, but there are basically a few:

1 It is not advisable to have strong wind blows. Pay attention to "hiding the wind and gathering qi", if the wind is strong, the vigorous qi cannot stay. The ideal wind is that the breeze is gentle.

2 Have plenty of light time. Sunshine foot, then yang qi foot. Shady dwellings, uninhabitable.