
The "Way of Being an Official" of the Ancient Literati of Hanzhong

author:Hanzhong is on the way

Chapter 8: The Long River of Science and Technology

As the birthplace of ancient civilization and one of the birthplaces of poetry, Hanzhong has produced historical giants such as Zhang Qian of the "Chiseled Void" Western Region and Li Gu of "Zhuoguan Ancient and Modern" since the Western Han Dynasty, with profound cultural accumulation and excellent cultural traditions. Hanzhong people advocate knowledge, actively attain insight, pay attention to reality, be indifferent to fame and fortune, and pay attention to discipline, which has created a regional cultural tradition with strong characteristics. From three generations to recent generations, for more than 4,000 years, the cultural context of Hanzhong has been passed down from generation to generation.

Literati endowments

There is a widely circulated story that illustrates the characteristics of the Han Chinese people. During the Southern Dynasty Liu Song Dynasty, Liang Zhou sent Fan Bai to the capital to see the Ming Emperor Liu Yu, because he said that there was a greedy spring in Guangzhou, the emperor asked Bai Nian: "Is there such water in Qingzhou?" Answer: "Liangzhou only has Wenchuan, Wuxiang, Lianquan and Rangshui. Then he asked, "Where is qing's house?" Bai Nian replied: "Between the incorruptible and the jeans who live in the subject." Fan Bainian was originally a native of Zitong (present-day Sichuan), and the earth belonged to Huayang County,liangzhou (治華阳县, in present-day MianXian County, Shaanxi), so later Hanzhong and Zitong interpreted the theory of Bai Nian in local place names. Hanzhong does have the names of wen, wu, lian, and rang, and honesty is indeed the characteristics of the Han Chinese people. However, the endowments of the Hanzhong people are complex and multifaceted, with both the fashion of diligence and pleasure, and the tendency to regard "reading ineffective" for a while; there is both a pioneering spirit and a habit of concealment; and Gangzheng Gengsuke is his tradition, rarely seeing people who greet each other.

The "Way of Being an Official" of the Ancient Literati of Hanzhong

Scholarly hermitage map

Diligent and Musical Learning and Regarding "Reading as Ineffective" The "Huayang Guozhi" records that during the two Han Dynasties, Hanzhong "practiced literature and religion" and "Qun Confucian cultivation". Yang Wangsun, Zhang Meng, zheng zizhen of the Western Han Dynasty, Li Guo, Li Gu, Li Li, Chen Gang of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and even Chen Shu of the Shu Han Dynasty and Zhao Wenbiao of the Northern Zhou Dynasty were all models of diligence and studiousness. Especially in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "since the establishment of Wu, the group of Confucians has cultivated their profession, opened according to tuwei, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty should be out of Kunxiang." Therefore, Situ Li Gong repeatedly ascended the Seven Politics, and Tai Wei Zi Jian Yi Shi discussed the Tao. His instruments were Chen Botai, Li Jizi, chen Shenbo's disciples, and Wen Xiu's wei ye. Its zhuangmu county guard, crown cover successively, in Xizhou for sheng, gai ji ji yan. "During the period of war, the Confucian students in the north even took students to Hanzhong to avoid chaos, and the Later Han Shu Chenggong Biography records that LangyaGumu (now the Chenggong of Shandong Province, after studying and teaching for the local ministry, was lost by the world, and the Chenggong then acid taught the students to avoid Hanzhong", which promoted the development of hanzhong education and culture.

During the two Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Hanzhong, as the middle ground of the "tug-of-war" between the southern and northern regimes, changed regimes, and the studious and enterprising spirit formed during the period of the two Han Dynasties and the Three Kingdoms gradually became a soft and romantic pursuit of life. The unification of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the examination of scholars, and the revival of culture, but Hanzhong fell into silence, relocated to the land, small wealth is security, the pursuit of material enjoyment, the lack of meritorious ambition of the narrow consciousness gradually dominated. For more than 200 years in the Tang Dynasty, only 3 Jinshi in Hanzhong were found in shi zai. During the Xining period of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wen Tong, the prefect of Xingyuan, described the educational situation of the Han Chinese in the "Letter of Professor of Xingyuan Fufu School", saying: "Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, there has been no study or first person in this province", in the past, most of them were students from other places, who temporarily sent students to Hanzhong to study temporarily so that they could get recommended to take the imperial examination, but after falling behind Sun Mountain, they left Hanzhong, "so their people said that reading was ineffective, let alone learning", so that "there was no one on the other side, so they were absolutely literary" and became a cultural desert. However, after all, Hanzhong is a place with deep cultural soil and literati "spirit rhinoceros", and once the scripture is "enlightened" with them, it will soon awaken to enlightenment. From the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty, the cultural decline in Hanzhong was curbed, and the trend of learning returned, and the number of people who lifted and entered the army increased dramatically.

Actively Joining the WTO and Concealing Without Being Actively Joining the WTO and Being Hidden from the WTO are two superficially opposite qualities, which are embodied in the Hanzhong people. Represented by Zhang Qian, who sent an envoy to the Western Regions, and Li Gu, who was "the first in politics in the world," they showed a fearless pioneering spirit. "History of Dawan Lie" Yun: "The traces of Dawan are seen in Zhang Qian." The reason why Zhang Qian's performance is regarded as a "hollowing" move has its own internal reasons, which is to be strong and open-minded, "strong for people, lenient and trustworthy, and barbaric and loving." Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions not only opened up the world vision of the Chinese, but also opened up the "Silk Road", opened up a channel for economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and left a glorious page in the history of the development of world civilization. Zhang Qian's kindness and generosity and benevolence have influenced generations of Hanzhong people. Zhang Qian and Li Gu, deng gong who ranked as the ninth secretary of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Meng, the grand master of Guanglu, Zhang Ze of Liangzhou, Zhao Yao, the Taishou of Guanghan, Li Fa, a lieutenant of the Division, and Cheng Bao, a shangji official, all actively joined the WTO and made great achievements.

Contrary to actively joining the WTO and forging ahead in a pioneering spirit, Hanzhong readers are indifferent to giving in, attaching importance to discipline, and not being bound by fame and fortune. Ancient readers adhered to the practice of "reaching the world at the same time, and the poor are alone", while many people in Hanzhong, although they are not "poor", they also choose to hide and not be old. Han has Zheng Zizhen "Bingji Ying's Exercises", Wei Heng 'the Three Marches of the Bus should not be", Yang Wangsun should be to the general of the people", Tang Gongfang "Ascending to Heaven in Daylight" "Wishing Turtles" to "End with Writings", Tang Youchen Qizi living in seclusion in Taishan Mountain, "home in the depths of Bitan", Cui Xiao "for Confucianism is not happy to advance, to cultivate crops as a profession", Song has Zhang Bowei "hidden but not Shishi," the number "no debate resident Yuan You Lin Dong", "poor and self-willing", ming yu Ying although he was born into a scholar, erudite and good words, but with quanshi to entertain himself, not to show up. Li Bai, Yue Zhenchuan, Chen Yi, etc. of the Qing Dynasty also tended to retreat. For a long time, foreign retirees are also willing to choose Hanzhong as a place to return to the mountains and forests and taste nature. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Meizhou Qingshen man Pu Daoyuan (一作道源) abandoned his official position and moved to Nanzheng, "drinking and giving poetry and pawning", and his son compiled his posthumous text as "Idle Residence Series", which was included in the "Four Libraries Complete Book"; in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Xinfan (present-day Xindu, Chengdu) people Fei Jingyu's grandson lived in Hanzhong for three generations to teach and apprentice. Among them, Cui Xiao's experience is quite representative.

The Old Book of Tang records that Cui Xiao was a native of Hanzhong Chenggu, "for the sake of Confucianism, he was not happy to advance, and cultivated crops as his profession." When he was old and childless, he distributed the wealth of his family to his slaves, so that each of them would be his inheritance. The couple lived in seclusion in the South Mountains, no longer caring about family affairs, wandering the forest springs, singing and entertaining themselves, and the slaves took turns to see them. Zheng Yuqing, the emissary of Shannan's Western Province, praised Cui Xiao's moral conduct and invited him to go out of the mountain as an official many times. After Cui Xiao was appointed as a staff officer, "because the officials have no strategy and do not reach the personnel, Yu Qing is favored by the elders." Wang Zhifang, a Xingyuan man who served as the right to fill the gap in the imperial court, recommended Cui Xiao to Emperor Wenzong of Tang, who was recruited as a "Qiju Lang", and Cui Xiao resigned and died in the mountains. To a certain extent, Cui Xiao's high-spirited bright festival is a reflection of the overall style of the Han Chinese. This sense of indifference and "honesty" stems from the geographical environment, living conditions and religious atmosphere in Hanzhong.

Since ancient times, the Hanzhong Basin has been famous for its image as the land of fish and rice. After the Han Dynasty, the construction and utilization of Pi ponds and weir canals made Hanzhong a "country of heavenly palaces" for drought and flood protection. The superior natural environment of no severe cold in winter and no heat in summer, and the developed agricultural foundation of water and drought from people and hunger, have made Hanzhong people have a Taoist mood of enjoying life and indifferent to tranquility since the pre-Qin, so the development of "Wudou Rice Road" in Hanzhong at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty is by no means a historical accident.

Wudou Midao takes "Lao Tzu Five Thousand Texts" as a classic, and the "Jiashi Ashram" and so on, all reflect the rich Taoist cultural atmosphere. After that, Zhuge Liang spent eight years in Hanzhong, Confucianism and Taoism complemented each other to rule the world, and wrote the famous "Book of Commandments" throughout the ages: "The journey of a husband and a gentleman, quiet to cultivate the body, frugality to cultivate virtue, non-Tranquility can not go far." Since then, many people have taken "tranquility and far-reaching" and "doing nothing and doing nothing" as the great wisdom of life, pursuing "tranquility" and away from "zhiyuan", and the pursuit of meritorious service has been replaced by the enjoyment of living a small life.

The "Way of Being an Official" of the Ancient Literati of Hanzhong

Deng Gong protested

The Tradition of Gengsuke Gangzheng Whether they are active or passive, once they enter the official arena, most of them are upright and honest. The Western Han Dynasty's Deng Gong's criminal Yan Zhizhi, the Eastern Han Dynasty's Li Gu's forgetting for the country, Chen Ya's frankness and professing, the Song Dynasty Yongchong's outspokenness, Zhou Dao's bu Ah Shihao, the Ming Dynasty Zhang Yu's undaunted power and adultery, Zhu Shuo's honesty and integrity, Li Yuzhi's Geng Jie Ganglie, Qing Shi's name, can be the law of later generations.

Deng Gong, a Chenggu man who preceded Zhang Qian's time, was an outstanding talent with both culture and martial arts. Shi Zai, Deng Gong "many strange tricks", and outspoken and bold. The "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms" during the time of Emperor Jing of Han was a conspiracy of the Seven Kingdoms of Wu and Chu for a long time, but Emperor Jing was punished with the mistake of proposing to "cut the domain", and in the face of the emperor's stupidity and the offensive of the Seven Kingdoms, no one dared to speak the truth, only Deng Gong said bluntly: "Fu Chao's mistakes are strong and uncontrollable, so please cut the land to honor the capital and benefit the world." The plan began, the pawn was killed, the inner du loyal to the mouth, the outer to avenge the princes, the subject steal for his majesty did not take also. Deng Gong's generous and blunt words not only enlightened Emperor Jing, but also contributed wisdom and strength to the final suppression of rebellion by the imperial court. Deng Gongzheng's gangzheng was admired by the government and the public, and it had a long-term impact. To Emperor Wu "Jianyuan Zhong, Shangzhao Xianliang, Gongqing Yan Deng Gong." Shi Deng Gong was spared, and he started as Jiuqing" ("History of Chao's Erroneous Biography").

The "Way of Being an Official" of the Ancient Literati of Hanzhong

Xu Yuquan wrote Li Yuzhi poems

Li Gu, the grand lieutenant of the Three Dynasties of the Eastern Han Dynasty Shun, Emperor Chong, and Emperor Qian, was a model of ancient scholars who were loyal to the country and put their personal safety at risk. Before Li Gu left shi, there was a good social impact. Emperor Lang of Beihai (present-day Changle, Shandong) praised him to the highest: "The art of traveling through Xia, the benevolence of Yan Min." The festival of whiteness, the day of love, the discipline of loyalty, the integrity of goodness, the crown of ancient and modern, the world is unattainable. In his early years, he directly rebuked the "evils of the times" such as "only wealth and strength" and "cool officials must be rewarded", and foreign relatives "monopolized authority", and put forward the "appropriateness for the government" such as adhering to the law and judging Shangshu, dismissing eunuchs, and distinguishing people, without scruples, embodying the fearless spirit of serving the country. In the text, he compared the word "Beidou mouthpiece" for the role of heavy subjects, which became the reputation of posterity. Li Gu's eventual pursuit of political stability while supporting the young and powerful and powerful as emperors but paying the price with their lives was an unavoidable tragedy for upright intellectuals and responsible tufus under the authoritarian system. Li Gu's famous saying of the police and the policeman is that "those who are in a state of distress are easy to fold, and those who are ugly are easy to be polluted." The Song of YangChun, Harmony Must Be Widowed, Under the Fame, It is actually difficult to be subordinate", which was quoted by Mao Zedong more than a thousand years later as a warning sentence for criticism and self-criticism, showing the eternal charm of Li Gu's spirit.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were many officials in the Han Dynasty who were honest and honest in government, and who left their names in history. Zhang Yu (張羽), courtesy name Boxiang, was a native of Nanzheng (present-day Hanzhong). He has been an official for 30 years, honest and frugal, and poor. In the early years of Emperor Wuzong's reign (1506), the eunuch Liu Jin (劉瑾) used his fellow countrymen to woo Zhang Yu (劉瑾) in present-day Xingping, Shaanxi. Zhang Yu was not moved by Li Lu, did not play for the tiger, and cleaned himself and loved himself. During his tenure as a magistrate, he was concerned about education and built a college. Later, JiGong was promoted to The Secretary of State of Dali, enforced the law impartially, and released no less than hundreds of innocent and living people.

Li Yuzhi (李遇知), Zi Shenbo (字伸伯), ZiYungu (筼谷), late no. 遜翁, was a native of Wujiashan in the east of Yang County. Born in the forty-fourth year of Ming Jiajing (1565), he was intelligent since childhood, and he was able to write poetry at the age of 10, and in the twenty-eighth year of the Wanli Calendar (1600 Zhongjinshi). He was first appointed as zhi county of Dongming County (now part of Shandong), and during his tenure he hired local celebrities to major in the "Chronicle of Dongming County"; he led the construction of the Yellow River embankment, to control the harm of Huang Pan, and left the people of the county, known as "Li Gong Causeway". Because of his outstanding political achievements, he was promoted to the position of imperial court advisor, and during his term of office, he did not fear power, impeached the adulterous eunuch Wei Zhongxian, and recommended dozens of people, including Zou Yuanbiao and Feng Congwu, leaders of the Donglin Party, to serve as officials in the dynasty. Outstanding political achievements, promoted to Hubu Shangshu. When Wei Zhongxian was in power, because of Geng's lack of integrity, he was domesticated, cut off his post for the people, and opened a porridge farm in his hometown of Yang County, to relieve the victims of the disaster and to love the township gang. After Wei Zhongxian's fall, he was recalled to the imperial court and appointed as an official Shangshu and a scholar of Dongge University. Throughout his life, he was honest and fierce, honest and honest, determined to save the society, and held up the meritocracy and the ability to leave behind the future generations.

In the Ming Dynasty, Wu Wei, a southern Zheng person, Shao Dunmin was studious and knew how to do things. Tired officials to Sichuan Zuobu envoys, more good governance, sound teaching spread far and wide, Qiang people are obedient. After hanging the crown and returning to the field, the class farmers teach their children, and live a quiet life. Southern Zhengren Zhu Shou, family poor mechanics, scholar Zongzhi. After ascending to the throne, the official worshiped the imperial history, and many chens were advised, and the official was clean and honest, and he could not cure the coffin when he died, and when the people obeyed his qing festival. Li Meng, the chancellor during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Yuan, also grew into a talent in Hanzhong. Li Meng was born and enlightened, seven years old, able to write, erudite and knowledgeable, through the history of the scriptures, home apprenticeship, from near and far. Emperor Wuzong made Li Meng the head of the Pingzhang Government, and he was an envoy to the Privy Council, leading the country to study, and became a sage of the Yuan Dynasty. They are the pride of the readers.

Source: Culture Hanzhong