
Yushan Town, Linshu County, Linyi City, carried out a large-scale investigation of hidden dangers in the safety production of enterprises in winter

author:Luwang Linyi Channel

In order to do a good job in winter safety production work, in the past few days, Yushan Town, Linshu County, Linyi City, has carried out a large-scale inspection of winter safety production of enterprises under its jurisdiction, and resolutely prevented and curbed the occurrence of production safety accidents in enterprises.

Yushan Town, Linshu County, Linyi City, carried out a large-scale investigation of hidden dangers in the safety production of enterprises in winter

The town hired safety experts, joint safety supervision office, park office and other departments to set up an inspection team, the use of electricity, fire fighting facilities and equipment, emergency lighting, safety warning signs and other on-site management of the enterprise, etc., at the same time the enterprise employees with certificates, rules and regulations, operating procedures, hidden danger investigation ledger, education and training files, emergency plans and other basic information were inspected, to help enterprises find and rectify various safety hazards, supervise enterprises to implement various safety production systems and measures, and compact the main responsibility for safe production. Establish a list of hidden dangers that have been investigated, feedback to the responsible enterprises on the spot, rectify within a time limit, strictly track the effect in the later stage, implement the closed loop of hidden dangers, ensure the continued stability of the safety production situation, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Up to now, the town has inspected 52 enterprises on the spot and checked 823 hidden dangers. (Correspondent Yuan Jiamin)
